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Successful interviewing gain (new) customers! The sales pitch is a special challenge to the seller or the sales staff in the field and his social and communication skills. A special role is the negotiation within the acquisition and negotiation talk. It applies to the seller, to listen to respond individually to the customer to convince them, and to keep the own goal of conversation at any time. The open seminar: “sales successful discussions” on July 14, 2009 at the Mercure Hotel Stuttgart aims to give an answer to the question, as we situations-a sales calls and customer can successfully make and what possible stumbling blocks is to overcome on the road to sales success. If you are however also to the specialists and executives in the sales, which are timed appropriately bound by day-to-day business and for each “failure” precious time means, there is alternatively on July 13, 2009 (Mercure Hotel Stuttgart City) and on August 24, 2009 (Mercure Hotel Koln City) an evening workshop on the topic: “sales successful discussions”, which takes place in the period from 18-21:00.

During this evening workshop illuminated the central questions on the topic of sales pitch and approaches discussed together for practice. If you would like to know more then you should visit Horace Mann. Target group: Besides sales newbies as well as self-employed and freelancers this seminar is directed salespeople (Office/field) expressly to service/sales /, who want to brush up on your knowledge, want to use but also the opportunity to become aware of your possibly already retracted behavior patterns in the sale.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to consult works published in scientific articles propagated national by means of the Internet that treated to the subject and in books on the nursing assistance. For the collection of data a revision of pertinent literature to publications of the area of health through the consultation of scientific articles and books concerning the subject in the period of January of 2011 was effected. The Words chosen keys had been: Emergency. Factors of cardiovascular risk. Nurse.

Assistance of nursing. ANALYSIS AND QUARREL OF the DATA GENERATING FACTORS OF CARDIAC PROBLEMS do not have a defined only cause for the cardiovascular illnesses, but factors exist that increase the probability of its occurrence or its incidence, the calls risk factors. The cardiovascular factors of risk, specifically, are the conditions or habits that attack the heart or the arteries, amongst which if cite the arterial hipertenso, the dislipidemias, the tobaccoism, diabetes mellitus estresse, it, the sedentarismo, the obesidade, the greasy feeding that consists of the consumption of products few healthful, rich ones in cholesterol, not moderate habits of ingesta of alcoholic beverage, and the hereditary succession (history of same illness in other members of the family), among others. As example, about 40 60% of the patients with infarto of the myocardium they present arterial hipertenso associate. The prevention, the precocious identification and the adequate control of the risk factors diminish the probability of a cardiac attack. The incidence of the DCV in the population in age of work is bigger of what in countries as the United States, Canada, Japan and Europe Occidental person, therefore they are not illnesses that affect specific groups of the society, but its incidence progresses the evolution of population habits in accordance with (5,2). The Nurse for being responsible for the integral attendance of the customer in its practical professional, needs to be able to inside interpret clinical signals and methods of precocious diagnosis of the cardiac illnesses of the admission process, anamnese care of the patient, more good to take care of to the time, necessities the same that, in accordance with the law of the professional exercise, Law N.

Outer wall cottage, covered with Thermo-SIM, protected from the adverse effects of daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, leading to uneven deformation of the walls of the house that leads to the formation of cracks, seams disclosure, peeling plaster. In cold weather, Thermo-SIM prevents cooling array enclosures to the dew point temperature and condensation on interior surfaces. 2. FIRE Thermo-SIM is not lit, the class A1 fire rating. Unlike foam, is not afraid to open fire. During the fire does not produce asphyxiating gases, fumes, toxic substances, which ensures the safety of cottage village. In the event of fire Thermo-SIM is not destroyed for 40-60 minutes! This important property of Thermo-SIM prevents melting of the working reinforcement (welded wire mesh and space frames) in wall units at fires, which inevitably leads to a rapid collapse of the entire cottage. Thermo-SIM stands multiple cycles of temperature changes! 3.

Low water absorption is very low water absorption materials Thermo-SIM demonstrates his good waterproofing property (4. The bond strength after 10 days after application surface cottage Thermo-SIM becomes concrete strength (holding power – 1.4 N / mm). 5. Permeability important distinguishing characteristic of Thermo-SIM – a good water vapor permeability – the house walls, covered with Thermo-SIM, breathe." Thermo-SIM has a very small diffusion resistance – creates a microclimate in the house. Mixture of Thermo-SIM can be easily and effectively implement the sealing and insulation holes in the walls, slopes of windows, interpanel seams, ends cottages, various openings for engineering systems, etc.

The solution creates the preconditions for long-term conservation and functional safety at home in the cottage. Thermo-SIM is ideal for laying communications you kottezhnom village in clamped cavities for installation of window units, the ends of prefabricated houses and stripped of the shortcomings of the traditionally used styrofoam insulating liners, semi rigid fiberglass or mineral wool. 6. PROCESS Productivity of four people per shift, plasterers at a layer thickness of 2.5 cm – 120-180 sq.m. Due to the ease of operation, Thermo-SIM saves time, requires no special organization of the process of plastering the cabin. Technology a warming layer is similar to the production of conventional plaster work trains, which is much simpler, faster and 5 times cheaper than the work on the insulation rendering systems based on mineral wool and Styrofoam used in other towns kotezhnyh. 7. UNIVERSAL Thermo-SIM has good adhesion and can be combined with all the wall materials used in a cottage village – stone, brick, kotelets, pumice, concrete, reinforced concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, cement, plaster, plasterboard and metal. Thermo-SIM creates a monolith with a base, thus preventing air pockets between the layers of the wall where there is a possibility of moisture accumulation. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY Environmental purity of raw materials used in construction of cottages used ensures complete safety for Thermo-SIM and the environment. Thermo-SIM contains a large number of natural inorganic substances. Thermo-SIM does not contain asbestos, and polystyrene (EPS), as well as any toxic substance – the safety of residence in the cottage. 9. FREEDOM FINISHING FACADE COTTAGES Thermo-SIM offers complete freedom for original architectural and color on the front of the cottage, including some architectural details. The outer layer of Thermo-SIM is a protective, vlagoottalkivayuschim layer and simultaneously finish, provides strength facade of the cottage, which will not crack under the influence of heat and cold. On the outer layer of the Thermo-SIM you can use decorative clay tiles, marble dust, paint. The decorative layer creates a beautiful textured surface cottage style and cottage community.

Like, at this point in beating death throes bloodied body of an animal or man in front of him on their thrones of stone raised his hands to heaven, sat the priests, and diminished the perfumes make this sacrifice. But I have this stone did not cause any bloody associations. On the contrary, I even felt a surge of strength, he felt harmony with nature. So I do not want to demonize and our ancestors. Who knows, maybe that in the past on this bed put a sick person, and sitting in front of Rising Sun asked him to heal. But evidence of barbarism of our contemporaries just abound – all dotted with stone inscriptions idiotic, sometimes even decorated with paint. Oh well.

