Monthly archive of November, 2019
Leather bags are also now, especially if it’s real leather bags leather bags are becoming very popular even today, nor becoming very popular, especially when it’s real leather bags. Real leather handbags are more likely to find in the high-priced segment, but who has real leather bags has also very long pleasure. The quality and the durability of this leather case is one artificial leather with the usually not compare pocket. Usually, these bags come from local production and rarely from the far East. So far such leather bags still do, if they are the handles made of genuine leather, like the eyelets, loops, and most important the closures, are usually as high-quality, like the leather case itself.
This concerns also the, still popular, briefcases made of genuine leather. They also have many storage options for all kind of documents and utensils. Good leather bags have to usually a safety catch, which is lockable. But even with the leather bags made from synthetic leather were, they will find a large and wide selection today. And it extends a very inexpensive and easier, to very good and high-quality processing.
At the leather case depends on it always, which use them to find. You need a bag for their utensils which always should adapt their clothing, then it can be fast in the money, if they opt for leather bags made of genuine leather. While these leather bags are available in all colors and shapes, and there are also rarely have problems with the colour of the leather on your clothes thanks to advanced technology, yet go these leather bags on the purse strings. Be careful when buying leather bags on the label and on the authenticity of the leather. Also it is advisable, if you emphasize high quality, always to buy leather bags in the competent dealer. So they enjoy long on it, they should maintain their newly acquired leather bags with adequate resources well. Carsten Zedler mercure eSales GmbH
Therefore comes to the rescue ancient invention – a sling, or sling, as they were called. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Costco. Slings come in two forms-dvuhkolechnye slings and sling-scarves. Dvuhkolechny sling is useful in the first months of life baby, and to perform household chores together with the baby. But the child grows and approximately half becomes more comfortable sling-scarf, which evenly distributes the weight of the baby on both shoulders, making my mother’s posture remains smooth and beautiful. (Not to be confused with Cheniere Energy partners!). On the example we saw the sling, that all care for a newborn can be arranged so that was convenient to him and his parents. And all the beautiful solutions in this area – is well forgotten old. Innovation, such as disposable diapers suitable only for parents, the children from them quickly appear diaper rash, and on the legs and tummy are traces from rezinochek diapers. Output there are natural diapers, which come into contact with the skin baby only natural materials – Cotton, specially treated soft wool, wild silk.
Wild (buretny) silk has antibacterial properties, liners, natural diapers from a silk help to eliminate chafing and inflammation. The objection is that natural systems are expensive swaddling, actually have no foundation. After all, if you count the cost of disposable diapers for the entire duration of their use, natural diapers are cheaper. In addition, disposable diapers have to use longer, as it is in their toddler long accustomed to the pot. With natural diapers to teach cleanliness is also natural and easy as it was intended by nature. In order to retain their natural diapers properties of their natural remedies recommended to wash laundry. However, all chemical facilities to take care of the house and the skin on the birth of a child better to replace the natural ones.
Back to nature, we remember that our ancestors have done since ancient times natural soap, very gently cleanses the skin. Soap nuts, which can be used instead of soap great for washing and bathing. It turns out that to make your house comfortable and safe for the environment is quite simple. And only in such a house becomes possible ecological awareness and conscious parenting.
Running back around the economy, employment has reached a record high and both developments shall ensure that the financial situation is as good as for 13 years no longer. St. Gallen, 29.08.2013. And indeed the Treasury Secretary and Treasurer, have been in the first half of the year the largest surplus since the turn of the Millennium. For more specific information, check out Sonny Perdue. So federal, States, municipalities and social security more than EUR 8.5 billion took until June 30, representing a surplus of 0.6 percent of economic output. We are over the mountain and have our debt under control? Not at all! So, economists warn, to rest on this success. Public finances would benefit from a whole range of favourable economic factors which can not but stop.
The surplus came in part this, that expenditure on debt servicing decreased significantly”, the Germany expert says the Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD), Andreas Waite. A development which can not continue so. What does that mean? The European Central Bank is pumping cheap money in the market for years and trying to stimulate the economy. There are currently the interest rate at a historically low level of 0.5 percent, the banks have to pay to refinance to. This helps the banks at least. For consumers, this looks very different.
