Monthly archive of July, 2013
In fact, some factories have already laid off its staff before the decline in activity or have advance its employees vacation. It is said, that it is notable, as it has dropped the purchase of cars, appliances and buildings, that is why the Government launched plans to stimulate consumption through, for example, an exchange of refrigerators and ovens plans; and financing of cars of kilometer zero very significant, when he says, that the productive sector most affected is of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in case for example of Argentina, still in Venezuela, where the first generates almost 90% of total employment in the country. Although there are no specific figures, the Undersecretariat of small and medium-sized enterprises and Regional Development (Sepyme) estimates that there are 1.550.000 SMEs active, of which 71% are based in the province of Buenos Aires. The Agency classifies SMEs according to average annual sales of the past three exercises, being different cutting of According to the sector to which belongs the signature. Thus, a service company which billed less than $135,000 microenterprise; While a construction firm that generates sales of less than 7 million dollars it is classified as a medium-sized company. Therefore, the challenges for SMEs in 2009 formed a long list, which could be summarized in the opinions of specialists such as Enrique Dentice, researcher at the National University of San Martin (UNSAM): when all sectors see a contraction in demand, high domestic interest rates (of at least one 20%), prices that do not give margin and clear, lower profitability, the challenges are important. It can be inferred that uncertainty and mistrust will act differing investment projects, which profitability will feel even more battered, making sure the own funding has a very high weight for the development, he argues. For Jorge Colina, researcher at the school of Economics of Universidad Catolica Argentina (UBA), problems they will be presented in those who work for the local market as well as exporting SMEs: the cycle of the Argentine economy heavily dependent on international trade cycle.
Boyarsky). The authors have made thorough contribution to the creation of several albums of lyrical, nostalgic songs of Tanya Bulanova – 'Birthday', 'Love'. In 1999, the singer has decided to experiment with their creativity and recorded the album 'Flock' approximate the style of rock music. In the video, filmed for the song 'Wind sang' from the album the singer was not to learn, even from her first and last name in the video were only the first two letters – a taboo. Of course, such a move by the singer has been rated as very brave, but not quite understandable.
But many fans liked the experiment, and most Tatiana more like those songs, though, the album had little commercial success. Pursue a career rock singer Tanya did not dare. Although this stage did not carry a negative tone – for Tanya Bulanova was important not to stand still, not to lose myself in creativity. The year 2000 marked a very significant turning point in the singing of the Tania. By creating arrangements have attracted young, full of energy and ideas Cvetkoff dj. That's a new Tanya cd 'My Dream', which took all the leading position in the charts of the Russian radio stations.
Striking a hit in 2000 was the same title track from their new album. It turned out the music of Tanya Bulanova and waited. The next disc with the song 'golden age' has become popular for a month before his birth: 'thanks' pirates who managed to steal a copy of the soundtrack and multiply 'Golden pores' in the country. Due to the real album had to rename the 'Gold of Love'. Another experiment was Tanya's collaboration with a young group of 'Cardinal'. Together were recorded three songs, two of which on well-known hits teams 'Rammstain' and 'Wimpscut'. With the release of new album 'A game', written, as well as the album 'My dream', in collaboration with Oleg Popkov, Tatiana has again become one of the leading music charts. In 2003, Tanya made the first his son Alexander, they have wonderful happened to sing together a few children's songs. At the final concert of the 'Song of the Year 2003' Tatiana were awarded a prize named after K. for his contribution to ravitie Patriotic songs thus underlining the national recognition and love for the singer. In November 2004, Tatiana was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, as confirmed at the highest level of love and recognition of the public. In May 2005, the singer is going through a divorce with her first husband, Nikolai Tagriny with whom they lived together for 13 years. In October 2005, Tanya was going to marry a famous footballer St. Petersburg team Zenit Vladislav Radimov, and in March 2007 at the star couple is born the son of Nikita. In 2007, , Oksana offers Tanya try yourself as a writer, Tatyana on the proposal meets the agreement and during pregnancy, wrote autobiographical book titled 'The territory of women, where talks about his life and love. Tatyana tried myself and as an actress, so in 2007 she starred in the film Vitaly Aksenova 'Love ', may still be playing the lead female role. At issue is whether you have credo, Tanya says: 'The main thing – no one to envy. But it is difficult for, because jealousy is inherent in absolutely everything, someone to a lesser extent, to someone more. Envious – poor people, but I managed in time to cope with jealousy and learn enjoy life, this is my main secret of life '.
To date, experts note that the timber has a positive effect on the general condition of man: psychological, emotional. It is believed that such species as pine, oak, birch and apple trees have property to give to man all his energy. These trees are like cherry, aspen, poplar, alder and opposite – absorb it. Trees that are "able" to give up their power, in parallel to have a positive impact on the human body as a whole. It is worth noting that most of today's wood windows are made of rock producer of such trees as pine, oak, at least – birch. Tree species that are able to give their energy, can relieve stress, restore nervous system, improve the tone. The psychological state of human color of the wood may also have an impact. Thus, the reddish color in nature is associated with danger, which is why wood is reddish hues enhances emotional excitability.