In the 7-8-meters from the stone was a huge bull, whose he is and how got there unknown, but he showed no little interest to us and just kept on chewing grass peacefully. Not only as a bull and come recharge vigorous energy megalith. By the way, megalith, if you look at it a little sideways, too, is very like an animal, something between a dog and an elephant. Sort Slonopes! And scattered around many rocks and many of them are pretty impressive size. At some even look through some clearly not modern pictures.

There is no doubt that these stones are also the remains of a certain ancient buildings. Dolm in Krasnaya Polyana. Krasnaya Polyana know everything, but here at Krasnaya Polyana most do not even know about all the local dolmens.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

In this case, the expectations of most students come true: most likely, they will like the song, or music, so by the way sounded in the air. In their head on a subconscious, emotional level, entrenched relationship between the pleasant feeling of relaxation and positive emotions caused by the music. And if they decide to buy a ticket to a concert or a cd with songs that will seek to find these .Po this principle, without further ado, come representatives of our show business at 99% of cases: they go on about the majority of listeners. At the same time efforts are minimal – you just determine what pleases most and release it in a shiny wrapper. A profit is faster – consumers are willing to buy these products.

What pleases the public can easily see from the charts, radio Determine what pleases public, easily enough. An example of such an analysis has been shown by me in the article "What kind of music we love?". But there is still more simple and reliable methods, which provide, in addition, very specific, point results. It charts, evaluation orders on the radio. Such methods take you directly to the most popular at the time of the analysis of songs, music. Where to place the charts can be in descending order of popularity. And then in the same proportion give the listeners on the radio and viewers on television. Easy to genius and reliable, according to Karl Marx, the scheme: "merchandise – money," gathered in a forest fungi – sold "or" grasped – has escaped. For more information see music downloads.

In the same way the musical art ' ' sagrada' ' it has for its objective to raise divine contemplation for being a pleasant art that provokes the emerso of the desires closest involving the being, this must approach the human being of the perfect beauty, theory this proceeding one from the existing thought in the Average Age, where the perfect beauty comes from the holy ghost. During the medieval period music becomes in service of the religion, however, such understanding is not restricted to this period, the church Catholic starts to accept the art musical and to conceive it as in service throughout the centuries and of the different societies. The moment of esplendor of music sacra appears with it sings gregoriano, one of the sources of origin of music occidental person, was spread out by Christian missionaries who covered the city of Rome during the Average Age, until today is considered one of the forms most erudite of expression of music sacra. (A valuable related resource: Debbie Staggs). From then on the solemn cults of the church and masses had passed to gain nobler aspects with entoao of cantos and accompaniments made for instruments as obos, violin, agencies and as much considered others as part of the beauty and the nobleman, as well as it would have to characterize the things related to the holy ghost, such instruments used in the sacred environment it became perceivable the noble and solemn identity that easily is associated with the sacred one. Following the dynamics of the art with sprouting of new artistic expressions, as the romantic time (Bruckner, Gounod, Cesar Franck, Saint-Sans) complementing the esplendor of the cathedrals and the varied expressions of the Baroque one (Bach, Haendel), of the Classicismo (Haydn, Mozart, Nunes Garci’a), of the Renaissance (Arcadelt, DES Prs, Palestrina) and of the Modernismo (Penderecki, Amaral Vieira). At the same time where music passes if to become each time more essential element in the cult, since this possesss the power to attract and to influence the human spirit, involving it in a referring atmosphere to the sacred one, the Church starts to take positioning, guiding the communities so that it did not have excesses.

competing risk-free learning in a complex market teams of participants as hotel companies in competition. The distribution of tasks within the teams and the need for joint decisions provide for group processes in addition to promoting the learning success. The risk of wrong decisions in practice is completely eliminated by the simulation. Decisions on marketing and sales in the foreground stand during the event. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as music downloads by clicking through. The financial results of the decisions taken are immediately visible. The prices offered, the achieved gross margins and the resulting operating profit form the business key figures to measuring success. Customer satisfaction as a central parameter in the service sector directly affects the success of the teams. Imagine is already during the learning experiences of a two-to three-day workshops. Official site: Debbie Staggs.

Due to its flexible design WirtschaftsSimulation is HOTEL for a wide circle of participants: from young professionals on staff without business background to the managers. The content frame of reference is significantly advanced through strategic decision making and long-term planning before the simulation phase. Michael Rainer Schmidt, owner of solidum consult, developed the WirtschaftsSimulation HOTEL” as a continuation of a series of events on the subject of services marketing. Already after a short time, some educational institutions and hotel groups have expressed great interest in the concept..

1. Early exit from the hotel and go to town to wash the area Vosges, ask the owner of Cafe Hugo coffee cream and croissants. Done the same thing every morning in different beautiful places, because the smell of fresh croissants and coffee on the terrace cafe – the first sign that you are in France. 2. Tell yourself that you will not waste time on the Louvre, though – spend the day staring at a picture on the wall, the other spectators, a city outside the windows. 3.

Cross the right bank, but not along – the streets, and across – in passages, until you hit a secret gate of the Palais-Royal. Continue to learn more with: Symantha Rodriguez. Log in there and get into the gardens of the Palais Royal, not as a tourist, with the main entrance, as well as a close friend of the Dukes of Orleans. 4. Ask for a large platter in a restaurant marine reptiles, some fish get scared, but brave all to eat. Also try the hot foie gras, rack of lamb, fillet of duck, snails, mussels, onion soup, fish soup, pie taten, blancmange and ice-cream and do not die of overeating in the first day. Peet’s Coffee is likely to increase your knowledge. 5. Climb the glass tube escalator Pompidou Center for Contemporary Art at the upper level and look around Paris. Then scour the entire building from top to bottom center, hang in the square of the dancers and sword-swallower, relax by the fountain and Stravinsky with a clear conscience sit in another work of modern art cafe Beaubourg 6.

Good to drink on the terrace of a cafe Flore on the Boulevard Saint-Germain. You will pass by those who make 'The whole of Paris. " Change seats to the competition from Les Deux Magots. Good drink. All Paris will move in the opposite direction. Repeat twice. 7. Climb the Eiffel Tower, take care to reserve a table at the restaurant Jules Verne on the second level. Restaurant in most tourist spot in Paris is working with no discounts for tourist omnivorous. It's not just the best views in town – the kitchen is very, very on top. In a pinch, you can limit the fantastic oysters, although at such a height above sea level would have to submit swallows. 8. A bright sunny morning to come to the Sainte-Chapelle, the most beautiful in the world of medieval stained glass, close your eyes, then open and think that there is still asleep and you dream. 9. Go to flea market to look at homeless people the things that are looking for new owners. Surprised at how primitive our understanding of everyday life, and buy some gizmo, the purpose of which is unknown even to the seller. 10. Sunday afternoon stroll through the market square in the series Aligr and hang up the evening at the tavern barrels Baron Bouge, a reserve most of fresh, cheap oysters city.

