Monthly archive of September, 2011

And this position is necessary to attach great importance. However, the main purpose of corporate activities – the unity of the team, building a business cooperation and development corporate culture should not be to the detriment of a generous table. Otherwise, it appears as a well-known anecdote – "goal-then we scored, but Stasik drowned." The event is something we have conducted, and the output, except for drunken and lazy employees, not published The next day at work, received nothing. Solution: regardless of budget measures, the minimum ratio of costs, as experience shows – it's two to one. Two-thirds of the budget expenditures are directed to the site and therefore write the script yourself. Who knows better how to organize an event – the manager, who works in the company and knows the ins and outs of its representative or agency that has experience in hundreds of similar events, but not universal model, we must remember that, not being familiar with the nature and internal currents of your company, it does not always offer the best ideas for solving your specific problems. Solution: Creative concept – foundation of the success of your corporate event.

Go to this issue as responsible. Get a scenario from the agency conceptual "fish" and, together with the writers Agency embed it in the tools may work great step forward? And what will they say? And how would? But are we ready for this? We understand that risk and accept the new complex. We have an argument in favor of new solutions – today the public is spoiled with standard or indifference and a desire to block. We offer new, creative solutions. They are difficult to accept, but they work, because destroy the psychological stereotypes of perception. Solution: The risk must be aware, understand and maximum protection. If you are willing to accept non-standard format for your corporate event, coordinate with the agency and all the nuances of the tools proposed ideas.

New zakn requires equip satellite navigation systems of vehicles of categories M2 and M3 for the transport of passengers and vehicles in categories of EX / II, EX / III, FL, OX, AT, MEMU, designed to carry dangerous goods. What is the use of satellite monitoring? Satellite monitoring of transport were used in the last century. Since then they have improved significantly. Experts identify five stages of development of tracking systems. Their evolution is mainly reduced to a gradual improvement and centralization of data transfer process. If at the initial stage of the system was offline, that is did not allow a centralized monitoring of multiple moving objects in real time, today, the satellite monitoring system is a logical one, a distributed center, which provides continuous monitoring of transport. This enables the managers of transport companies and transport of the various organizations to save time, resources, and optimally plan routes.

The use of software and hardware systems, such as "1C satellite monitoring center GLONASS / GPS, helps protect from unauthorized downtime, prevent deviation from the planned route speed control (which reduces the risk of accidents), keep track of all refueling and fuel drains. The economic effect of the use of satellite monitoring systems and is expressed in concrete figures. After successful implementation of a transport company or transport company can save on fuel every month up to 25% on phone calls and 50%, reduce the travel time of vehicles up to 25%, reduce downtime fleet by 10%, etc …

Invited to Moscow project consultancy firm in the year failed to meet their obligations and to adapt the program to the specifics of the company. The company management decided to pursue the implementation of its own. It was then suggested Salakhutdinov and lead in this project Gogososhvili Nikolai Vladimirovich, with whom he worked before, and had no doubt that the technical + economic education of the last, and most importantly, experience in the industry – from shop foreman to chief production control department in a variety of industries and the economy – from accountant to chief accountant, chief financial officer and auditor, allow it to cope with this task. In May of 2004. Gogososhvili NV was appointed to the position of Deputy Director General for Finance, as this was his condition to have the lever of administrative influence on all who were involved in this project, and, if necessary, not just ask and tell.

After a survey of businesses was drawn traffic pattern inventory, workflow diagram, defined jobs to be Automation, painted by regulations of the operator at each workplace. The most direct participation in decision-making involved top managers of the enterprise: Domotenko VI, sweets, PP, Dermenzhi IV, a large burden was placed on the CAM department specialists. The enterprise has the task of construction of new local networks and improve the performance of the equipment. Already in the month of July was received first result: automated The following areas of accounting: – entrance MSY – Production and sale of finished products – human resources and payroll processing – payments to contractors.

When you need a job should not be tolerated in its search for errors that many beginners make in this difficult matter. You should never send resumes directly to the many vacancies that may be relevant to frost your previous work. Remember, no spam no longer needed. And there is no guarantee that once made a summary suitable for all companies. Typically, each company has its own requirements for registration and the creation of resumes, because practical make an individual summary for each rabotodatelya.Pri job search on the Internet should not be ignored formed over many decades of Internet etiquette. For example, do not simply provide a link to your resume that Set in the web site job search.

