Posts tagged as «environment»
This year's 'Earth Hour' was a clear example of what can be achieved inhabitants of our planet, when they unite for a common goal. According to organizers, 134 countries on seven continents, more than 4 thousand cities, including Russian, and more than 750 sites on the legendary around the world put out the lights in 'Earth Hour 2011. Jack Fusco is full of insight into the issues. " This year's activity has increased markedly among the participating countries in Asia and Africa. In addition to the city turned off the light more than 750 famous buildings and facilities around the world. Among them the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Big Ben in London, Times Square in New York, the Alhambra in Granada, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, the Acropolis in Athens, Sydney Opera House, a monument to 'India Gate'. Enthusiasts of more than 20 cities of Russia and Belarus in support of 'Earth Hour' runs carried out on bikes equipped with lights and LEDs. In Moscow, 60 cyclists started from the Eco-Center on the Sparrow Hills. Following the call of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the UN on Saturday put out the light in their buildings, including a repaired headquarters in New York.
Action 'Earth Hour' was the first time in Sydney in March 2007 on the initiative of WWF. Then it was attended by over 50 million people from more than 270 cities in 35 countries. In 2009, the number of participating countries reached 88 cities – more than 1.4 thousand. That same year, the rally officially joined Russia.
Moreira, S.J.M et al. , (2003 apud WOULD MAKE AND TO SOUND, 2006), point as the impacts most excellent the following points: the occupation in important band of hidrolgico domain; the verticalizao on the zone of crstica formation; the reduction of green area (open pasture) for construction of the constructions according to City department of Environment and Urban Sanitation? SMMAS/BH; urban expansion throughout the Stream of the Cercadinho; blockage of the visualization of the mountain range of the corral; aterros and terraplanagem depriving of characteristics the landscape of the region transport of sediments for the local system of draining; emission of effluent in the net of pluvial draining and reduction of the Dry, responsible Lagoon for receiving the pluvial water proceeding from the Belvedere quarter and the BH shopping. For being considered Zone of Ambient Protection, the Dry Lagoon never could have been considered parcelamento area as VI can be observed in article 16, CAP. III, of Law 7.166/96; the urbanization caused a great waterproofing of the ground hindering infiltration them waters them rains in compromising the recharge water-bearing them that they supply the hidrogrfica basin of the Stream of the Cercadinho. Between points boarded, valley to stand out questions associates to transit, contamination of ground and to climate, as points in evolution in studies available on region as well as measures that comes being taken for proper inhabitants of region (Belvedere and areas surrounding) that they present intervention in the negative ambient conditions that if reveal of increasing form, in consequence of the disordered occupation. 4,1 Cortizo transit (2002, apud AMORIM, 2007) points the transit as one of the main happened problems of the urbanization of the quarter Belvedere III, in the measure where it brought a significant addition in the sum of cars that circulate in the region. It must be considered as factor aggravation to the movement of vehicles in the region, the expansion of the land divisions of the city of New Rasp that, currently, motivates action on the part of the agencies of transit minimizing the situation of hanging of the transit evidenced in the region. .
And at the end of the week operator of emergency plant reported that of the second reactor nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1 'leak of radioactive water. According to experts, the content of the radiation in the water, which through the cracks in the foundation of the building unit falls into the sea in the gutter of a thousand millisieverts per hour. On Sunday, Prime Minister of Japan, Hosono Gauci said that the situation on the 'Fukushima' critical but stable. Meanwhile, in the atmosphere over the state of North and South Carolina and Florida have been found traces of radioactive iodine. Traces of the radioactive isotope iodine-131 found in sediments and seawater in the Canadian coast of British Columbia. Measuring equipment in Belarus and indicate the presence of traces of radiation originating from Japan, but the danger for the inhabitants of the country's no. Recall that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami were the most horrific in its disastrous consequences for the last 88 years. Many densely populated areas on the east coast of the Japanese island of Honshu, on March 11 that the giant tsunami waves hit, are still flooded.
Environmentalists and energy is supplied results of the action 'Earth Hour 2011' Results of the ecological action "Earth Hour 2011 ', which took place on the planet on March 26, received mixed reviews in the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia, the population faced with turning out the lights and in everyday life. In a country where nearly half the population lives without electricity in general, the capital and its suburbs have one-fifth of the total consumption of electricity in Indonesia. This year, shares in Jakarta, were involved in only 86 companies and 170 buildings, and thus achieve the planned target of 300 megawatts of savings did not happen. The final results for the whole country is not summed, but the partial shutdown Electricity for 'Earth Hour' on the populated island of Java in Indonesia and the neighboring resort island of Bali has reduced this year's electricity consumption by 600 megawatts. According to WWF, in 2010, across Indonesia 'Earth Hour' saved 810 megawatts.