Furnished our villa or their home, you have to take care of such things as sewage, heating and water supply. We are ready not only to offer reasonably priced water system, heating and boiler equipment, but also assist in their purchasing and commissioning activities. Do you know what to give water or at home, well drilling – that's not all. To decide a year-round or seasonal water supply at home is planned. It is necessary to consider whether you ever use the automatic washing machines, irrigation devices, swimming pools, or other equipment that requires constant pressure, as this will surely affect the installation of water supply systems.

It is not excluded that will be necessary to the treatment plant, and this in turn greatly complicate installation of water supply. In recent months, Peet’s Coffee has been very successful. Adjustment of heating equipment and heating system has some peculiarities. First of all, it is necessary pre-design the system to heat your home and develop a home heating. Still need to calculate the thermal regime of heating equipment, still need to determine the heat load, identify the places where they will be heating boilers, chimneys, railway. And already then just do the calculation and installation of heating equipment.

The process of setting up sewage also requires consideration of certain issues. After giving sewage, which used less frequently and, consequently, the load on the waste water is not very big, very different from the sewage cottage, which is inhabited year round and, therefore, need different treatment facilities. Thus, when installing sewage country house and try to consider the same features of the site, and especially the surrounding area. It is very important in the early to choose the right type of cleaning equipment, so you do not have to it was redone. And yet you do not particularly worry about it. Sale of boilers and other systems for your home – it is not all that we offer. Our excellent professionals are highly qualified and professional skills in all the above types of work. Installation of boilers, installation of water systems, installation of heating – these and other additional types of work will be done quickly and qualitatively.

Over time, everything comes into disrepair, including heating in an apartment or house. The emergence of new heating and ventilation systems, it makes sense to combine the usual repair or maintenance of heating system with its reconstruction of the heating in the house, its construction and smooth operation are the correct basis for the creation of comfort and good mood of the inhabitants of the dwelling. Very nice and expensive renovation will not be able to do your home warm and cozy. You will definitely need a good heating system. In the recent past on this issue was not room for creativity, and heating the house, at best, were produced using a centralized coolant supply and installed in the living room radiator. For firm conviction of our citizens benefit given to the cast-iron radiators. Improving the heating system was accompanied by a change old radiators with new ones.

We used heating devices of the same model, but without the internal calcareous deposits. In recent years the situation has changed. Repair the heating system is accompanied by reconstruction with the use of technical innovations. Today in some regions may use the alternative heating system to install your own boiler or other equipment. As a result, you decide when start the heating season, and when it is complete.

Moreover, in some homes where there is wiring for the removal of flue gas, construction and allowed the continued use of fireplaces. In addition to the main heating system possible to install an auxiliary. An example is the heated floors, the use of which gives excellent results in savings in thermal energy. The fact is that people feel more comfortable when is in a room with a warm floor. In this case the ambient temperature may be lower than the usual five degrees, and the feeling one gets the impression that you are in a well-heated room. Repair the heating system can have the task of reducing heating costs. Save heat energy can be and through the use of new heating devices for use in heating, not only the energy of the radiation heating devices, but also a way to convective heat transfer. It is in this case, you can heat the room quickly with less heat. Convection heat transfer, or microscopic amounts of liquid or gas allows you to heat greenhouses and conservatories with no special setup in which the stationary heaters. Convection is widely used for space heating of offices, where most of the surface of the walls consists of windows and installing conventional radiators problematic. Repair the heating system may include installation and adjustment of the sauna. (Not to be confused with music downloads!). Today, its own miniature infrared sauna is still a novelty, but each year the demand for install it grows. Each of these works deserves a separate, more detailed description. But in conclusion, that qualified clarification on the repair of heating system you can get in any time the manager of our company. To do this, simply call. We look forward to!

Induline program by coloring wood windows from the company Remmers specially adapted for mass production. Follow others, such as Symantha Rodriguez, and add to your knowledge base. It includes a variety of primer, intermediate, and finishing and glazing opaque coating. Among the intermediate coatings and a variety of porozapolniteli. Porozapolniteli Induline perfectly "closed" and level the surface for painting, even coarsely hardwood (oak, larch, meranti). As a result reduced consumption of more expensive finishes and they go more smoothly. Porozapolniteli give the system longevity and increase the strength of its adhesion to the wood.

Exclusive feature porozapolniteley Induline – applying the method of spraying without the formation of drops and stains, it saves the product and working hours. Clear porozapolniteli Induline ZW-500, ZW-502 ZW-504 suitable for glazing and opaque finishes. They perfectly fill pores and regulate the humidity level in the timber. The composition of Induline ZW-500 has a special polymer component, which provides a high level of dry residue and additional protection against moisture (including in areas with V-shaped stitches.) Porozapolnitel to reduce the thickness of subsequent coatings. He applied the methods of spraying or dipping, to achieve a dry film thickness of 30 microns and to avoid problems with loss of material (Overspray), characteristic of the spray application. Induline ZW-502 enhances the adhesion of the topcoat. Composition spreads well and dries quickly, so soon after the application of the product can be sanded. It is applied by dipping, that porozapolnitel saves.

Induline ZW-504 is optimal for the formation of thin layers, well spread out and penetrate into the pores. It is applied by spraying. Opaque white porozapolnitel Induline ZW-400 on the basis of special acrylates provides the ideal smooth coating, creating the effect of plastic. Induline ZW-400 isolates quality softwood and regulates the moisture level of wood under temperature changes. It improves the adhesion of topcoat basis and provides the optimal flexibility of the entire system color. Due to the high percentage of dry matter consumed little of the material at a given layer. Porozapolnitel applied by spraying and allows easy to carry out polishing the surface. In addition porozapolniteley, the program Induline there are many other interesting and intermediate coats. Thus, the great effect of the "metallic" gives the composition of the opaque water-based Induline ZW-420. Painted them box will highlight the interior with minimalist lovers and hi-tech. Coverage exists in 9 colors: our usual metal (white and gray aluminum, gold, copper) and extravagant (purple, violet, green, blue, anthracite). Aluminum particles are evenly distributed in the varnish film Induline ZW-420 and give the product a pronounced metallic effect, and the texture of the wood surface remains unchanged. The entire program Induline for industrial painting environmentally friendly timber windows and saves money, and effort and time producer. After all the materials from Remmers have a range of benefits: water vapor permeability, lack of odor, low-flow, rapid drying and excellent adhesion even in damp conditions. Products are suitable for large-scale production, because reduce the number of intermediate polishing and quickly store their products without adhesive. They optimized for mikropene and create weather and perfect quality gradoustoychivuyu surface, sometimes referred to as Soft-Line-Feeling (as in elite furniture). Tintable to many colors on the map RAL, according to the customer are individual shades.