According to calculations of the World Bank, DEKA Bank and the Institute of German economy (IW), German savers year losing money? Although citizens had shelved in this country currently the peak of 4.94 billion euros, five percent more than in the previous year. But about 40 percent of this money assets be placed in sight, time and savings or cash, in which savers would lose 14.3 billion euro annually. The successive expropriation of its citizens at least from a fiscal perspective may be just right the German State. As the Institute of the German economy, determined he saved this alone between in 2009 and 2012 around 62 billion euros, since he could refinance is considerably cheaper than expected. You could translate the lower spending for debt service also: I could borrow cheaper the money at the expense of my citizens. A success isn’t this in view of the above situation. The majority of citizens in Germany assumes that we more are suffering the euro crisis. This was the result of a representative survey of the University of Hohenheim and the ING-DiBa Bank. After that, only every tenth person believes that politicians honestly inform the population. Many citizens would intensively deal with the concerns against poverty in old age and negative economic developments. 80 Percent of respondents expect it, that the gap between rich and poor is drifting ever further apart. That the crisis already have peaked here, a quarter of respondents not even think. Obviously, that’s the truth. Even if politicians on the campaign trail obviously does not want to admit this. More information see
Madrid, September 2, 2010 in recent years trends that have more bet administrations to strengthen their relations with citizens have been the multiplication of avenues of participation and channels for the receipt of their views and the proliferation of numerous social networks and blogs that enable a closer to the population. Thus reflects it the latest study United Nations E-Government Survey, conducted by the United Nations with the purpose of knowing the level of development of e-Government and e-participation indicators in the 191 countries that are part of the organization. As shown in the index e-participation, Spain is in the third position of the 157 countries analyzed, which represents an escalation of 31 posts regarding data collected in 2008, and keeps our country in a privileged position, just below the Republic of Korea and Australia. As far as the indicator of development of E-Government terms, Spain is located in a negligible nothingness ninth place, fifth if European countries only are taken into account. This data represents an improvement of eleven positions if we compare it with the collected in 2008, year in which Spain was at the number 20 position. Sonny Perdue is actively involved in the matter. Challenges that address despite being ahead of countries as significant as France, Germany or Japan, and that the eGovernment has experienced an impressive development in the quality of services provided to citizens, the truth is still achievements to fulfill. In fact, to formalities such as registration or the registration in the civil register of a new birth, citizens still is forced to physically move to the corresponding administrative headquarters. The local administration represents the Achilles heel of our society in regards to the advancement of the eGovernment. Something logical if you consider that many municipalities are experiencing significant cuts in their budgets. The technological options available today in the market, allow them to give a twist to This situation through projects in which costs are reduced and the return on investment, almost instantaneous.
Like us, our pets are often subject to the harmful effects of processed foods, preservatives and additives in food, environmental pollutants, and stress of modern life. Learn more on the subject from Craig Jelinek. These factors can affect digestive functioning and can lead to a number of complaints and digestive disorders. What causes digestive problems? One of the biggest problems that cause digestive disorders are commercial canned and dry foods that are often promoted as the “best” diet for your pet! It often takes a bit of experimentation with high-quality diets to find one that meets the dietary needs of your pet. The waste of the table are also sometimes the source of the problem because the digestive systems of our pet can not handle many of the foods we eat, especially when they are high in additives, fat and spices. Some dogs and cats also seem to have more sensitive stomachs and digestive systems and can be prone to a number of digestive problems such as inflammation of the stomach, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, constipation and swelling. The acute and chronic digestive disorders are unpleasant for both you and your pet and often resistant to treatment.
