Monthly archive of November, 2013

Inspect the magnet on the bottom of the tube for congestion metal chastits.Esli new motor, there may be a small amount of metal chastits.Esli motor is not new, but the metal particles found many, pour fresh oil in the gear, let the motor to work up to 10 hours and check again maslo.Esli chips continues to appear, you should contact the seller of your motor. A similar operation should be performed in case of detection of the oil from the gearbox muddy spots: if they look like cocoa-with-milk, it could mean a leak of water through .Zapah burning is also a sign problem.Cherez lower opening to fill the crankcase with fresh gear oil. When the oil begins to flow through the upper hole, plug the bottom hole with your finger, and above all, replace the upper probku.Esli engine leans-rises slowly, or if it spontaneously falls, jolts or moves, you must completely lift motor, locked in a position to check the fluid level in the hydraulic actuator descent-ascent motora.Uroven liquid should reach the bottom of the sight hole. If necessary, must be supplemented its special type Dextron atf fluid for hydraulic .Na four engines when changing engine oil should be changed and oil filter. Spark plugs. Before you check your spark plugs, first of all, pay attention to which wires go to what klemmam.Vse contacts usually looks exactly the same (although the lower contact in the package usually look darker). All motors are equipped with tables diagnostics that help detect arising problemy.Esli were significant differences in the characteristics of the passport, you should check the compression in the cylinder outboard. .

Tree mass is used as a convenient building material, but wood has its negative sides, and: the material is flammable and prone to rotting. It turned out that, until now the methods that are 100% secured to the influence of the above factors are absent. But there is a set of measures which reduce the percentage of their occurrence. The flame, of course, causing the fire. How to protect yourself from it – is, above all, to take care of fire fighting measures. Conduct a reliable, high quality electrical wiring, here is best suited for advanced impregnation of brick and fire protection for the wood.

The process of decay is influenced by various microbes in the timber related to these conditions. For the decay condition is bad wood is dried. % Moisture such timber can be achieved with dried from winter to summer, subject to central Russia. It follows that if construction of the house, you should consider natural ventilation, the house and its construction details. Protecting wood from decay and the environment provides a waterproof roof and painted with water resistant paint material, and capillary moisture – sealing respectively. Therefore, it is advisable not to plant trees near the house, giving opacity and prevent aeration. Oh, and if such measures do not protect completely turns the wood from moisture, protect it with a modern antiseptic.

Antiseptic is divided into 3 groups: water soluble, which include trudnovymyvaemye, leachable, indelible, legkovymyvaemye, oily (Nevymyvaemye) organorastvorimye (nevymyvaemye). Antiseptics for wood, used to protect wood from decay, must meet the following requirements: be highly toxic (poisonous) in relation to wood destroying fungi, but to be human and animal friendly, long retain this toxicity, penetrate into the wood easily, does not degrade the mechanical and physical quality of wood is not finished and pasting utrudnyat timber. Antiseptics for water-soluble wood protection issued in the form of dry mixtures of salt. The main ingredient of insect control, destroying the wood in the stock of timber – the right way to store, maintenance of reserves in the desired position, as well as mandatory debarking of roundwood.

Glory of the squad 'Georges' thundered around Verdun forest: not giving respite to the enemy guerrillas struck blow after blow. They were released from the camp near the village of Buk large group of Senegalese – the former French soldiers whom the Nazis were preparing to take out to do hard labor in Germany, and formed an international guerrilla unit. The French military command awarded gp Ponomareva 'Croix de Guerre with bronze star 'in order to award said:' Selfless to fanaticism, was distinguished by extraordinary courage, Ponomarev caused huge losses to the enemy, capturing many prisoners, and thereby contributed to the liberation of French territory. " And in acknowledgment of, the leaders issued a 21-second inter-district military committee, said that "for their courage in the leadership of a detachment of 'Stalingrad', frantirer Lieutenant George Ponomarev has every right to appreciation of the French nation. " Around 7,000 Russian who fought in the resistance were killed before they reach the victory. Among the 'makizarov' were both prisoners of war who had escaped from Nazi concentration camps, so and representatives of the Russian emigration, during the Second World War in arms stood up against Hitler's fascism.