If you are finally engaged in repairs, you probably will be the question before you repair or upgrade just sex. In this article, we offer you one of the options for repairing the kitchen room floor. As a material for sex coverage is proposed to use polymeric filling the floor What is the bulk polymer floor? This is a flexible thin coating that is easy to put on a specially prepared and cleaned floor space. In this case the coating has a different color and a pleasant surface, which can be compared with high-quality polymer products or Japanese plastic. A bit of history Polymeric floors have been known for some decades. They have been successfully applied in industry, while maintaining its appearance, successfully carrying various loads, up to the shock. You can use polymer floor as long as you want, because this cover, as they say, just do not wear. Of course, the floors for industrial use have a common, nondescript color, usually black or gray tones.

For residential premises the use of polymer screed was possible after one of the manufacturers (no advertising) idea has been implemented for the issue and sale of housing repair liquid polymer floors of different, bright color. Basic properties Polymeric floors are safe. They are beautiful and unusual. Floors smooth different cracks, but no more. If you are tired of the cover is easily removed and discarded. Do not worry, polymer floors are safe for environment and significant damage will not cause her.

One possible use of bulk polymer floor Typically, the subfloor is made of kitchen concrete. Deciding to do repairs, clean completely the floor surface, removing the remnants of the old coating. Line up the floor. To do this, it is best to use a special mixture for leveling the floor. You can use the system "warm floor", which in our case fit just perfectly. Having laid a system of heating elements, it is poured on top of gypsum-based mix, which, spreading out, creates a perfectly flat floor surface over which the polymer is applied and then self-leveling floor the color you need. What happened? The result is a beautiful and durable floor, ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. However, this floor can be used in the winter garden and the balcony will simply great. How do I do? It is best to contact the experts of our company and order the production of bulk polymer floor. We will do all the work professionally, with high quality and guarantee. A you can try yourself first, and then call for help of specialists of our company. Do not worry, we will help in both cases.

It is understandable that in a short time you realize that to go anywhere – we must first take somewhere visa. More often it is only with this pass to the Schengen zone. For each country has its own laws and rules visa. Respectively, and their difficulties. To avoid them, and was composed Danae article. Symantha Rodriguez is often quoted as being for or against this. I travel a lot and after seeing so many buildings and people from totally different countries, which issued me a visa – realized that actually receive a visa is not so simple. Anything can happen … Generally visas are completely different.

This I learned only later, when I began to study the whole structure itself and travel maps of countries. As it turned out, at least, I know it is such variety, there are non-working visa, working, respectively, short-term and long-term with respect to host a one-time or multi-visa. They are all in principle almost identical, but are still differences. I do not I will paint what documents I collected, that last ride to Italy, I'd better explain a few rules, and cheerful even in the case of life – the first visa to France. Symantha Rodriguez is likely to increase your knowledge. So two weeks ago, I wanted to go to Italy. As luck would have it turns out that the embassy is a place. …

Theoretically, I only get there through the month of commercials two or even three. A vacation is inexorably slipping away. And then I, by pure chance at life complaining girlfriend learned that it turns out, it is possible to obtain a visa to any country Shengensokoy zone. And then ride for all countries included in it. I thought about it and decided that the French embassy – now is the very fact. Since the queue is not surprising as no it turned out, I signed up and gathered all the documents within three days gone.

Any motorist who respects herself and her four-wheeled friend, dreams of a spacious, bright, clean the garage, which will not only be a machine, but can carry out any maintenance work. And then you it is possible to construct a garage. How do I create it in the conditions necessary for the maintenance of a car and care for it? For example, some finishing materials are best suited for a garage? What should be the ceiling? Better suited for finishing the ceiling space garage suspension systems. By finishing the ceiling of the garage should be approached with special attention, because this is quite an important part of the interior. It is usually dirty quickly products of combustion, so there is a problem of its regular cleaning. If installed in the garage ceilings, then the owner will have no difficulty to remove the cassette and clean them. They are easily removed, washed and set back.

Another important point – ventilation. It is believed that the car should not stand in a warm garage, but just abandon the heating systems are also not worth it. The fact is that most often during the construction heated garage ventilation is not provided, but put radiators that heat the air to room temperature. Upon arrival in the garage, the car import snow, mud and salt. The snow-salt mixture forms a electrolyte, which actively oxidize metal body, penetrating the paint chipped.

Do not forget also the evaporation of oils, paints, oxidants, that when the engine is released carbon monoxide. All these factors create ideal conditions for the oxidation processes in the body and can be hazardous to the health of the owner. On this basis, to ensure normal conditions of storage required ventilation car garage. And the need it as the heated and unheated garage in just the presence of the heating system, this problem more acute. It must be remembered that all communications, for example, from electric garage door should be hidden since their accidental injury leads to substantial costs. Cassette rack or perforated ceiling perfectly solves both problems, it is well padded masks all communications and provides additional ventilation. Geipel produces elite ceilings. Garage, which establishes such a system is no less comfortable than the accommodation. In this tape and suspended ceilings Geipel provide fire and moisture, so any work can be done safely. Regular washing the car or repair it does not affect the appearance of the ceiling. Modern bright lights Geipel, which can be combined or rack cassette ceilings, provide efficient and brighter lighting. The number of lamps can be any number of sets you want for you the light level garage. In fact, make the garage as comfortable to car, and for the owner is not too difficult. One step towards this – setting ceilings that can last for several decades. Extend the life of your vehicle and create a comfortable environment to work by using the overhead system Geipel, which will ensure good ventilation and easy access to communications in the garage of a private house.

If you are on our website, then you are interested in carrying out repairs and you probably have many questions that need urgent answers. With all the variety of works used by the finishing materials and new technologies of painting and decorating, people in most cases the same questions asked. Running a little ahead, give them answers. The most reasonable and the basic question about the price of repairs. Do not try to find the answer to meet with a specialist, who carefully studied the work front, will make an estimate of future expenses. (A valuable related resource: music downloads).

In our company, check out the place of such expert is free. In order to have a general idea of future expenses, you can rely on some approximate figures: Usually the calculation of cost of repair of apartments is in depending on floor space and costs at least 4,500 rubles per square meter. If you want to repair the apartment, which is called Eurolux, its cost is near 6500 per square meter. But once again, please note that our company is talking about the price only after inspection of the premises and real assessment of the forthcoming volume of work. In the end, the repair can be not only expensive but also less expensive. If you are someone offers to make repairs and immediately calls his cost, you can be sure that this or a swindler, or a person distant from the actual knowledge of the case. A little clarification: you can invite a specialist at any time, even on weekends.

We are always ready to help. How do you account for repairs? Would not that money is made and works are "in place"? This question also relates to one of the most frequently asked. We are confident in the quality of our experts, and never take a pre-payment. But due to the fact that a quality repair impossible to make a couple of days, we have to take money for work units: first, for dismantling and cleaning the garbage, then a rough finish, and only then for the final decoration.

