The School Eurpedes Barsanulfo is located in the city of Sacrament. It was created in the year of 1975 for Corina Novelino and Dr. Toms Novelino with the objective to give continuity to the developed educational program in the College Allan Kardec (established in 1907) for Professor Eurpedes Barsanulfo. Eurpedes Barsanulfo developed the method of education from two pillars: the Evangelho de applied Jesus as the ethical norm to the thought and the actions of the pupils – and the methodology of Pestalozzi – developing all the learning from the nature. The School Eurpedes Barsanulfo counts years of practical pedagogical next to the work initiated for professor Eurpedes Barsanulfo, considering a work from the nature.

From the decade of 1990 the School started to implement in its educational process the Pedagogia of the Love. Education is carried through from projects. They are not adopted you emend or didactic books. Each year a new project is organized in accordance with the necessities of the pupils, the professors and all pertaining to school body. All project is structuralized in moral teachings and spirituals that go being lived deeply throughout the semester for all the School. From the project, all the lessons and contents are constructed by the professors. The learning of the pupil is all focada in the comment, the perception, the experimentation next to the nature. Only after the use of the resource of the nature, the pupils are taken for the classroom and give continuity what they had been able to perceive relating its comments with the content to be studied.
