The first director of the company was appointed Liashenko Nikolay Vladimirovich. And now we are proud to recall the names of employees at the time: Pine Maxim Arkhipovich, Shlyakhtin Nikolay Andreyevich, Filimonova Radionovna Mary, Thecla Aleshkina Matveyevna, Ivan Maksimovic and Kowalski many, many others. Already in 1940, after making changes to the draft power mill was 280 tons per day, and groats – 170 tons per day. Built and dreamed of the future … And June 22, 1941 began a new phase in the life time of the whole country and Young still milling company. The evacuation of parts of enterprises Voroshilovgrad region, but the mill manufactory worked. December 10, 1941 held a plenum of the Party regional committee in which it was decided about the smooth operation mill combines up to the occupation of the Nazis. The bread was needed to the front.
Combine work despite the difficulties s supply of grain and spare parts. There was no qualified workers, all went to the front. When the Nazis entered the city. Employees have undermined communication burned archive. Going to undermine the elevator.
– It was really scary, it seemed that death has won. How can you blow up the elevator, if there is the holy of holies – grain? And no one dared to do it – they all had faith in our victory – so it's about telling a participant in those events Beshlebnova Praskovya Pavlovna. And then came the long-awaited day of February 14, 1942, the day of release. Huge reinforced concrete structure standing on the elevator mill combines the outskirts of the city and towered above the surrounding terrain, with its view large part of the city, and yet it was an important strategic site, on the elevator preserved grains.