The institutional memory directly is related to its development and performance, as the real demands of the society in constant transformation, being able even though to serve of base for the organizational culture of the school or the system of education. As it affirms Bolivar, ‘ ‘ the aprendentes organizations do not appear of the nothing. They are fruit of a set of attitudes, commitments, processes and strategies that have of being cultivados’ ‘ (1997, P. 91). They have a life passage or, as it affirms S-Key, they have a life history. It competes to the supervisors, if to want to be leader of aprendentes communities, to make the reading of the institutional passages of life, to provoke the quarrel and the negotiation of ideas, to rendibilizar the reflection and the learning in group, to organize the thought and the action of the collective one of the individual people. (…) The institutional development occurs in the interaction of relations between the organizations and the involving way, but also them interactions between its members (…). We must recognize that the life of the institutions, as of the people, develops cultures, regulations, routines.

(ALARCO: 2001, P. 41, 43) Experiences, over all the good ones, are excellent faces for necessary problematizaes in the teaching formation and the daily one of classroom as instrument of more valuable register of quefazer pedagogical-professor can make possible this in the possible simple way most concrete and, without necessity of energy great expense and as much available time. Projects that had given certain that had not given does not have to be main reason to transform a reality educational. Pedagogo must have as premise that the daily one can and must be transformed, but with the best elements for in such a way and not as simple critical proposal and to ‘ ‘ velho’ ‘. What it is observed in general way, is that the schools if hold with amnesia.

Very soon, come out of its shelf life will be a mobile phone decompose in the literal sense of the word. Certainly not in the hands of a master, and under certain conditions. Symantha Rodriguez may help you with your research. Clean environment – a matter of time, but what do you do with saying, “The handset is dangerous to humans?” Referring to all the same instructions at conversation should be used as often as possible speakerphone or Hands Free. Well, and if such a possibility does not give your cell phone, you should not carry on a conversation for more than three minutes. Alexander Milkus: “We were already frightened – first television (Nervous system become worthless), then the computer (from the radiation can be bald), survived! Now we are told the trouble of mobile phones. But to understand how ignorant person, what research is objective, and which are held in order to compromise a market competitor? It is clear that any effect on the body has a cell phone. Digital Cameras is likely to increase your knowledge. But iron is dangerous – and it comes from the radiation.

What to do? Simply observe the artless safety. And while continue to put pressure on handset manufacturers – even improve their products! In the early 90’s scolded manufacturers of computer monitors. Those come from the screens and improved. Current monitors several times safer relatives of a decade ago. Now the whole world take up the publishers of mobile phones ….

Unfortunately, we are so accustomed to using mobile phone that does not even make ourselves look at the recommendations that gives us the manufacturer. But the only thing we have to do is just a fad implementation, written in the brochure that can be embedded in a box with a cell phone. And then … “… a couple of months, when ownership a “tube” for the hero has become commonplace, it still brings joy to their perfect look … and the thought that at any hour of need you can rely on “mobile friend”, cause to smile

To keep its acute memory, it is important to keep the vision. Relaxation is the key to maintaining his good vision for years. The vision and the mental approach going elbow to elbow, and both congenian not with tension and stress. Relaxation and inner peace are important to remember things. Digital Cameras has much experience in this field. All those things are supported each other, to work properly. A great way to evaluate this condition of the eyes, is a mental exercise of memory. In this exercise, the goal is to maintain a visual image as such time as possible. To begin, cover one eye and quickly see a letter in the paper with the other eye.

Close your eyes and hold this image of the letter in his mind so long as you can. e. Count how many seconds the image remains on his mind before fading away in the dark. Make a note of this number. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as music downloads by clicking through. Do the same with the other eye, and compare the results. Now I relax your eyes and try again. A way to relax your eyes is to close them and concentrate only on pleasant thoughts and fond memories. Let your eyes be focus on darkness, and forget everything around you.

Open your eyes and try the exercise again. With fortune, the results will be different and the image will remain longer on the second attempt. If it isn’t, you may need to find another relaxation exercise to eliminate stress. Vision affects memory. We need a good vision to see the image. If you see more clearly an image, with best details, you will remember it better then. Focus on positive events will help you keep your mind relaxed and tension-free eyes. The following exercise will help you to relax and improve your memory. Try it tonight. While you’re lying in your bed to focus on the positive things that have happened throughout the day. View the events of the day with so many details and colours as possible. Try to visualize your lunch or the clothes of the person who accompanied him. Focus on the positive will help you to clean your mind, relax your body, and have a better night’s rest and sleep. Eliminate stress from your eyes not only improve his vision, but they also improve your memory. More information on improving your vision

Repeat the course material for example just before going to sleep is one of the most important tasks in learning facts in the brain to memorize that one has even after a half year and longer have easy access to them. Because it is often not a problem, a day to remember names and facts. After a week the thing is already different, and a month later the most is already forgotten. The information can be found in our brain, but the access is extremely difficult. It’s the sort of function of the brain.

This saves information namely relevance. Music downloads may find it difficult to be quoted properly. All information that are not considered important, come in “the rear tray” of the brain. What we need, what we use it we have also mostly ready. A very important and practical sort function of our brain. Therefore, only information that are important or burn up by a shock experience in the brain, for example, are stored in the long term and available.

There are now various methods, to mark the information as important”, so the brain “at the front” and the direct access stores them. The information can be visualized as and linked to a concrete application purpose. Notes and regular breaks are very helpful. But at a certain point, these techniques alone no longer suffice. Even brain-friendly information must be reviewed and thus currently held. There are various techniques for this. One of the most common is the repetition before falling asleep. Because in sleep the brain continues further to information to integrate, process and store. Nevertheless, it is usually necessary to repeat the things that you want to remember in the long run, a few more times. For example, a repeating rhythm could be: the next morning, a week later, a month later, and once half a year later. By this repetition, gets the information relevance, is stored on secure, and you can get better. So lie down knowing that you want to save whenever possible always on back template. If you liked this tip, I would be glad to meet you on. There you get for example 20 free videos with a variety of tips for reading and learning. Here you will find everything you need to perfect your memory, to learn more effectively and faster to read.

Powerful robust Far marine diesel engines provide a significant service life to 40 000 machine hours, ease of maintenance and have low fuel and oil. Learn more at: music downloads. Auxiliary and emergency ship gensets are designed for installation on board ships with a class of ms. Operating conditions correspond to the performance of marine diesel generator om when placed in the ship's spaces of category 4 of gost 15150-69. The ship's generator satisfies the requirements of the Rules for Classification and Construction of ships or vessels of the Russian Register of Shipping (PPP) or the Russian Maritime Register (PMC) and come with a certificate of the ppp or the pmc. Marine Diesel allow operation at full capacity within one hour of continuous operation. In this case, repeat modes for maximum power – no less than 6 hours of work for the other modes. The total time between maximum power output must not exceed 10% of the total run.

Ship Diesel allow operation at the minimum allowable capacity for prolonged use. preservation marine diesel generators 6h (n) 18/22 Conservation of marine diesel engine spare parts, tools and equipment made to protect them from atmospheric corrosion during storage in a warehouse and transportation, or on the ship when idle for more than three months. Preservation of products are subject to metal surfaces, including metallic and inorganic coatings. Painted surfaces are not subject to preservation. In the marine environment conservation is to installation site marine diesel engine at overhaul – in designated areas at 288 K (15 C) and relative humidity above 70%. The temperature coming to the preservation of products should be equal to or slightly above room temperature. The room must be isolated from the penetration of any gases, vapors that can cause corrosion.

