For the elaboration of the research it was necessary to consult works published in scientific articles propagated national by means of the Internet that treated to the subject and in books on the nursing assistance. For the collection of data a revision of pertinent literature to publications of the area of health through the consultation of scientific articles and books concerning the subject in the period of January of 2011 was effected. The Words chosen keys had been: Emergency. Factors of cardiovascular risk. Nurse.
Assistance of nursing. ANALYSIS AND QUARREL OF the DATA GENERATING FACTORS OF CARDIAC PROBLEMS do not have a defined only cause for the cardiovascular illnesses, but factors exist that increase the probability of its occurrence or its incidence, the calls risk factors. The cardiovascular factors of risk, specifically, are the conditions or habits that attack the heart or the arteries, amongst which if cite the arterial hipertenso, the dislipidemias, the tobaccoism, diabetes mellitus estresse, it, the sedentarismo, the obesidade, the greasy feeding that consists of the consumption of products few healthful, rich ones in cholesterol, not moderate habits of ingesta of alcoholic beverage, and the hereditary succession (history of same illness in other members of the family), among others. As example, about 40 60% of the patients with infarto of the myocardium they present arterial hipertenso associate. The prevention, the precocious identification and the adequate control of the risk factors diminish the probability of a cardiac attack. The incidence of the DCV in the population in age of work is bigger of what in countries as the United States, Canada, Japan and Europe Occidental person, therefore they are not illnesses that affect specific groups of the society, but its incidence progresses the evolution of population habits in accordance with (5,2). The Nurse for being responsible for the integral attendance of the customer in its practical professional, needs to be able to inside interpret clinical signals and methods of precocious diagnosis of the cardiac illnesses of the admission process, anamnese care of the patient, more good to take care of to the time, necessities the same that, in accordance with the law of the professional exercise, Law N.