Two Russian nobility – Boris Vilde and Anatoly Levitsky, employees of the anthropological museum in Paris – first used the word 'Resistance' in his underground leaflet. Princess Vera Obolensky, tortured by the Gestapo in Berlin, was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War. And there are many examples. mj Gaft and other Russian emigre, ii Trojan served as connected.

From the series: 'Notebook traveler to the Czech Republic dedicated. " A detailed explanation for the continued publication "Short-term tourist accommodation in the Czech Republic" Much time has passed since I wrote and posted on the Internet and on site of the first version of an analytical article on short-term tourist accommodation in the Czech Republic. Since this article was not one time correction and, of course, changes were made for each type of accommodation, especially, As for the cost of accommodation. People write to be interested are asked to clarify some issues that prompted me to collect their explanations for each type of accommodation in a single text and, by doing some part-to explanation in the form of continuation, called "How to choose a short-term accommodation in the Czech Republic and what to expect from their choice." Here's what happened. Hotels in Czech Republic, and specifically in Prague can be divided without regard to stardom, divided into three categories: 1. Expensive. These hotels are expensive for several reasons. The first reason is the name of the hotel, or rather his reputation.

Second, and perhaps the main reason – location. The closer to the center – the more expensive and the third reason – its atmosphere, more interior, while many hoteliers suffer near-sightedness, they forgot that the interior should be kept in good condition. That sometimes turns out that the price of hotel rooms exceeds the limit, and on Maintaining interior without spending a crown for many years and the hotel withers, is in decline, and now the glittering past splendor, this hotel is only visible in the eyes of its owner.

I noticed that recently on the forums active covert marketing company. Apparently it is now with the projects tugovato, customers do not have to go-by to look. A principle as simple as two fingers: to create a theme Forum with the direction of your business. In this case ‘hidden advertising’ Next create a topic about this helpful (customer) as the phenomenon of “hidden advertising” (copywriting, web design, programming). Then simply.

Talk about their experiences trying to post articles, give advice … It now remains to attract a potential customer. Tips: If you can give a link to your portfolio. If the external links prohibited, it is possible to throw an ad in a special section of the forum and put a link in the signature selection index. I think it is clear that should look similar topics in your specialty areas.

Toleratnosti bigger and humor. Moderators do not like advertisers:) Promote service discreetly, you should just be interesting to talk about his favorite pastime. In the near future to discuss this way of illustrative example. It remains to find unoccupied, suitable for the context of the forum. A really effective way, especially given the competition for freelance exchanges. PS I can assist in promoting your services.

What is a pier foundation? During the construction of wooden houses, with light walls and have no basement, just apply the pier foundation. At the same poles are placed at points where the walls meet, they are placed under all angles. The pillars are made of concrete, brick or natural stone. The distance that is between the posts must be no more than 3 meters. To design a stable, top posts of the beam is put strapping wood or metal. Pier foundation of it all columnar base price is 1.5-2 times lower than the price the tape. This is due to the use of inexpensive materials and special techniques of manufacture.

For wooden houses light construction, pier foundation is the most common. Let's look at how the projects done and pier foundation under the house. To begin digging a trench having a cross-section of 30 cm or more. After that, the corners of the house put poles (piles). Especially pay attention to the installation of poles in the joints of the outer and inner walls of the house. Pier foundation for light homes without basements It also lays the walls of brick when you need deep foundations and foundation-type tape is expensive.