Also, do not call the names of files, "I," "Light, resume 'and summary files t.d.Trebuetsya call the personal name and the name attribute of the job for which you are applying for. K for example, "Ivan Ivanovich, a locksmith." It's easier to find a recruiter your file in its database, if he needed such uslugi.V some cases, applicants are reluctant to come to a personal interview. This is wrong approach because it is possible to walk all the interviews are of interest to you posts. If a person is actively looking for work, he would not attend the entire two – three summaries per month. Otherwise, the job he is not that he needs and how kazhetsya.Ni him in any case should not be late for another interview, because no one needs non-punctual employees. Most of the interview came one day several people, each of which is taking some time beyond which you no wait, and will not listen. Because if you are late – your chance to get rabotu.Ne not refuse to undergo testing or interviews. Quite often, managers staff representatives work psychological faculties who are interested in testing to determine the level of knowledge of the applicant in a particular area and to identify its relevance to the free vakansii.Takzhe most candidates are too high salary and career ambitions, which do not always coincide with reality. It should always be realistic about their capabilities and compare them with their skills. Not why ask for more than you received earlier, less is not worth. If they see fit necessarily raise wages.

Note that mechanical ventilation, which can ensure not only minimum health, but good comfort, providing a flow of fresh air, removing contaminated and removing excess heat is also not to be redundant. And its the right design will simplify the task of the overall system. Heating houses dealt with the cooling and ventilation air should be given to the function of heating. Make air conditioning work on the heat can be two different ways. In most cases this is done through so-called heat pump.

In this mode the air conditioner begins to work like the opposite – freezes out and warms the room. For outdoor temperatures down to -5, -10 C heating is very effective, but for total comfort in the winter cold is better to buy a model with an electric heated. It is worth noting that we consider the heating system with ventilation at all stages of development. So, you have an alternative – the choice of equipment for separate heating and ventilation. Installation, plan will still take place in the complex, but you get the equipment more resistant to low temperatures, and in case of failure of one function, all the rest will remain intact. Also, different areas may be functionally divided without any problems, lower storeroom cooled, the upper rooms otopleny and pool is equipped with ventilation. The principle of layouts such as a split-systems, and take away your only few inches above the ceiling or floor, depending on the designing. How and who to choose? Now that you've taken care of the functionality of the system most suitable for your home, make sure that she will serve you as long as possible – choose a proven brand, most well-known company with good references.

In bygone times, when the messengers with news of a grand victory, or to demand the surrender raced on horseback to the present, where the street you can often see a guy or girl, dressed in a T-shirt with logo firms and the sealed envelope bearing in his hand. This – couriers, people who frequently has a great responsibility, how quickly they deliver a package depends on, for example, or whether signed an important contract with foreign partners, will receive a summary of the executive officer of a potential employee, will rejoice dear one a gift for an anniversary. Courier delivery – this is, firstly, the belief that the recipient will receive a notification letter securities or a card of congratulation that the postman does not potyaryaet their parcels in the department, and when transportation is not compromised the integrity of the package. Courier Moscow will help to avoid such troubles, as a courier – a person the company hired him, and his thoroughness, tact with respect to the customer and punctuality can increase the number of regular customers, but it is not excluded, and vice versa, to make him look for another carrier. Delivery by courier correspondence – in fact, the key role of messenger, because every day the heads of companies, firms, organizations share important documents or the recommendations and requests. Confidentiality of such securities – not uncommon here why courier services willing to pay compensation, and even pay the full price of services to clients, if the package is damaged. Refunds are guaranteed and if the parcel with the label 'Express' was not delivered on time. The vast majority of organizations, or has its own shipping department, or working on an ongoing basis with outside agencies that specialize in these services. Better the first way, so as a co-ordinated delivery of the firm, the documents you want to convey. Another option, though the company releases the superiors of the establishment of 'express courier delivery', but room for doubt competencies selected for co-express the organization.