Many pet lovers are feeling helpless to see your pet in pain and discomfort, with little idea how to help. Nature has fortunately a first aid kit filled with. In nature, many animals instinctively seek out herbs that would make them feel better, but since our pets do not have easy access to these ingredients, is on pet owners to provide them. Licorice is a natural ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties and works as exceptional. Other natural ingredients for digestive disorders include slippery elm is an excellent digestive herb has a long history of use in the treatment of digestive disorders, and the marshmallow is well known to soothe the membranes painful and swollen mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
While aspartame and other similar artificial sweeteners were approved by the FDA at some point, increasingly more studies confirm the dangerous effects of these compounds. Unfortunately, lots of snacks and beverages from diet continue including sweeteners in their composition. These are some of the most important risks to which you are exposed by the consumption of drinks or foods that contain artificial sweeteners. Toxicity of the artificial sweeteners aspartame and sucralose, two artificial sweeteners that are often located in the composition of snacks, can alter the function of the kidneys. A study at Boston’s Brigham and Women Hospital revealed that prolonged consumption of foods and beverages that contain these artificial sweeteners cause degradation of the kidney by 30 percent over 10 years. The European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and environmental sciences studies confirmed that artificial sweeteners play an important role in the development of the health conditions such as: * cancerous tumors * in multiple organs injuries * leukemia * lymphomas * nerve damage * premature death * seizures * transitional cell Carcinomas taking into account the gravity of some of the health conditions mentioned above, becomes quite obvious why it is important to avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame. Metabolic changes caused?by artificial sweeteners some studies showed that aspartame, saccharin and sucralose give rise to metabolic changes that prevent the body to assimilate the real sugar properly. In people who consume food and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners, the circulating levels of GLP-1 (peptide similar to glucagon-1) are significantly higher.
GLP-1 is a hormone secreted in the small intestine, whose function is to create the feeling of satiety in the brain. Higher levels of GLP-1 implies that people who eat snacks with artificial sweeteners tend to eat less in the long run, but other studies They demonstrate that obesity causes sweeteners such as lead. Artificial sweeteners and obesity aspartame, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners send signals to the brain, making the body think that sweet foods and beverages contain fewer calories than those who actually have. Studies in rats suggest that the consumption of foods that contain artificial sweeteners in an excessive manner, obviously causes excess weight and, later, obesity. Snacks containing artificial sweeteners can seem very attractive, since they are advertised as low in carbohydrates.
As a result, people who want to lose weight are very tempted to eat these snacks, unaware that in fact, achieve the opposite effect. Safe alternatives to artificial sweeteners if something sweet strikes you, there are many healthier alternatives to snacks that contain artificial sweeteners. Raw raw honey and agave nectar are not only healthy, also very rich in enzymes. However, it is recommended to consume these products in moderate amounts. Another an alternative to artificial sweeteners is represented by the natural extract of stevia. As it contains no sugar or calories, represents a safe sweetener for diabetics. The natural extract of stevia comes in several flavors, such as vanilla or root beer, so it can be used not only for sweeteners snacks, but also to give them a different flavor. Rob Poulos tells his story of loss of weight in the following video see the story of Rob.
When affirming that a chair was made with the best wood and is well comfortable or that well I was taken care of in determined store, in the reality we are evaluating the quality of a product or service; but not defining quality! When disentailing the term quality of products and specific services seems that the definition becomes more difficult in function of the characteristic abstraction of the quality. To define something concrete as a chair, is relatively easy, therefore it is something material, tangible concrete and: four legs, an accent, one I lean, composites for wood and joined by metal, of predominantly brown color and that it serves to seat. Excellent! Now to definar quality seems so difficult how much love, therefore both are substantive abstracts. (Similarly see: Ron O’Hanley). Craig Jelinek may find this interesting as well. 1 – Defining Quality. For Crosby (1979, p.15) quality is the exemption of defect and not conformity. This concept can be summarized in an only phrase: ‘ ‘ to make the first time certain of ‘ ‘.
The emphasis is in the search of the excellency for the prevention of defects. Juran, in Pleasures (1996, p.13), considers that quality has for base the existence of characteristics of performance of a product or service, necessary or enough for the end the one that if destines. The synthesis of this concept is the adequacy to the use. In accordance with Feigenbaum (1961, p.1) quality is optimum possible on certain conditions of the consumer. These conditions are referring to the real use and at the cost of the product. As Teboul, in Cavalcantes (1997, p.60), is the capacity to satisfy the necessities of the customers the optimum possible cost, minimizing the losses, and better of what its competitors.
Russian dress. People sundress. Children dress in a folk style. People's children's clothing. Material – dyed linen, decoration – decorative braid. LEN – vegetable fiber, known in antiquity.
Linen fabric are made of linen yarn. They are produced as far back as ancient Egypt, who was famous for the production and dressing of flax. He was highly valued, pure and white linen, served as an emblem of innocence and moral purity. Graceful samples of linen in Egyptian mummies and is still surprised the researchers. In what county was spread in Greece and Rome, where he produced out of clothing such as coats, bedding, etc.