Marine diesel generators that come on the preservation, should not have corrosion damage to metal, as well as damage to paint, metal and other coatings. All materials used for conservation, to meet the requirements of relevant standards or other technical documentation, duly approved. All of the available surface of the tested marine diesel engine must be inspected to detect corrosion. Detected traces of corrosion on steel and cast iron parts cleaned with the abrasive cloth dipped in oil on aluminum – scraper, cleaned of mechanical impurities, degreased and dried. To the surface prepared for preservation, to touch unprotected hands are not allowed. In preparation for marine diesel engine for the preservation of the following: a) the cooling system free from water, rinse with 5% solution emul'sola and dry. Holes in the pipes shall be plugged wooden plugs, and b) the inner cavity of a diesel engine, control station, guitar valve timing, cylinder bushings and other assembly units and parts, as well as rrp, cover the preservative grease K-1-7 gost 10877-64 or a mixture of working oil with 15 '% of Conservation additives akor, -1 gost 15171-70. The entire oil system required to pump this mixture until it appears from the clearance of friction surfaces lubricated under pressure, and c) the outer surfaces assembly units and parts of diesel, unprotected paints, spare parts, tools and accessories tin grease Dex gost 19537-74, NG-203-A of gost 12328-66.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Thus, the vocal art – the most powerful tool of humanization of society. Vocal art – a very recognizable, beloved and extensively circulated in the middle of the people of the whole world kind of musical creation. Many people sing in different genres of vocal art. This is such genres as a solo, communications – radio, tv, audio – that's basically all the people who inhabit our planet Earth. Along with the Vocal Arts (unusual operatic and concert of the academic genre) is a very great difficulties for professional study. The reason lies in the exceptional difficulty of the aggregate voice singer. Recognizable Bolshoi conductor of the ussr, Boris , he named singers "special music shop, and it is quite correct, as an instrumentalist is handed a ready-made and tuned musical instrument, a singer must himself create and customize your "living instrument" – the voice unit – and always keep it in professional manner and improve. Submits is this tool not only musical, but the physiological, psychological and even medical laws.

Due to the singer special challenges and difficulties in details of theory and practice of professional and use your own live musical instrument. The current vocal science over the last decade moved far in the future, has essentially brand-new judgments about the nature of the singing voice. Practical vocal pedagogy vsevremenno will be a difficult art, as encounters with large individual differences in students and their diverse reactions and, therefore, teacher should understand the objective, scientifically proven to date picture of the correct sound production.

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Wood has always been popular material for construction. For all the undeniable merits of wooden structures, they possess a number of drawbacks, the most significant of which is increased fire hazard. Widely used at present an effective means of special protection of wood from fire (flame retardants) make safe operation of timber structures. Modern fire retardants, of course, not safeguard against the outbreak of fire – this is impossible in principle, but slow down and prevent the spread of fire through the wooden building elements, which gives a significant gain in time to eliminate the source fires and save lives and property. Flame retardants are available in different forms – be it varnishes and paints, as well as all sorts of impregnation. According to the principle of protection of wood against fire can be divided into two main groups. In fire protective timber of the first group act as a fire extinguisher – under an open flame retardants foams, creating a barrier to heat to wooden structures, and thus prevent the spread of flames.

The second group – protection of wood-based salts, which produce non-flammable gases when in contact with fire. From exposure to high temperature upper layer of wood structure can be charred, but the flames can not penetrate, due to deep infiltration. To date, flame retardants in the form of salt impregnations are common in most. In industrial processing retardants as deeply into wood fibers, so that protection is more persistent. But not all manufacturers use protective equipment in the production of wood timber, so you'll probably have to do it themselves. Over time, any fire retardants in some degree lose its fireproof qualities, and require treatment of wood again.

Before you apply new remedies, without fail, make sure they are compatible with the tools inflicted earlier. But to be sure a hundred percent better at work use the as flame retardants, which was used for initial processing. On the effectiveness retardants are divided into classes. Therefore, choosing a remedy, pay attention to it. First class combines flame retardants, providing the most comprehensive and serious protection of structures against fire at all stages of development. The second class includes remedies only prevent a fire.

Tree of life – the worldwide community of tree planting trees have many positive impacts on their environment: stop the valuable topsoil erosion and provide habitat for animals and plants. According to the world food organization live as before but also 300 million people around the world and in the forest. In addition, each tree has the ability to bind global importance carbon dioxide. However, 4,000 square meter forest will be destroyed according to WWF on the Earth per second. “To counteract the has the business and life coach Dirk Kessler the social business trees of life” launched. Not the Earth must be saved, but our Habitat”, he explains his intention. Its major goal is the planting of one billion trees. Because if every user of Facebook would plant even one tree, it would be different ordered around the world has his son tightly.

In the discussion with the eleven-year old today, the idea for the project was born two and a half years ago. Since then, Dirk Kessler working relentlessly on the implementation. With the Belgian organisation WeForest, he has found an experienced partner for the implementation of the planting of native species. For even more opinions, read materials from Jack Fusco. First afforestation area is a strip around the Masoala National Park in the North of Madagascar. It will take over rain forest contiguous the function of a safety belt for the currently largest island. This enlarges the Habitat of endangered animals and serves as the livelihood of the population”, explains Dirk Kessler. Jill Schlesinger has much experience in this field. Already before the start of the project, the number of employees of the nursery in which the seedlings are pulled, is increased to 28. The seeds for this be bought from the local population.

In addition it is every 10th tree a fruit tree, so that in the emerging area of forest fruits, as well as fire wood can be collected. Made possible by the 2.50 euros, which are paid per tree on the virtual plant field. First sponsors such as the Triodos Bank, which invested their capital in sustainable projects, has Dirk Kessler for his idea already can win. The sponsors can to customize their virtual trees and then giving it away to business partners or giving away their customers. Birthday, partner, or invitation trees to planting fields increase the diversity and offer a meaningful gift idea. Also prominent are involved in the project. Also corresponding symbols in the planting fields are used for donations for special actions such as the construction of wells or hospitals. This should arouse the passion of the Planties, as the members of the tree community due to their planting activities are called. First destination is the reforestation of two million trees. Succeed in the first year of the existence of trees of life”, X, a previously anonymous donor has Mr., ready a explains more million trees in addition to finance. More information under: press contact: Dirk Kessler,

Evaluate the object of intellectual property – this means to determine the cost due to the potential efficacy for the owner of this object, characterized by technological and industrial novelty. Under the valuation of intellectual property rights score is always understood, and not just rights, namely the property of their component. According to article 138 of the Civil Code, '… recognizes the exclusive right (Intellectual property) of a citizen or legal person, the results of intellectual activity and equalized to them means of individualization of a legal entity, differentiation of commodities, works or services (trade name, trademark, service mark, etc.) '. Intangible assets, according to the PBU 14/2000 are assets: – Either do not have a-kind, or material and the real form which is not essential for their use in business – revenue generating capacity; – Purchased with the intent to use for a long period (over one year). Jack Fusco is actively involved in the matter. Usually objects of the evaluation of intellectual property as intangible assets are: – Brand, trademark, brand name – Goodwill – Licenses, Patents – Know-How Evaluation trademark Before Assessment trademark, the Customer must define exactly what he wants to evaluate.

