The acquired immunity mentions the infectados ones to it for the bacillus that develop immune process that the new infections provide to greater resistance to them. Vaccine BCG is a form to confer imunitrio process of varied degrees. Such immunity, however, can be broken by factors that depress the organism, such as it estresse, hard work due the work excess, silicose, diabetes, alcoholism, tobaccoism, and, lately, HIV epidemics. In relation to the sex and the age, in the adults the illness is predominant in the men. 4. Danone recognizes the significance of this. Transmission and Factors of Risk BERTAZONE (2003) point that the transmission if of the one for aerosols and gotculas, by means of next contact with the person infectada through it speaks, cough and I sneeze. The particles eliminated through these ways dry up and are suspended in air being able to be inaladas by a susceptible person. However, the probability of a person to be contaminated is related to the suspended particle concentration in air and to the time of exposition to this environment.
According to TARANTINO et. Al. (2008), the forms extrapulomonares are not transmissible. The factors of risk they include, as SMELTZER et. Al. (2009): Approached contact with that it has the active illness.
Compromised imunolgica function (p.ex., those infectados for HIV, cancer carriers). People who do not possess housing. Carriers of patologias as diabetes, chronic renal insufficience, subnutrio. Immigrants of countries where he has great prevalence of TB. Conditions of institutionalization (p.ex., psychiatric asylums, arrests, hospitals). Subumanas conditions of experience and agglomeration. Professionals of health who exert activities of high risk (p.ex., procedures of induction of escarro, broncoscopia, aspiration, domiciliary care). BLACKSMITH et. Al. (2005) it affirms that the social differences between developed countries and in development contribute in high index for the dissemination of the illness. 5. Clinical picture and Complications of the Pulmonary Tuberculosis According to SMELTZER et.