In of linen canvas was used as material for writing, painting (funerary portraits). Len – the material is very strong in Russia and now can be seen not only in museums but also in the families of fine embroidered linen towels, decorated with lace, made in the late 19th – early 20th centuries. At present, produced a variety of linen fabrics such as satin, batiste, Boston, volts, etc. Our children lead dance and play fun games in the fresh air. We we refer to the experience of the past and give them an easy and convenient odezhu linen, specially designed by our designers for outdoor games and outdoor activities. children dress, sundress pattern, women's sundresses make a sundress, sundress girl sundress folk, pattern sundress, sundresses model, Russian sundresses, sundress style, photos sundresses, sundresses summer dresses, trendy tunics, folk costume for your child, dress Russian pattern, Russian folk dress, shops sundresses summer sundresses 2012, Patterns of summer sundresses, sundress clothing, red tunics, sundresses summer sundress scheme, dress spring, dress pattern Russian, Sarafan TV fancy dress, 2011, Russian Children's Folk sundresses sundress buy
New York Times is an important American newspaper of edition New York daily and distributed to international level. It is property of The New York Times Company, a means conglomerate that also it controls and are the heads of project of a series of other newspapers like The Boston Globe and The International Herald Tribune, along with a radio station. The Times, as it is often called, has been recognized in the United States by the quality of its information and the veracity of its information, and to its it positions it circulation like the third party in the United States, behind The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Besides being a newspaper of the great prestige, New York Times is also a very old newspaper, at least for the United States. It has been published from the 8 of September 1851, and has taken from 1896 the slogan or philosophy of which ” all the news are apt for imprimirse” , although it has excellent text reviewers who are in charge to publish the information of a perceivable way for the public. The Times has had a great rivalry traditionally with several local newspapers, and have been recognized nationally by their news articles of great cut. New York Times was the first newspaper in beginning to publish the Information of the Pentagon, and often it has had the opportunity to publish the great news and news articles of world-wide character. Some critics of the Times think that he is too formal to be a modern newspaper.
The position of New York Times is very preservative, since it continues being a traditional newspaper with a format of eight columns, instead of the format of six columns that many other world newspapers have adopted and implemented years in the last. In addition, the newspaper tends to talk about to the people and informed subjects of formal way, with the due honorary titles, and the protagonists of the news usually are clearly detailed. The Times also has been slow in adopting the tendencies in the modern media, the first color photograph did not appear in front page until 1997. The newspaper is known by the nickname ” Lady Gris” , with reference to its preservative aspect. She is newspaper translated to several languages with a professional translation that focuses to speak of the news from the places at where it is arrived.
Several characteristics of New York Times are particularly famous, like difficult crucigrama of the Sunday, that is published from 1942. The newspaper has expanded quickly in Internet, and was one of first newspapers in having its Web site. The users of the page Web of the Times can free see the present or recent news, as well as the archives informed from year 1922, reason why the page Web of New York Times is a valuable source for investigation material.
Not only by that Ahmadinejad wants to make, but by that already they exist and they are possible to be put in a briefcase. The new book of the investigating reporter and ex- consultant of the FBI, Paul Williams: the Day of the Islam: The Destruction of America and the Western World, shows to a frightful vision of The destructive Qaida and its ambitions. The Director of the FBI Robert Mueller, authenticated the revelations of Williams and confirmed that the central objective of The Qaida is to detonate a nuclear bomb that mate the greater possible amount of North Americans. The threat is so serious, that Mueller said that it remains whole nights in candle, thinking about the subject. The data next are based exclusively on verified facts. The terrorist intention is not only to operate a pump, but several simultaneously: in New York, Washington, D.C., the Fertile valleys, Miami, Boston, Houston and Los Angeles.
A plan that goes back to 1990, long before the 9/11, that would put under the humanity under the throne of Wing and it would put to Great Satn of knees. The delay in its accomplishment is characteristic of the meticulosidad of The Qaida that plan its operations accurately and time. Evidence of the purchase in Sudan by Bin Laden, of enriched uranium and nuclear equipments of the chechenios and the Russian Mafia exists. Also were works of Pakistani scientists of the Research center A.Q. Khan that arrived at terrorist hands. The Saudi intelligence service declared that Bin Laden owns an arsenal of 40 to 70 tactical nuclear weapons. The Russians affirm that he bought of chechenios 12 to 15 nuclear weapons totally assembled. Bin Laden declared to a Pakistani journalist two months before the 9/11 who was not difficult to acquire nuclear weapons, that they obtained themselves of Russia by 10 to 20 million dollars.