For the construction of pier foundation is most frequently used blocks of prefabricated concrete or reinforced concrete. The choice of material depends on the number of floors and building mass. Pier foundation placed in locations where the most concentrated load. At the heart of the foundation pillars that are arranged by drilling wells to a depth of 2.0 m in increments of 1.5 – 2.5 m diameter of 250-400 mm. Parks vertical bar (3 – 4 pins) with the release of grillage and poured concrete. Next, a trench is arranged under the concrete sand cushion tape (grillage) deep 200 – 300 mm in width and covered with grillage coarse sand from plugging. Parks reinforcement cage grillage with a bandage to the armature poles. Width grillage 250 – 400 mm, height 400 mm.

Travel abroad – an integral part of life in any modern humans. Travel can be both entertaining and working. A well-planned trip abroad usually gives a lot of bright emotions and memories, but there are bad situations. It happens that you can steal the most that neither is important to travel abroad – cash and key documents. What to do in this case? Where to go and who can help? If this happened in an entertaining trip, you can assume that just got lucky, because with this surprise you are unlikely to be left alone. All questions will seek a firm that organizes your vacation. If you prefer to travel alone, or reside abroad to plan a business meeting, not to get upset. You should go to the consulate of your native state in the country where you are now.

Almost any European country, there are embassies of these states, former members of the cis, Belarus, Ukraine, etc. Well, you to have their exact address and phone number in advance. This requires thinking out the most overseas trip. You will definitely be easier to work on the restoration of the required documents, if you flew abroad for a long period and managed to register with the department. Thus, when the purpose of your trip – work abroad, we strongly encourage you to register upon arrival. And do not try to get a job illegally. Trafficking in human beings – this is one of the most recent negative trends in our society.

In the most common situation when you contact the embassy, where you'll be told what to do and where to run, need to bring any additional papers. If you carry on the trip had only a passport, likely to require evidence a person who can verify your persona. Then you get a certain dock, which will give you the right to leave the host country. Go somewhere else with this document you do not able, but to get to the house, where to solve the problem with stolen papers easier – is quite real. In the course of organizing the event and it is worth reflecting on the precarious situation where you suddenly run out of funds to existence. You will be able to protect his person from a lot of problems if you take with a credit card or, for example, record a separate phone numbers of parents and friends. Because the consulate you can help are minimized. For example, give a little money on the photo for replacing a passport or suggest how best to transfer money from their parents. Count will most likely only on yourself. Therefore, to start planning a trip is with great responsibility.

At a cost of roofing material slate roof is one of the cheapest. Slate – it's asbestos, often corrugated sheets. Now the slate is produced much better quality than before, and it painted a different color – It allows even low-cost roofing system in the construction of homes draw decently and with dignity. On average, the slate sheet weighs about 25 kg, and its area is about 2 square meters Slate roof device can be carried out on pitched roofs with attic roof, if the slope is not less than 14 degrees. Before you carry out installation of slate, is required to properly prepare the sheathing of the roof. Under asbestos roof sheathing step is not more than 55 cm tend to use a batten bars 50 x 50. You can also use the board 50h120.

if roof pitch is small, step must be reduced. The roof of slate should not be as wide eaves overhang more than 50 cm performed as a continuous overhang of the boards lathing. Slate roof device assumes that the sheets are in no case will not clinch, but only drill the holes for fastening. There is a special slate nails, which are corrosion resistant hat and a gasket of rubber or roofing felt. Slate fastened to the top of the wave, and the distance between the mounting plates can not do less than 6 cm and there are certain conditions, how far should address list and slate with some overlap it is placed.

This sends in them to a necessary reflection on ambient education that must be seen as a process of constant learning that values the diverse forms of knowledge and form citizens with planetary local conscience and. Moraes C. Ana, periodical of the education. ‘ ‘ This article deals with an activity to interdisciplinar resultant of the study on the importance of the arborization in the cities. In agreement agreement with law n 9,795, of 27 of April of 1999 of the ambient Education, says that: Art. 1o Understands for ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support. Art.

