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Overview of model aircraft Edge 540 Edge 540 aircraft known in the world of aviation sports like high-class aerobatic machine that can perform the most difficult aerobatic maneuvers. Also, in aircraft design using modern composite materials such as carbon fiber and Kevlar, which allows it to withstand the maximum loads of up to 15 Gs. The plane makes an American firm Zivko Aeronautics Inc. His first flight Edge 540 made in 1993. Today, these aircraft are in U.S. national team in aerobatics. This model aircraft produced by German company Jamara. This is a small model with a wingspan of 1100 mm, designed for installation on its internal-combustion engine capacity of 4 cu.
cm or brushless electric motor powered by Li-Po batteries. The fuselage is made of balsa, the wing also tselnobalzovoe dialup. All wooden parts are laser-sharp on the CNC machine and built quite well. In set a model airplane (ARF) are ready and covered with foil in different colors fuselage, tail fin, and stabilizer wing. Also included a number of other accessories needed for assembly: Chassis with wheels, tank, 2 engine mounts (under the engine and electricity), a fiberglass cowl, clear canopy, carbon fiber rods, screws, installation guide and a sheet of decorative stickers. The wing consists of two halves that are glued to each other. Already on the wing installed ailerons. For mounting on the model recommended servos mikrorazmera type HS55 or Xn-Micro Blue.
In a variant of the aircraft with the engine they will need 4 pieces. Assembling such a model presents no difficulties. This model is suitable for pilots who already have experience of piloting the aircraft. The model is very well managed, easy to perform inverted flight.