Probably everyone who first arrived in St. Petersburg and met with him as a longtime friend. For a variety of films, books, television broadcasts familiar embankments, ensemble of the Kazan Cathedral, the walls and bastions Peter and Paul Fortress, the spire of the Admiralty, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Bronze Horseman, Palace Square, Nevsky Prospect … According to the testimony of numerous guests, who saw St. Petersburg in different times and had an opportunity compare it to other cities, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And our fellow citizens, no doubt, give him the palm.

Not without reason it is called in North Palmyra, North Venice. This poetic metaphor is quite justified. Unable to find Saint Petersburg in which whatever program. St. Petersburg is very different, so in recent years increasingly popular independent tours to St. Petersburg.

When you can choose what visit, where to go in the evening in which to stay. You can not spend time visiting museums, and try to feel the very spirit of this extraordinary city just walking around the center. Or arrange a theatrical tour and visit the most prestigious stage of the Cultural Capital. The beauty of self-tour that you do not depend on the program, there is no limit on time, you are left to themselves. Go for a walk, admire, admire Hail Peter for his own pleasure, and at its discretion. If all did you have a desire to go on excursions and to listen to a guide who will tell you about the beauty of St. Petersburg from a historical point of view, you can always buy ticket to the tour directly from the bus. They are in the set are on the channel Griboyedov or at the corner of Quay. p. Fontanka River and Nevsky Prospect. The only course that when you visit St. Petersburg on their own, and not with the group you have a lot to think about and anticipate. Start, of course, you need to select hotels. After all, a lot depends on how comfortable the hotel is situated geographically. Especially if your plans include night walks in Petersburg. To make such a landmark of this city, like drawbridges not spoil your trip, leaving the night on benches in the park is better to treat the choice of gifts responsibly. The hotel in which you going to stay for your convenience should be in the center but slightly to the side and to the monuments, which is very rich in this city is within reach. But the noisy company of young people who are very fond of summer walk in the center of St. Petersburg will not bother you. It is best to book your room in advance. Now on the site of any hotel can arrange online application and book a room at your hotel vending. One of the most conveniently located hotels in the center of St. Petersburg hotel “The Brothers Karamazov.

JSC Revdinsky Hardware-Metallurgical Union is on the market since 2003, sells products of metallurgical enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region Revda, offering to supply the black and color metal, wire products, wire mesh, welding electrodes, cables, steel pipes, seamless pipes and other hot variety. The company has extensive experience in the specialization for the production of a wide range of fastening products. The company specialists develop and offer customized solutions in the field of fasteners that can be used in various industries from simple household devices to advanced high-precision technology. With its broad manufacturing capabilities and highly skilled, Inc. Revdinsky Hardware-Metallurgical Union to cope with large orders for manufacture of complex products. The products are high quality, low price and the tight schedule of development and production of fasteners, and an individual approach to each client enables us to offer optimal solution. Due to constant product mix the company is constantly expanding the geography of deliveries, which now includes many regions of Russia. Company Revdinsky Hardware-Metallurgical Union satisfy customer needs in a wide product range even with small amounts of the order.

The marketing component of the plant allows the company to restructure to meet new demands consumer, which helps to solve the main problem of domestic hardware production, namely, low mobility and speed new product introduction. The company ZAO RMMS development process metalware products in according to customers' specifications does not exceed 45 days, which is also largely due to the technological component. At the moment, all the products the company produced ways: manual (vytachivanie products), rolling, cutting. The need for fasteners is great, these products use a wide variety of enterprises of the domestic industry. Fasteners are supplied by the nuclear industry, defense industry, aviation, automotive and furniture manufacturing. Hardware products market in Russia has good prospects of growth in the near future will allow for import substitution. For order client, as well as obtaining thin-walled tubes and pipes of small dimensions are used cold deformation of seamless and welded pipe rolling and drawing.

Cold-formed tubes are non-ferrous metals, various diameter, and shaped tubes, rectangular, oval, star, and others. Shipment of the product company Revdinsky Hardware Metallurgical Union, may exercise in any configuration, as well as any parties. Turning to the company ZAO Revdinsky Hardware Metallurgical Union, you get high quality products, corresponding to current standards and specifications, prices, ease of calculations, as well as efficient execution of orders due to the continued availability of stock. JSC "Revdinsky Hardware-Metallurgical Union" – the official site

However, without specialist advice is necessary. In a specialty store or company can help you calculate the amount of film other building materials. And, last but not least, will help determine exactly what technical devices and accessories needed for normal functioning of the pond or other water facilities in a private garden. You need to pump – at least to be able to pump out water (for cleaning the pond or in the winter), and also recommended for periodic partial renewal of water. Choosing a pump for the pond, it is better to buy more powerful. Alas, buying low-power pump today, you'll have to buy new, when you think to buy water purification system.

