Build a toilet at the cottage with his own hands is not difficult, it is only necessary to observe some rules, and then this building will serve you long and reliable. Chalet toilets are rarely built inside houses, are more common street options. They are easier to install and do not require special equipment for cleaning. This paper will be given three options for giving toilets. Toilet with a cesspool most common variant of the restroom. First just for a toilet should dig a cesspool, and the need to observe some rules. If the groundwater at the site fit pretty close to the surface (3-3.5 meters), the sump do not generally recommended, and if you still decided to build this type of toilet, then it should have at least 25-30 meters from the nearest well and at 15 meters from the house.
Cesspool better to do with the seal the walls and bottom. To do this, it spread from the concrete and plaster with cement mortar, and then apply another thin layer of cement and wipe it. Then made of timber frame section of 100×100, and to take the bar seats 50-50. Standard the size of toilet: 150 cm long, 100 cm wide and 210 cm in height. Bars is cut in size and are connected to poldereva, then sanded and then check level and plumb compounds. To toilet in the country was stable, it deepened with piles – segments of the beam up to 90 cm stool constructed from a sheet of plywood, which cut a hole and bolted it to the frame.
Walls and floor toilet and sheathed with plywood or particleboard, and insulation can be glued to the foam. For convenience, sheathe toilet until the pit installation. The roof of a toilet constructed from cross beams, and they fit or slate roofing iron. Powders, toilet is another option cottage toilet – toilet-powders. This type of latrine can be combined with other outbuildings or bath. This toilet is set on a layer of compacted clay and gravel (10-15 cm). Caracas sheathe with plywood or boards, and the interior is divided into two equal parts. In constructing a toilet seat, which put a metal container and put in another part of the box with a lid for the sawdust, peat or dry land. Pretty convenient and hygienic WC powders to give a-closet. If it is properly equipped and carefully used, this may seem quite onerous toilet, cheap to operate and tidy. It can be combined with other outbuildings or bath. After the appearance of fresh waste, sawdust sprinkled on them. Peat or soil, and when the tank is filled, it is taken out through a side door and emptied into a compost pit. Luft-closet This option is a combination of home and the usual wooden toilet. This toilet is inside the house and sump constructed on the street. The figure shows a scheme of play-closet: 1 – chimney, 2 – play-channel, 3 – Wooden Cover 4 – Cast-iron exhaust, 5 – stretching, 6 – clay castle, 7 – brick. Putting a bathroom built of brick or concrete and the floor is made with reinforced concrete floor thickness of 100 mm. Cesspit dug rate of 0.5 cubic meters. m. per man. It is the size of 70×80 cm hatch with two covers. The first lid (cast iron) is mounted at ground level, while the second (wooden) – above the joists, the gap between them filled with insulation material. An important condition play-closet is a good exhaust ventilation.