2o ambient education is an essential and permanent component of the national education, having to be present, of articulated form, in all the levels and modalities of the educative process, in formal character and not-deed of division. Agenda 21 also in them evidences the importance of the ambient education. ‘ ‘ To develop a population that conscientious and is worried about the environment and with the problems that it is associates and that it has knowledge, abilities, attitudes, motivations and commitments to work collectively individual and, in the brainstorming for the existing problems and the preservation of novo’ ‘. (CNUMA, 2001) – used Methodologies the project involves the pupils of the State School Wild Arlindo, children between six the fourteen years of age, that frequent the school of the family in the week ends.

Try to focus on their biorhythms. If you – 'Lark' – were engaged in the mornings. If you belong to the 'owls' – then you better train in the afternoon. But keep in mind that it is not advisable to start training sooner than 2-3 hours after bedtime. Evening training needed to finish in 2 hours before bedtime. Do not practice under a bright sun or artificial (neon, halogen) light.

Food and fluid replenishment training on simulators should be made 2 hours after eating, and after a workout, try not to eat at least an hour. If you take drugs, drink tea, coffee, alcohol or smoking – start training as well, not earlier than one hour after this. If during training appears thirst or dry mouth, you need to rinse your mouth, but do not consume any significant quantities of fluids during and immediately after exercise. Clothes for training should be easy and allow your body to breathe; shoes – sports, such as running shoes. If you wear lots of clothes, it will cause excessive sweating. More weight loss – it is a liquid which is filled with first you have drunk a glass of water.

Warm up before training at the gym every workout at the gym should start with a workout in order to prepare the body for subsequent work. Workout should be light and preferable to use those muscles that will be incorporated into the work. Do squats, bending and exercises for the shoulder girdle. Then you need to prepare for the upcoming load the knee joint: a little massage and rub their hands.

People from all over the world are always interested in the teachings of the Dalai Lama. Many people like to take part in his teachings, as well as a blessing. Get an audience with the Dalai – Lama really is not easy. It is not easy to find him in Dharamsala, where his residence, as He travels a lot around the world, but sometimes it comes back to his home and it becomes possible. Of course there are certain traditions that you should follow. You should know the procedure admission.

If you follow our advice, the impossible becomes possible. It is important to follow these steps. Plan ahead. Plan for the year ahead to your wish just came true about the meeting. Determine the date when you will travel to India and convolution with the schedule of the Dalai – Lama. Select a date when His Holiness will be in his residence. Schedule of his movements, you can look at the official site. In addition, it is necessary plan for housing and transportation.

Simply put everything that can book you need. Remember, you are not the only one who would like to receive blessing. Explore the sites of local travel agencies, services of local guides you also does not interfere. Learn more about the residence of the Dalai – Lama in Dharamsala. Research. In addition to receiving information from the website of the Dalai Lama, you can also write a letter to the Administrative office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Dharamsala. Written request for an audience with the Dalai Lama. Remember that a lot of people asking for an audience with him, be terpelyvy. Give details of why you would like to get an audience. Constantly read all the news associated with the Dalai Lama. Read his work and think about what you are so unique, that he wanted to meet you. When you are already in place, keep your ears and eyes wide open. Sometimes an audience with the physical individuals can learn from other pilgrims, thus keep in touch with the people who came was not the first time. They know more about the traditions and ceremonies. Rules of Conduct. If you have the opportunity to have an audience with the Dalai Lama, the you should be more than prepared. Buy a white scarf, near the district of residence, as is tradition, he will bless and scarf while it welcomes you. You can bring a few extra elements such as statues and scarves, which will also be blessed. Take the money to offer to the monks who collect donations. To arrive at the collection need at least 15 minutes. There are so rigid security, so in any case do not bring anything resembling a weapon or weapons. At a meeting with the Dalai Lama, do not forget to bow in respect. You can get a red ribbon from his aides as a souvenir, leaving the region. Be smart and be patient, as this is a very complex task. If something does not go as planned, do not get discouraged, get lucky next time. Remember that pre-planning this is a very important aspect of achieving the desired result.

