In the same way the musical art ' ' sagrada' ' it has for its objective to raise divine contemplation for being a pleasant art that provokes the emerso of the desires closest involving the being, this must approach the human being of the perfect beauty, theory this proceeding one from the existing thought in the Average Age, where the perfect beauty comes from the holy ghost. During the medieval period music becomes in service of the religion, however, such understanding is not restricted to this period, the church Catholic starts to accept the art musical and to conceive it as in service throughout the centuries and of the different societies. The moment of esplendor of music sacra appears with it sings gregoriano, one of the sources of origin of music occidental person, was spread out by Christian missionaries who covered the city of Rome during the Average Age, until today is considered one of the forms most erudite of expression of music sacra. (A valuable related resource: Debbie Staggs). From then on the solemn cults of the church and masses had passed to gain nobler aspects with entoao of cantos and accompaniments made for instruments as obos, violin, agencies and as much considered others as part of the beauty and the nobleman, as well as it would have to characterize the things related to the holy ghost, such instruments used in the sacred environment it became perceivable the noble and solemn identity that easily is associated with the sacred one. Following the dynamics of the art with sprouting of new artistic expressions, as the romantic time (Bruckner, Gounod, Cesar Franck, Saint-Sans) complementing the esplendor of the cathedrals and the varied expressions of the Baroque one (Bach, Haendel), of the Classicismo (Haydn, Mozart, Nunes Garci’a), of the Renaissance (Arcadelt, DES Prs, Palestrina) and of the Modernismo (Penderecki, Amaral Vieira). At the same time where music passes if to become each time more essential element in the cult, since this possesss the power to attract and to influence the human spirit, involving it in a referring atmosphere to the sacred one, the Church starts to take positioning, guiding the communities so that it did not have excesses.