Monthly archive of November, 2018

Now, having done an excellent job in the previous two phases does not guarantee you a good result in this. Sonny Perdue gathered all the information. Then, what is this commitment? If you have created a vision of business viable, coherent and well supported, should secure a commitment of his team (for example, if you want to sustain a negotiation based on competitive prices and offering a high level of service to the customer, must be able to sustain it internally then sell the idea to your customer). Likewise, it must be able to secure a commitment from your customer to develop a work plan in the period of planning (quarter, semester, year). ES say, at this stage, you should work together with your customer to achieve a commitment by the parties to bring to reality the vision of development of the account which was raised in the previous phase. This is a more political than the previous phase, it is one phase of sale and conviction, more searching for the correct and consensus supports. The experience I have lived processes of Account Planning which are done spectacular work in the first two phases (knowledge and vision) and never goes down to commitment, which must lead to action.

I.e. excellent plans account for domestic consumption are constructed (to show the heads and the heads of the heads), which have never had consensus and commitment to the customer, therefore it is pure creativity and poorly inverted imagination. A successful plan of account is one that customer knows, shares, has its contribution and boasts its commitment. Finally a methodological recommendation. It should use a formal, documented process for the development of the Plan account. Is practicable, forget about processes and data that does not give it in its ultimate goal, which is achieving a commitment of the parties in the development of business opportunities that will benefit the client. Don’t forget to ensure that your organization can meet and deliver what they committed in their plan. The worst outcome of a plan is not achieving compliance with what in the undertook, probably will be his last with this customer account plan.