Special attention today in the domestic market worth facade paints. Indeed, much of the 'front problem' is solved exactly painting. All paint materials for facades, are protective and decorative coatings, ie, they must not only decorate the building, but also reduce the level of destroying its environmental influence. The main types of damaging effects of fronts: the variables temperature (in some areas, diurnal temperature difference reaches 40 C) and humidity variable, including sea fog sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), the wind, biological exposure (mold, fungi and etc.), industrial and environmental pollution, chemical and physical incompatibility of the material of the building and its coverage. Often these factors work together. The most powerful destroyers is, of course, variable temperature in combination with high humidity, air pollution and sunlight. The paint and the painted surface should approach each other, then their 'living together' will be a long and beautiful. Type surface in this alliance – which determines the value.

Mineral surfaces at low temperatures tend to gain moisture, and with an increase in – give it away as a couple. Therefore, the exterior paint to these surfaces must have a structure that does not pass water in the condensed phase, but to release it into gas (vapor), or pairs of tear film of paint. Paints that do not give a building facade to breathe, would provoke the moisture inside, which will lead to destruction of the mineral base. Often the old brick building, plastered thick cement plaster and paint-covered slabodyshaschimi, turn under the plaster in the soft ground. For mineral surfaces such as concrete is acceptable, not all water-based paints, as they 'pull' on the surface of alkali, obesschelachivaya the upper layers of the base. This contributes to the destruction of steel reinforcement, and may also lead to rapid fading of the coating. For wooden surfaces are the most important indicators of flexibility and waterproof paint.

There are plenty of reasons to travel to Mendoza. One of them, and not a minor, is its great hospitality offer. So it is feasible to find truly magnificent in Mendoza with truly affordable rates accommodations in this city where the greenery was booted to the inhospitable desert, hospitality is an art. An art cultivated with loving care by the mendocino offered tourists to his city, its culture, its wines, its squares and captivating landscapes by his fierce feral beauty. Because Mendoza City but is also mountain, mountain. Cerro Aconcagua protects and attracts outsiders, who are attracted by its beauty, as you will be if you reach cuyanas lands. Mendoza is also vintage, red horizon of mature vines that invite you to relax and to the enjoyment of a sunset to air free while it tastes already international product of Mendoza: wine. They are actually so many and so pleasurable the attractions which the traveller may fill their time in Mendoza that would require many lyrics to enumerate them.

And to try to meet all the wealth that this province proposes is essential count with a site to which returning once we have concluded our day. That site where we host must be adjusted to our needs and above all our pocket. Perhaps the tourist is an epicure, a gourmet versed in the luxury and refinement. For him there are in the city of Mendoza 5 star hotels that none will be its sole concern. You will have at your fingertips as want at the time you wish. These hotels are better communicated and all Mendoza’s finest streets.

But it is not necessary to go up to the five-star category to stay in a good hotel in Mendoza, since the promise of comfort and meticulous attention is going to be accomplished equally if you go to any hotel in the lower category. In the most modest rooms usually be reduced and dealing with tourists, warm and endearing. All this together that their rates are frankly affordable become your stay a dear and endearing memory. There are thousands of offers hospitality that clear this pass by hotels, Whatever your category, but which include much more. It is most usual increasingly tourists looking for a simple and familiar lodging resort to Bed and Breakfast, imported from old Europe model and which gains adherents every day. To make the holiday in Mendoza an indelible memory experience can travelers stay at any wells that provide this service. In the silence of the cellars you will have the unique sensation of found in the cradle where is born one of the most universal man contributions to culture. Following the paths of the province, you will find Inns, Inns and shelters that isolated him, hurry and shake of our contemporary world. Its same name already takes us to times in which the traveller reached them Mule-riding, exhausted and covered by dust from the road. Restored mansions or traditional buildings which return taste in neighborhood with the Earth and where you will enjoy privacy and affable treatment of owners. At present, these establishments have meant recreational propositions to convert leisure into an active experience. You can even select an accommodation in Mendoza with peculiar rates, throughout a room dedicated to the tourism of adventure from which test the riskiest activities. If you like this information, recommend this article to your friends and family.