Monthly archive of August, 2013
The boliviano, or hand and Morales, real. The whip of the Rufus the boliviano, or hand and Morales, real by Ricardo Sanchez-serra * Bolivian rulers were given by them more where hurt and it was time that President Alan Garcia give them a quiet tate by its continual insolence and betrayals. Why we loved and more than that, had a taste of justice – saying that Bolivia does while resigned to an exit to the sea I have that impression because it has not become to treat that firm and clearly with Chile.Bolivia makes groupers called public, lyrical, its unjust Mediterranean the Peru did not cause – and their rulers increase them when they need silence their domestic problems, but does nothing concrete to retrieve its exit to the sea. And if not we talk about the military road, which would unfortunately be the last trail, but that for years and especially in the period of Evo Morales that lies occupied in destroy the nation and not build his country – the Bolivian Foreign Ministry seems tired, without brio, without ideas, without efforts to perform a diplomatic offensive that reverts his unjust enclosure.And not occurred to him better idea, how modern and repeated Judas, of the attention by intervening in a bilateral between Peru and Chile.No matter can understand why Bolivia points out that it is going to be harmed by the demand of Peruvian against Chile at the International Court of Justice in the Hague (ICJ), to retrieve 95,000 km2 of the Grau sea, over which Chile has domain currently hiding in an agreement merely fishing. or is that La Paz was negotiating secretly with Santiago a once more out to sea by former Peruvian territory from Arica, linked to the Peru eternally through the Treaty of 1929?Even more, the acme of despair, seeking publicity or demonstrating a supine ignorance the former President leading and Bolivian opposition Jorge Quiroga said the dispute between Peru and Chile to the ICJ is by Bolivian water.
Quiet lagoons, jagged coastline has always attracted lovers diving and underwater hunting, riding on boards, water skiing and kayaking. The larger islands are interesting for its flora and fauna. The recently opened several national parks. The capital of Fiji is Suva, a city located on Viti Levu. Originally Suva was a small settlement, covered in dust in summer and mud in winter. Gradually, Suva became the largest city in Fiji, and then the liveliest place Southern Pacific after the cities of Australia and New Zealand.
In the town live 90 thousand people, still live along the 40 000 25-kilometer road leading from the Suva Nausori Airport. Suva is constantly changing, depending on the weather. It shines and sparkles in the sun and takes on a dull metallic hue during the rainy season and it rains here quite often. In Suva live Fijians, Indians, Chinese, natives of Tonga, Samoan, Rotumans, Europeans and many others. This kind of 'fruit salad', just as the locals call themselves Fijians. In and around the city built many Catholic churches, mosques, Hindu temples and sikskih, there is even an abandoned Jewish cemetery. Island of the oval.
The oval is the main island of the archipelago Lomaiviti. Its length – 13 km, width – 11 km. The origin of the volcanic island, it is covered with dense tropical vegetation. The main attraction of the oval can be regarded as an old colonial capital of Fiji – Levuka town. Currently, there live about 1500 people. The city has retained its old appearance, in the 19 century it was a center of whaling.
In the treatment of people with respect WINS trust and develop lasting relationships. This is what I do. 1) Arrive on time. In fact, arrive early to appointments and meetings. Spend some time to their daily schedule that tells you when to start transferring to an appointment. I.e.
to take into account when it fails to work on a task, will begin the collection of resource materials, and begin to travel. Give time to cover delays in travel, especially if you are driving. Consider the following: the fastest way to destroy the confidence of the people is wasting time. (2) Communicate with each other. Answer the phone and phone calls. Listen carefully and completely when people talk about you. Show interest in others before telling about himself. To make phone calls devote all your attention to what the other person is saying (rather than sharing time with other tasks, such as checking email or play computer games).
You can follow the conversation phone when you can devote all your attention to what the other person is saying. Consider the following: ignoring people is rude and unprofessional. (3) the Plan projects. For example, always prepare an agenda for the meetings. Does contact with the main participants prior to the meeting to hear their points of view, ask for suggestions for the agenda items, and a? l coach on how to prepare for the meeting. Send agendas it enough before the meeting so that people have time to prepare. Consider the following: bad meetings demonstrate an inability for the leadership. (4) Be courteous. Look for the good of all. Congratulate each other. Avoid anger outbursts or listen to gossip. Never ridicule, insult or mock other people. Use positive words, always talking about what you want and how you want things to be. Avoid suggest reasons or the allocation of trials of actions of other people and points of view. Consider the following: damages for discourtesy, break all relations. (5) Helping others. Be a mentor to newcomers. Share ideas. Teach people skills that will help them Excel. Work with a spirit of abundance. Look for win / win results. Let others speak first, even in matters in which you are an expert. Give first without attaching a receipt in exchange for favors. Consider the following: selfish people end up working harder. Original author and source of the article.