Summing up the shares 'Earth Hour 2011' in Russia. For example, residents of the Voronezh region in 60 minutes saved electricity to two rural areas. A total of 20 megawatts. In any case, the savings are not significant. While this action is 'green' in the Voronezh region is not so popular as, for example, in Europe and America. There at the same time, millions of lights turned off street lighting. Although there is a positive trend in Voronezh.
Japan continues to shake, the radiation level exceeds the limit, and the number of victims is growing. Oil spills, oil film and dirt Russian rivers. Pollution, emissions, waste: waste management in Russia, nitrogen pollution in Europe. Climate news: climate and plate tectonics, the whitewashing of the clouds for protection from solar activity. News of "green" technologies: wind power plants in England, electricity sidewalk in Brussels. World Animals: insomnia cave fish, pigeons and people, cultural exchanges, whales, crabs, birds, spiders and grasshoppers. Science News: Why large wasps smarter than small ones, that saved the ancient birds from extinction. Health: exhaust and health Vegetarianism and the heart.
Our food: blueberries from obesity to heart sour cherry, strawberry from esophageal cancer, low-calorie pistachios. This is interesting: the deepest point of Europe. The dates of the week: The International Day of Environmental knowledge, Days of protection against ecological danger. News of the legislation and the Ministries of wastewater treatment in Russia, the refusal to hunt a polar bear, social environmental monitoring. PHOTO of the week: "The most unusual and tails known animals "and" Fruit from the most exotic appearance. " Review of the week from 04.11.2011 to 04.17.2011. Japan continues to shake, the radiation level exceeds the limit, and the number of victims is growing seismic situation after March 11 remains extremely tense – regular aftershocks shake Japan. On the day of memory of victims of floods in Japan hit by new quake. In the north-east of Japan near the island of Honshu, was recorded a powerful new earthquake.
This sends in them to a necessary reflection on ambient education that must be seen as a process of constant learning that values the diverse forms of knowledge and form citizens with planetary local conscience and. Moraes C. Ana, periodical of the education. ‘ ‘ This article deals with an activity to interdisciplinar resultant of the study on the importance of the arborization in the cities. In agreement agreement with law n 9,795, of 27 of April of 1999 of the ambient Education, says that: Art. 1o Understands for ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support. Art.
2o ambient education is an essential and permanent component of the national education, having to be present, of articulated form, in all the levels and modalities of the educative process, in formal character and not-deed of division. Agenda 21 also in them evidences the importance of the ambient education. ‘ ‘ To develop a population that conscientious and is worried about the environment and with the problems that it is associates and that it has knowledge, abilities, attitudes, motivations and commitments to work collectively individual and, in the brainstorming for the existing problems and the preservation of novo’ ‘. (CNUMA, 2001) – used Methodologies the project involves the pupils of the State School Wild Arlindo, children between six the fourteen years of age, that frequent the school of the family in the week ends.
How many to the ambient impacts in relation to the disordered growth of the activities we have the three main item that they suffer directly with this disequilibrium. Fauna – the impacts in relation to the fauna not yet well are known, but an increase of the species is known that an alteration how much to the species number exists, having most tolerant the presence of the man, a reduction to most sensible. Ground – the main impacts caused to the ground are: the compacting and the reduction of the capacity of water retention for the ground, thus modifying the capacity to support vegetal and animal the life of the environment, followed for the erosion. Vegetation – the caused impacts take the local extinguishing of plants for mechanical shock directly and indirectly caused by the compacting of the ground, the erosion leave in way displayed to the roots them plants compromising its sustentation and becoming – vulnerable a contamination of its roots for plagues, beyond the alterations that occur in the environment. So that it has an excellent growth in the tourist activities with the lesser possible alteration in its half is necessary that if it gets an elaborated planning with crucial bases in the disgnostic well, taking care of to all the necessities gifts in one determined local one, thus will have a possible minimizao in relation to the ambient negative impacts. The tourist planning must be conciliated the similar segments of the way and must work of form integrated with the public power and population autctone so that it gets the intended result. According to Beni (2006, pag 53), this integration also it considers sets as the ambient relations that involve subssistemas ecological, social, economic and cultural; the structural organization of the community and the operational actions that involve the market. One analyzes that the negative impacts of the Tourism on the half-environment are superior to the positive impacts, such as, sonorous pollution, solid garbage and residues, fragile ecosystem degradation, loss of biodiversity, compacting of ground resultant of the pisoteamento in mass, loss of the native vegetal covering and the ground, aceleramento of erosive processes, escape of the native fauna, etc.