For some time it can lead to psychological discomfort. So that the windows of a mahogany – an attribute is expensive but not very useful. Bright shades of the same visually extend the space. In addition, yellow and orange hues of wood stimulate brain activity and improves mood. Plastic windows. For that plastic windows are beautiful and durable, for them to look after. Especially careful maintenance require frames.
They must first be protected from attacks. The fact that the mechanical action on Frame detrimental effect on the overall geometry of the profile, as for scratching, pitch plastic profiles are not repairable. To properly care for plastic windows, you need to buy special compounds that gentle way remove dirt from the surface of the window. As part of these liquids are also no abrasives, so the surface of glasses and frames will not be scratched as a result of purification. Wash plastic box recommended soft cloth. Windows made of wood. This view window does not need to wash. Removal of dirt must be carried out with moist soft cloth. It will also make better use of specialized cleaning products that are not will damage the integrity of the paint. An alternative means to care for wooden windows can serve as a means to care for furniture. The content of abrasives and acids is unacceptable for funds to care for wooden windows.
2. On the occasion in which occurred the work of identification of an area nandeva Potrero Guasu, Paranhos/MS, in December 1997 the Guarani were mobilized and rituals extended until dawn, for example. However, most of the rituals of which I participated occurred in ordinary contexts and lasted about three hours. 3. The change of point of view seems to be a constant in the practice of several societies exercise. On the Arawete, for example, Viveiros de Castro said that the complexity of the shamanistic songs lies in the expository assemblage there established. The music of the gods is a single vowel, but is, linguistically, a dialogue or a polyphony, where various characters appear in various ways.
Know who sings what sings and for whom is the basic problem. (1996: 548, underlined by the author). 4 They are here considered scales as cultural constructs, spectrum of the sounds that make up songs. To say that singing is running on the setback, I am whereas the marking of rhythm unit is performed with the takuapu and singing lies outside the dialing. 5. Among the Kamayura term cognate ywyyraparayat is used to talk the owner’s bow, recurve bow champion in the ritual intertribal xinguano Yawari, and which acted as a warrior in the conflicts of the past, according to Menezes Bastos. The author says that, in several aspects, such as use of darts and propellers as weapons, singing of songs by charging smoking darts, etc., narrated by the Kamayura wars are similar with the current rite of the Yawari (1990: 93,339). 6 Apapocuva is the name of one of the Guarani sub-groups with whom Nimuendaju lived the first years of the 20th century, accompanying the migration of some families coming from the South of Mato Grosso do Sul towards the southeastern coast of Brazil.
Many people suffer from fatigue and tiredness, sometimes caused by the stress generated by the concerns of everyday both work and personal life. The best advice to avoid feeling so exhausted is increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduce consumption of stimulant products. The response to the physical and mental fatigue is related to the daily diet. The body needs energy. The blood sugar begins to descend after 4 or 5 hours after eating. Here we will mention a list of foods that are recommended to improve the fatigue and other food not recommended in people with fatigue. Foods recommended to combat fatigue: dairy products: skim milk, low-fat yogurt equally low in fat cheeses.
These are foods that will help you with the intake of calcium. 60 Percent of the needed calcium must come from dairy products since their calcium is better absorbed by the body. Take at least three times a day, a portion of these foods. Carbohydrates: cereals integrals, wheat germ (immune support), pasta, legumes, bread (if it is black, better), brown rice. These are digested quickly and also provide constant energy and maintain it for a long time. Meat, fish or eggs: priority given to meat with high content of iron (lean beef).
Fish is rich in vitamin and selenium. Fruits: every day. Give priority to oranges, clementines (Tangerine), pineapple, pomelo (grapefruit), grapes and kiwis, these are important for its content at antioxidant vitamins. Also fruits with high-energy as banana, banana, etc. Take orange juice at breakfast, remember that vitamin C helps iron absorption. Vegetables: cooked or raw at every meal. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Try to give priority to the pepper and cauliflower. Broccoli is one of the foods richest in vitamin C. magnesium-rich foods: spinach, sunflower kernels, lentils, peas Parties, Sesame, walnuts, hazelnuts, cocoa almonds: the energizing cacaoes and also prevents depression.
Honey: It relaxes the nervous system. Pollen: protector of the immune system. Grains of Sesame, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts (peanuts): these provide carbohydrates, vitamins E, B, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. Honey: It relaxes the nervous system. Pollen: protector of the immune system. There are three nutrients that help with energy input needed to be in shape all day: vitamin C, calcium and iron foods not recommended Alcohol caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) energizing drinks junk food general recommendations: try to sleep well (daily 8 h) perform any physical activity regularly avoid have disordered eating habits (skip meals, eat at any timesnack between meals) eat every 3 hours, accustomed to eating small portions and you can thus maintain a more or less constant level of blood sugar. Maintain constant power prevents fatigue, because does not lower your blood glucose (blood sugar).