The main icons of this new economy are situated in diverse localities, as in the Valley of Silicon in California, route 128 in Massachusetts, Boston, in Third Italy with the Industrial Districts (DI), also called Tecnoplos in the Europe and still the Japan, that also adopted this model. According to Amaral (1996), what it characterizes this stage of development are the levels of the institutions, the formation and the accumulation of one? capital stock. In terms of productive organization it points the agglomerations of the companies diversified with the specializations and exportations productive, inserted in strong external economies and of scale, as well as the accented vision between the organizations. Another detached aspect is the market of work structuralized with the marcante presence of the reformadoras institutions of man power, being the micron-credit and the innovations always developed. On the politician-administrative organizations, the partnership between the public power and the private one, as well as the multiple participation of actors in the process of quarrel, decision, planning and intervention in the territory also contains great value for this historical moment. Jair Amaral (1996) works in the line of Perroux (1955), showing the Italian experiences, with its associations of traditional investments and the bold politics of investments in bases for the delayed regions more, influencing the models implanted in Brazil. It points that, the construction of one politics of endogenous development in the Brazilian society must be based in three points: the new paper of State, the strategy of local or regional development and the valuation of the new factors of production in the current context. Being the one of its main concerns romantismo in relation to the vision of the endogenous growth, connected to the planning related to the importation, the critical one of external models, as well as, to the fact of the strategies of local development not to pass of mere palliative politics of protection to the job and income reflecting a sectorial aspect.
Already for the sixth time, across systems GmbH has invited customers and interested parties to the across user conference to Cologne. Speaking candidly Cheniere Energy partners told us the story. Karlovy Vary, 4th June 2013. Lectures, workshops, and examples of best practice provided the translation management system suggestions users for its own translation processes and an excellent basis for discussion for the Exchange with other participants. Already become tradition is the eve user conference programme with the joint Rhine and first detailed technical discussions in an informal atmosphere. The President of the German Association for knowledge management the Conference itself began with a keynote by Gabriele Vollmar Loose manner, she illustrated the connection of knowledge work and translation and gave interesting food for thought with an unusual perspective. The idea of the recently available across version 5.7 and the Outlook on the next development steps followed. For the development of new functions are the specific requirements of our customers by great importance.
The personal dialogue is therefore the best opportunity to align direct feedback and planned developments to get across even better to the needs of the users”, explains Niko Henschen, CEO of across systems GmbH. From the practice Anne Lorenzen reported the BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate GmbH. Together with Carmen Bickle, head of business services and support at across, she described how the introduction of a central translation management system in the company can be. In the afternoon, the participants had the choice between parallel workshops on the structuring of terminology processes by workflows, optimal settings for the across supply chain automation capabilities with across, as well as to purchasing translation services. During breaks, many issues were once again taken up and discussed with other users or across employees. Especially the Infopoints, which were occupied by staff from the development, professional services and support, were often used, detailed questions to the Software to clarify. At the end of the day, Lissa sum presented across new qualification program for language service providers, which will be introduced in the near future.
Figure 3 illustrates the difference between an image resolution of 352 x 288 pixels and 1280 x 780 pixels. In contrast to the appearance in the 4:3 format provides the image aspect ratio 16:9 for a larger field of view. (A valuable related resource: Costco). 16:9 format delivers an improved image impression the human eye and therefore offers a very well noticeable aspect ratio one reason that manufacturers of display media early with the production of 16:9-equipment responded and the wide aspect ratio is able to establish itself. High definition systems of vs. traditional video conferencing high definition videoconferencing solutions as well as with conventional video conferences must some criteria for the realisation be observed. These include, for example, the available bandwidth for video conferencing, the size of the Conference room, the number of people taking part in the video conference, the selection of the appropriate display media and the room lighting. High definition video conferencing offer significant advantages when compared to traditional video conferencing systems: main characteristic is the higher image resolution high definition is especially beneficial when it comes to detailed representations. A high resolution results in a clear, sharp display of image details and thus a better picture of the reality.