Pay special attention to sealing all electrical connections. For reliability used in the garden a special outlet, ideally – radiorozetku to control both the pump and fountains, artificial lighting. This is a very handy thing, it can be connected and all garden lighting to could control the light and water, without leaving home. For immersion pump is desirable to acquire and mounting plate. It is important to buy quality hose designed specifically for the device structure of water, as ponds, and streams. If you intend to breed in ornamental fish pond, you'll need to get serious about water purification. There are ultraviolet lamps, filters, and complex systems of biofiltration. However, apart from biological treatment of water needed and accessories for cleaning the surface of the pond, where accumulated dead plant parts flown litter and leaves, fish wastes and other fauna, liking your pond.

This simple nets, and special scissors, forceps and pond, and very effective skimmers. And then there are vacuum cleaners and purifiers for water bodies bottom. Attention! When operating electrical devices, take care precautions. To equip the pond, use only equipment specially designed for such purposes and has safety certificates. Be sure to follow the operating instructions.

The most beautiful building material – is, of course, wood. It, the texture, colors, shades are noble and elegant appearance. But the wood is very susceptible to various environmental influences. To protect and, – the possibility, maintain such a high-quality construction material, as well as to emphasize its uniqueness and beauty of wood as a master with many years to use a special clear coating, called a lacquer. Lucky used both in households and in industry, construction and many other fields of human activity. Varnishes often cover paint enamels, consisting of a primer (the most common – primer GF-021) and enamels, such as enamel PF-115. At the same varnish protects the enamel against external influences and gives beauty cover.

Gone are the days when covered with the same paint all that was needed. Today, all major manufacturers of paints differentiate their products in relation to all sorts of problems and different types of surfaces. For example, insulating varnishes (FA-97, ML-92) are used in electrical industry in the manufacture of transformers. But the most widely used coatings were in the construction industry. It is used primarily alkyd, polyurethane, nitrocellulose, and water-dispersed varnishes. In particular, the construction of residential and industrial buildings varnishes used for coating of various wood products: doors, walls (both internal and external), floors (both from simple planks, and parquet), varying (in including built-in) furniture, etc.

Most modern compositions can be applied in various ways: by brush, roller, spraying, dipping, pouring, airbrush. On the material bases can be divided into the following lacquers groups: water-dispersion paints, no sharp odor, environmentally friendly and fire-safe varnish made by dissolving the various components in organic solvents, with pungent smell and fire risks when using them. Keep in mind that to get a good result in coating the surface with varnish, you need to know and take into account the technical characteristics, properties, and the appointment of varnish used. Necessary also take into account the characteristics of varnished surfaces, while adhering to recommendations on the use of lacquer.

The global recession has forced many travelers to abandon their original plans and stay home for the sake of saving money. In these circumstances, countries are forced to literally fight for every tourist, offering if not a substantial discount, then a unique experience. The search engine Skyscanner (, which helps its customers to buy cheaper tickets, announces a list of the winners, who were able to lure tourists. Analysis searches almost 10 million users a month lets say that the most popular among travelers country is Spain. The increased interest in her show users from all countries, which represents Skyscanner. Further, in ranking followed by the UK, USA, Italy, Germany and France. Commented Dmitry Konovalov, Manager for Russia and the CIS, “World Tourism Organization records are post-crisis recovery demand for travel to other countries. However, this dynamic is not the same everywhere.

Skyscanner – one of the dominant travel search engines in the UK and European markets, where Spain is traditionally popular. However, this victory countries in the fight for the tourist is also confirmed by the analysis of search queries in all 233 countries / regions. ” Most popular countries among users Skyscanner in the world: 1. Spain 2. UK 3. USA 4.

