Wood has always been popular material for construction. For all the undeniable merits of wooden structures, they possess a number of drawbacks, the most significant of which is increased fire hazard. Widely used at present an effective means of special protection of wood from fire (flame retardants) make safe operation of timber structures. Modern fire retardants, of course, not safeguard against the outbreak of fire – this is impossible in principle, but slow down and prevent the spread of fire through the wooden building elements, which gives a significant gain in time to eliminate the source fires and save lives and property. Flame retardants are available in different forms – be it varnishes and paints, as well as all sorts of impregnation. According to the principle of protection of wood against fire can be divided into two main groups. In fire protective timber of the first group act as a fire extinguisher – under an open flame retardants foams, creating a barrier to heat to wooden structures, and thus prevent the spread of flames.
The second group – protection of wood-based salts, which produce non-flammable gases when in contact with fire. From exposure to high temperature upper layer of wood structure can be charred, but the flames can not penetrate, due to deep infiltration. To date, flame retardants in the form of salt impregnations are common in most. In industrial processing retardants as deeply into wood fibers, so that protection is more persistent. But not all manufacturers use protective equipment in the production of wood timber, so you'll probably have to do it themselves. Over time, any fire retardants in some degree lose its fireproof qualities, and require treatment of wood again.
Before you apply new remedies, without fail, make sure they are compatible with the tools inflicted earlier. But to be sure a hundred percent better at work use the as flame retardants, which was used for initial processing. On the effectiveness retardants are divided into classes. Therefore, choosing a remedy, pay attention to it. First class combines flame retardants, providing the most comprehensive and serious protection of structures against fire at all stages of development. The second class includes remedies only prevent a fire.