US Industrial Districts

The main icons of this new economy are situated in diverse localities, as in the Valley of Silicon in California, route 128 in Massachusetts, Boston, in Third Italy with the Industrial Districts (DI), also called Tecnoplos in the Europe and still the Japan, that also adopted this model. According to Amaral (1996), what it characterizes this stage of development are the levels of the institutions, the formation and the accumulation of one? capital stock. In terms of productive organization it points the agglomerations of the companies diversified with the specializations and exportations productive, inserted in strong external economies and of scale, as well as the accented vision between the organizations. Another detached aspect is the market of work structuralized with the marcante presence of the reformadoras institutions of man power, being the micron-credit and the innovations always developed. On the politician-administrative organizations, the partnership between the public power and the private one, as well as the multiple participation of actors in the process of quarrel, decision, planning and intervention in the territory also contains great value for this historical moment. Jair Amaral (1996) works in the line of Perroux (1955), showing the Italian experiences, with its associations of traditional investments and the bold politics of investments in bases for the delayed regions more, influencing the models implanted in Brazil. It points that, the construction of one politics of endogenous development in the Brazilian society must be based in three points: the new paper of State, the strategy of local or regional development and the valuation of the new factors of production in the current context. Being the one of its main concerns romantismo in relation to the vision of the endogenous growth, connected to the planning related to the importation, the critical one of external models, as well as, to the fact of the strategies of local development not to pass of mere palliative politics of protection to the job and income reflecting a sectorial aspect.
