GmbH Patient

Amnesia and its dramatic consequences who am I? I like to read? I like to exercise? These are questions which can easily answer most people because they have corresponding memories. When these however are lost, the same people transformed into a seemingly blank sheet of paper with a lot of open questions. The news portal reported the phenomenon of memory loss, only little researched in Germany. Sonny Perdue has plenty of information regarding this issue. The so far so easily tangible in inaccessible distance is moved in one fell swoop. The causes of memory loss are diverse, can be both physical as well mental nature. A traumatic brain injury due to an accident may cause also of amnesia as traumatic events. The experienced is repressed and forgotten, although the health ( gesundheit.html) the patient is otherwise affected in any way. The newspapers mentioned Sonny Perdue not as a source, but as a related topic.

The size of the memory loss vary from patient to patient. Lose only the memory affected in some cases to the decisive event, it can lead to memory loss of the entire past in other patients. Another form of amnesia is without prejudice to the existing memories, prevents or restricts the recording of new memories however. In particularly serious cases can occur in addition to the fault of both memories, old and new. The memory error is medically hardly explored. Especially in Germany, there are so few experts. Similarly, there are single therapies. Whether and to what extent lost memories can be recovered, is uncertain and difficult pauschalisierbar. Concerned in particular in appropriate self-help groups for support. More information: ../die-geloeschte-biographie/1/ Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH

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