Two Free Knitting Patterns For Knitting Beginners

How you knit a shoulder bag and a beautiful Streifenschal only with left and right stitches! You are new to knitting and have so much practice or skill in your fingers developed yet? Perfect exercises to improve your knitting skills are no problem, these two free knitting instructions for a shoulder bag and a Streifenschal! Knitting pattern shoulder bag: so knit a simple shoulder bag only with left and right mesh. The bag has a mass of 30 cm x 32 cm. You need the following materials for our simple shoulder bag: Schachenmayr Boston in jeans flecked (FB 53), 250 g 1 pair of knitting needles No. 6. The gauge needles make 6 in the basic pattern 13 STS and 22 rows equal to 10 cmc x 10 cm. we now come to the basic pattern. 1st row: 1 edge St, START 4 STS right, 4 stitches left at the end.

Now from START until end repeat for 1 edge St. 2nd-4th row: Now the stitches will be knitted as they. 5th row: 1 edge St, START 4 STS left, 4 stitches to the right end, again from START up END repeat, 1 edge St. 6th-8th row: now knit STS as they appear. always repeat 1-8 series. We now come to the front and back of the shoulder: 42 stitches and knit in the basic pattern. Knit right at 30 cm height 4 rows and cast off loosely.

Now, the carriers are knitted. While 10 to be posted and knitted in garter stitch. At 166 cm total length will cast off loosely. Now, the carrier between front – and back piece is sewn on. Now sew at the beginning and end. Your own shoulder bag is finished! Knitting pattern Streifenschal: The scarf has a mass of 22 cm x 155 cm. the following material is needed: Schachenmayr Livello in jeans (FB 52), Ciel (FB 53) and lilac (FB 42), each 50 g. Also, some knitting needles size 4 and a crochet hook No. 3 needs 1. Remember the knitting tension is knitted with needles 4 in the basic pattern with 18 STS and 28 stitches equal to 10 x 10 cm. Next first again the basic pattern: 1st row: 1 edge St, START 1 stitch, 1 Mesh left end, from START to end always 1 edge stitch repeat,. 2nd row: Knit, as they appear. 3rd row: 1 edge St, START 1 St left, 1 stitch repeat end, from START to end, 1 edge St. 4 row: Knit as they appear. Always repeat row 1-4 then. Now to the Streifenschal. The stripe color sequence looks out as follows, per 22 rows in jeans, cast on always wiederholen-43 STS Ciel and lilac and knit the stripe color sequence in the basic pattern. Cast off after 155 cm meshes. cut 34 cm-long threads in all colors and move in with the crochet hook on the edges of the short fringe. Your own Streifenschal is finished.

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