The fact that there is some confusion in the use of terms trademark, service mark, trademark, brand, brand name, appellation of origin. Trademark – a designation placed on a product (or packaging) industry and commerce for the individualization of the product and its manufacturer (seller). Trademarks can be verbal (a combination of individual letters, numbers, family name), visual (pictures, graphics, color combinations), bulky (a form of product or packaging).

The German 100-euro gold coin of the year appears on the 1st October 2010 (pdn) for German coin collectors are the crowning glory and an absolute must-have of a vintage collection. The appearing regularly in the fall 100-euro commemorative coins from Germany be extended 2010 befitting Wurzburger Residenz and Hofgarten a detail designed gold coin in memory of the UNESCO World Heritage site. The Wurzburg residence and the surrounding park were built and conceived by mid of the 18th century under the leadership of Balthasar Neumann. The then fledgling exception architect gathered a group of artists from all of Europe, in order to complete the impressive building and the spacious estate until 1780. Through this interaction by artists from many European countries the Wurzburg Residence has since arguably holds a place of honor among the brightest princely courts and is regarded as a successful synthesis of the European Baroque”. The residence badly damaged in the second world war was in about 40 years work exemplary rebuilt and restored and is now an attraction that is visited by more than 300,000 people. 1981, the palace complex with courtyard gardens as one of the first German ensemble of UNESCO was inducted into the world cultural heritage list. Thus the desire of its Builder, the Wurzburg Residence fulfilled late posterity may imprint an indelible, eternal memory () “.” Therefore, one may presume that Balthasar Neumann was highly delighted the new German 100-euro gold coin over the memory of posterity in the form. Because the artistic design of the coin impresses with its realistic representation of the entire UNESCO of world heritage Wurzburg residence and court gardens ‘. Here he sets itself apart from the variety of quality competitors through its detailed and complete reproduction of all parts of the world heritage”, as in the jury seven established by the Federal Ministry of finance under the chairmanship of the artist Erich Ott says.

In a playful way to learn quickly and easily: with associations to learn more effectively and more sustainably. In a playful way to learn quickly and easily: with associations to learn more effectively and more sustainably. This is ‘Learning networks’ now with the Memorial Cup and the Lerntrainings poster to use! “Learning in networks” is a learning method developed for the school that has now also successfully kept moving into adult education. A main aspect of this is the memory performance increase: to be mentally fit and mentally fit to stay. There is now a partial aspect of the associative learning method on an unusual for the learning, but optimum medium. Learning and memory work has to go sometimes unusual ways to succeed. Fun learning plays a crucial role.

Learning and memory training, to do something for the gray cells, also is important. Integrated optimally into the daily routine: learn with the ‘learning networks’ memory Cup and the Lerntrainings poster. In five minutes the shopping list Learn, simply bring the literacy with factual knowledge on front man, inculcate the keywords for the next meeting, or with memory training stimulate waning brain performance. Learning with ‘Learning networks’ a wide range of Lernnetze, at whose intersections learning content are associated are the basis of “Learning in networks”. Jack Fusco has many thoughts on the issue. Therefore, poster and Cup with 20 standardized learning pictures (substitute for the numbers 1-20) are printed, which form the focal points.

A manageable number that is not challenged learners. The subdivision is equivalent to the Hippocampustakt of our brain, which plays the decisive role for learning in 4 x 5 learning images. A small booklet with the basics of learning and a step by step-instructions for use. The poster is always writable by the cellophanierte interface. Cue words can be entered always back directly under the learning images. In the handy format A2, it finds its place everywhere. Be ever more forgetful in the traditional learning takes Memory performance even after a very short time rapidly off. Constant repetitions are necessary to keep content in the long-term memory. It’s different when ‘Learning networks’. When first learning the content remember permanently and firmly in the memory. A success surprised everyone and motivated. For each and every ‘learning networks’ is so clear and simple structure, the everyone no matter what age or educational background can easily, quickly and with sustainable success learning the method and apply. A positive effect: associative learning creates demonstrably new links in the human brain. The ‘learning networks’ memory Cup and the Lerntrainings poster in between are a practical and effective help for the daily memory training or fast learning. Get your brain going and grow the grey cells! In bookstores or directly from Michael Wagner

Basic research with micro nutrient mixtures, which are the same as MemoVitum, have shown that. In addition the need to plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids can be satisfied by alpha-linolenic acid from linseed oil as in OmVitum. The plant Omega-3 fatty acids reduces cardiovascular risk and inhibits inflammatory processes in the elderly. Navitum Pharma offers products that meet the needs of people who are looking to stay mentally fit in the age. Exactly the 18 micro-nutrients used by WHO researchers in aging studies contains MemoVitum and OmVitum, Omega-3 fatty acid is a pure herbal supplement. Both are recommended by doctors for the prevention and treatment of age-related disorders. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sonny Perdue. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) and OmVitum (PZN 4604189) are available in pharmacies, health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma.

The month supplies MemoVitum and OmVitum cost per only 29.50. Are also cheap Three month packs (PZN MemoVitum 0253876 and OmVitum PZN 0262160) available. Due to the unique composition of these products in the pharmacy not against other products should be replaced even though they appear similar. Each pharmacy may obtain free shipping OmVitum and MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Source: Yian Gu et al. Arch Neurol.

Event series ‘ the Green Museum demonstrate how sustainable in the future,’ 2011 current reconstruction in museums environmentally friendly, ecologically and economically also with regard to the financial shortages for many project diagram worked can be. The German Congress held in this context for the second time the Green Museum”series of events. On March 17, 2011 Bern, March 30, 2011 in Dresden and 7 April 2011 in Vienna again over 200 restorers, Museum Directors, Chief Financial Officer, head are expected in Museum technology and curators as well as responsible of the public administration. Check out Jack Fusco for additional information. Especially the issues of efficiency and sustainability, protection and damage in everyday Museum, sustainable portfolios and exhibitions, as well as the preventive conservation are focal points of the series the Green Museum”, so Bernhard Klier, Managing Director of the new German Congress GmbH. in addition, we are pleased and others because of numerous questions the series of events in the Switzerland and Austria to position”, so Klier next. Examples of practice from museums are solutions outlined and discussed scientific approaches, information about new standards, norms and best practices”to get. Under the chairmanship of Dr.