Italy 5. Germany 6. France 7. Turkey 8. Greece 9. Portugal 10. Who Poland to visit us? Regarding the development of tourism in Russia, the data indicate Skyscanner its two main sources – Germany and the UK, the largest European economies with large populations and traditionally strong business and cultural ties with our country. In fifth place in rating of Ukraine. Here, too, play a role family and social ties that bind its people to Russia. It is not excluded that a specific value for the Ukrainians is the development of the market of transit air traffic, and flights to St Petersburg and Moscow booked them to arrange a cheap and convenient travel third country. 2010 declared the Year of France in Russia and Russia in France, and it definitely stirs up interest in our country

And now, when we have economic collapse in the same way all over the world, continue to remain perplexed as to why this happened. Few realize that the so-called financial crisis, which everyone says conceals a fallacy once adopted the concept of management. Our needs are basic, necessary for existence. We can not stop plowing or planting, to produce iron, coal and oil. But there are other – those who are not meeting the needs and whims. And many types of production have arisen in this sphere, otyazheliv entire structure of the economy towards irrelevance and shifting view of value.

For example, a banker, traded securities in the form of bank notes, was in our minds more meaningful, successful and necessary, than a farmer. Divorced many so-called business activity is confined mainly to speculation – ‘Tear from his mouth chuzhego benefit’. And farmers, seeing a positive attitude towards them in society, want to be like them and threw their arable land. Not knowing the law of right conduct in business relations, we are not so less feel that it exists – this iron law, natural law, which gives an effect crises at all levels. We feel it even on the threshold of crisis, experiencing fatigue and depression. We see that this iron the law works as a kind of regulator, an exhaust valve of accumulated surplus. And gradually we begin to understand that we can not revive the economy on the principle of ‘private vices – public benefit’, as it was during the previous economic crises. Time besssrochnyh leave if given to us in order to understand what is happening – why do we ‘cut off’ all too much. And when we understand this, we see that the work brings benefits for everyone, not just for profit units, a job that will not harm nature – is the work of the future, and the next.

From downtown to the Giza Pyramids – no more than an hour away by bus (if there are no traffic jams). By pyramids better come early in the morning, until there is not a crowd of tourists. Walk quietly, looking at what what is interesting for you. If nabredete on something interesting (like I have found the underground passage that leads to a room filled with stone coffins), just stop at the “object” for a couple of minutes. To you immediately suitable person who can show you what you do not see the “organized” tourists. Of course, this service is not free, but you know what you pay for. I guarantee that your enjoyment of self- inspection of the pyramid is much greater than that of those who “walk their” guides and comfortable buses await! Face to Back of the Pharaohs at Giza bus comes to the area of Liberation (El-Tahrir), which is still an important facility for the visit – Egyptian Museum of Antiquities.

In the dark-red building with a dome housed a great many valuable artifacts. Stories here you can literally “look in the face” – the mummies of pharaohs help you to “humanize” the ancient history of Egypt. The great river Nile gave birth to the country. Modern Egyptians are to the Nile as respectfully as their ancestors did. On warm evenings, a lot of people rolling on the river for sailing and motor boats, admiring the artfully lit city. Ride and you. If you are traveling by, it makes sense to rent a boat and ride around the two islands located in the middle of the river, and also look a little Iron Bridge – the creation of the famous engineer Eiffel.

Admire the night Cairo and the pyramids can be brightly lit and from the observation deck of El Burg, located on the island of Zamalek. Dark night of Cairo … Evening – the a good time to get to the famous Cairo market Khan el-Khalili. (Read more about it read the article “The Market – a tricky business!”). Some guides advise him to attend only the afternoon – allegedly due to increased criminality. Not Believe it! Regardless of time of day you will not hurt: Guests here are respected. In addition, most stores during the day simply did not work. The climate and lifestyle of the East are very different from European. Many Egyptians come to market along with their wives and children, not only for shopping but also for the evening “get-togethers” in the many cafes. In the evening market is particularly noisy, sparkling and fragrant aromas unknown. Of different goods – the sea. Even a deadbeat tourists opens its second wind. Shops are open late, too – some up to two hours of the night. In the morning, old lovers can travel by taxi at Saqqara, to look the other pyramids. One of them (Step Pyramid of Djoser Pharaoh) – The first Egyptian pyramid, built over four thousand years ago.