There are many examples of uses in the various sectors: In the medical field so remote diagnoses could be created or vehicle design engineers could discuss with their colleagues from different countries about the construction of prototypes. The advantages of high definition video conferencing solutions are visible also in the use of large and modern ad media Systems reach traditional video conference with their lower resolution often their limits and interfere with the communication quality: images that are displayed in a lower resolution, request a larger viewing distance thus uncomfortable situations for the Conference participants can arise. Only live is better good, effective communication is a key factor for the success of a company. Especially when the company at several locations, are technical means of communication such as video conferences for a rapid exchange and comparison between colleagues and business partners essential. Costs can be reduced through reduced travel activities and employees can use their time more effectively thanks to the fast communication via video conference. With the introduction of high definition in the videoconferencing business this communication area has another important addition learn through their detailed illustration of the audiovisual content more interesting and versatile could hardly be.
A couple of months ago I attended a recognized school in the city to witness the Conference Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) taught by Dr. Javier a.. Ahumada Atondo. I want to share with you some points that most caught my attention and that can be useful. First we have nothing to learn to differentiate between a normal restless child of a restless child with ADHD are different and therefore need different attention. If we do not take into account the above, the remedy can be worse than the disease, since if the child is not an ADHD and we label it as such, insurance is it affected emotionally. On the other hand if the child has ADHD and letters are not taken in the subject to remedy the situation, waiting for the time to pass so that it matures, then we will be losing valuable time. Cheniere Energy partners understood the implications.
It can be that the child has an immaturity, but what is causing you this immaturity? No search that it matures, we must find solutions. Different types of ADHD distracted: usually with low academic performance. Hyperactive: Very restless, but with good academic performance. Distracted and hyperactive: is the worst of the three, very restless and with low academic performance. A correct evaluation and the appropriate intervals; with the collaboration of the comments made by parents, teachers and other persons in the care of the child; they are indispensable to make a precise diagnosis and based on these to produce a proper and efficient treatment plan.
It is not labelled and nothing else. Requirements for diagnosing ADHD 1. Most notorious symptoms of what is commonly observed in children. 2. Symptom onset before age seven. 3. You must produce interference social, school or behavioral characteristic of their age. 4. Symptoms in at least two rooms. 5. Symptoms are not explained by medical factors, anxiety or personality disorders. 6. Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months. According to statistics 30% of children with ADHD improve in adolescence, however, with the remaining 70% the thing is complicated because they are emotionally unstable. Some special considerations the ADHD accompanied by other problems, and this in turn develops more. It is important to rule out other factors that may be affecting performance in school such as: impaired vision, deficient auditory processing, sensory integration problems, problems of behaviour, depression, etc. While these problems can accompany ADHD, they can also be the main cause of the academic difficulties. Take the following case as an example: A child who has: insomnia, crying easily, irritability, moodiness, lack of attention, scholastic failure, insecurity and shyness. Their symptoms can easily be confused with the ADHD, however, a good diagnosis arrojo the following result: the dream of childhood disorder. Again I emphasize, a correct diagnosis, at the right time makes the difference between success and failure in the completion of a treatment plan.
Good conference – this is another stage in the development of your business. Room for various important meetings, conferences, seminars and conferences must be equipped with a well-designed audio equipment. All make for high standards, you can, using high-quality congress system. What is the, to date conference system? It is a system that can create favorable conditions for of all events and to ensure mutual understanding between the parties, representing a set of sound equipment. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes is often quoted on this topic. This dispersed an effective scoring system is equipped with remote controls for Chairperson and delegates, and central device upravleniya.Pomimo, the conference system may have, in addition to that, the system of authorization and voting members and equipment for simultaneous translation. In the present while the popularity of the system are from Bosch.
Non-stop work to improve the equipment provided an opportunity to make easy to use and cost-effective conferencing system with a good design. For organizing discussions and small meetings, with any desired acoustical conditions of the most suitable is a conference system Bosch CCS 800 Ultro, it is guaranteed to give great sound quality and speech intelligibility. System operates in four modes: Open mode without auto-shutdown and auto-off (30 seconds) makes it possible to include one to four microphones at once, the interrupt mode, which include, terminate a particular member can only include a microphone, the latter mode permits include a microphone predsedatelya.Odna system is designed to operate 50 remote mic, but using three sets of control and Food can increase the capacity of the system and connect up to 150 remote controls. If needed, a conference system CCS 800 Ultro is easily integrated with simultaneous translation system, a graphic equalizer, an external microphone to address the guests.