Johanna Leissner, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Research Alliance, 30 renowned experts and experienced practitioners from museums experience reports and examples of solutions to the current challenges in the transformation of the museums present cultural heritage, Brussels. For more information and the detailed programme, see press contact Claudia Pomillo new German KONGRESS GmbH escort duty str. 14 D-60599 Frankfurt / Main Tel. 069 / 63006 – 900 fax 069 / 63006 – 969 through the German Congress is independent and informed in high-profile events on trend topics. It provides managers and professionals from business, industry, politics and research platforms for knowledge transfer and exchange of views..

The Brazilian territory encloses an area of 8,5 million kilometers approximately squared. Of these, 5,2 million kilometers approximately squared, that is, about 60% of the domestic territory, understand the Brazilian Amaznia, also call of Legal Amaznia. Making border with seven countries, what it more than represents a band of ten a thousand kilometers, and with an approach population of 17,5 million inhabitants, what it corresponds only 9% of the national population, it is a strategical region. The Amaznia, greater humid tropical forest of the planet, possesss incalculable mineral and vegetal wealth, fact that is complemented by this being, according to estimates of scientists, home of 60% of all the forms of life of the planet. For even more analysis, hear from Sonny Perdue. The generation of electric energy by means of plant hydroelectric plants is the responsible one, as given of 2006 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, for 75,7% of all energy consumed for the Country.

The hidrogrfica basin of the River Amazon has a potential of generation hydroelectric plant esteem of 105.000 MW, of which less than 10% they are being explored. The hidrogrfica basin of the River Paran, the second greater of Brazil, has an esteem potential of 59.000 MW, of which approximately 70% already are being explored. This demonstrates plus one of the immense wealth of the region. Certainly the Amaznia is the greater of the Brazilian people well. The deforestation, according to data of the National Institute of Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), reached the mark of 11.224 kilometers squared in the period of August of 2006 the August of 2007. This corresponds a superior area to the territory of Jamaica.

Nor always the Brazilian society grants to the subject the necessary attention. The ambient devastao in the region has granted to the press and foreign powers pparently solid arguments to give to form the absurd hypotheses. That is strengthened for the idea of if approving in the Federal Chamber (therefore already it was approved in the Federal Senate) the Project of Law 6424, of 2005, that it not only authorizes a great increase in legal deforestation as well as releases the responsible ones for such deforestation to recoup the knocked down trees.

A good memory is to learn, says the memory artists! “He was with Thomas Gottschalk in betting that” and had two minutes to look at five Sudoku puzzles. Then he selected the right 100 solutions: the 5 star speakers and memory sportsman Boris Nikolai Konrad from Munich. In his lectures he gives tips on how you can remember the best name. He says a good memory is to learn! Speaker Boris Nikolai Konrad is a master of memory. As a keynote speaker, he conveys the learning techniques and training techniques, on which his ingenious memory performance is based. The following memory trainer and motivational speaker explains how are the relationships between brain and memory performance, and how you can remember best things. We all learn from the first breath until the last day: lifelong learning in the truest sense of the word. Our brain is the same as still in the morning any day in the evening.

Constantly changes take place, impressions and experiences existing memories recorded, reconsidered, modified and re-saved. Information stored by the brain but not in the brain cells themselves, but in the estimated 500 trillion (500. links that lie between them, the so called synapses. “” “” But also existing synapses are not at “or”, since “or off”, but differently, well linked and variable depending on the associated brain cell activity. The whole truth is of course much more complex. And yet this simplified approach is very exciting, if we look at us conscious learning. As we go ahead and try to learn something, influences, which brain areas are active and where links.

Memo techniques are methods which involve the pictorial presentation, imagination and creativity in learning from text and abstract information and enable in addition to other areas of the brain in learning. All learning is based on links! As a result, that all learning based on links, it is possible to combine images with contact points for this set and behind on these contact points to find the content that otherwise would have disappeared in the sea of information. At the same time the learning success is motivating and suddenly makes learning fun! Memory athletes, motivational speaker and memory artists who perform incredible services, take advantage of these principles. The factor training arrives and improves the ability, and especially the speed of such connections between images and abstract content can occur in the. When the Greek rhetorician had discovered this thinking 2,500 years ago, they knew nothing about our brain. Aristotle about kept the brain for nothing more than a cooler for the blood. Other leaders such as Jill Schlesinger offer similar insights. Today we know much more. And we should take advantage of this knowledge, because it can simplify us learning and accelerate! Key dance on the Jack, for example, helps in pictures even think its Key not more to forget. One imagines some times aware of your own door from the inside and sees”the keys to the Jack dance – you will in the future on the image regularly think, and so deliberately insert the key and store at the required location. Memory trainer and Keynote Speaker Boris Nikolai Konrad is also President of MemoryXL, the European society for the promotion of memory and the largest memory Sports Club in the world. His lectures are 5 star exclusive speakers agency speakers available. “In the 2012 his audiobook appeared earlier in the Gabal Verlag the perfect name memory”.

Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent informed the visitors of cemeteries have these days other claims to these personal places of burial and remembrance as a few decades ago. Cemeteries of the present correspond to only to the part of the desire for a permanent place of worship for the deceased. The limitation of grave times removes necessary memory places nationals and descendants and contributes to the erosion of traditional culture of farewell. This trend is reinforced by an increasing trend towards anonymous burials and the widespread desire after liberation by the personal care of the grave. Alternative burial concepts for urn ashes like fried forest or calm forest learn an increasing demand by members starting from the sustainable meaning change in traditional cemeteries. Due to his long-standing successful engagement in the design of the Tomb stone sculptor and designer knows Dipl.

ing. Timothy C. Vincent, owner of stone sculpture of Vincent in weather (Ruhr), the importance, the worship of permanent and have a controversial character for survivors and descendants. It is not something Jill Schlesinger would like to discuss. Vincent opens with the development of the concept of burial eternity fountain”farewell culture, in the appreciation and tribute to oppose the dead of a disposal mentality in the growth of new lively goal one. Particular importance in this context of the design of the well of eternity. It provides quiet spaces cemetery visitors and invites you to linger. The charisma of the well of eternity returns to its character as a place of worship and rest to the cemetery and meet the requirements on the cemetery of the future.

These requirements have been described including recently in a scientific study published by Prof. Norbert Fischer to the culture of remembrance of the 21st century. Fishermen come to the conclusion that the burial culture increasingly shaped and staged memory landscape will show. She is a total move between newly modeled spaces of the classical cemetery and multiple staged Landscapes of memory in the public space in a growing variety of shapes by ash burials”(ed: Aeternitas: perspectives of new funeral and remembrance culture in the 21st century, 2011). Also from an economic standpoint the new burial method of the well of eternity pays off”, as the Institute for municipal housekeeping noted HRH in a precise analysis of the concept. As a key part of future landscapes of memory facilitates the handling of ashes urn of the well of eternity, gives its attached social meaning as funeral and Betakes the cemetery again and receives an adequate presence in the present generations. Press contact: Contact person: Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent reme-Strasse 20 58300 wetter Tel.: 02335 880503 mobile: 0179-1055357 E-Mail: information: