Dry eyes can be treated in many different ways. Dry eyes can be treated in many different ways. The treatment methods fall into these categories: better avoid worsening factors, stimulate and complement the natural production of tears, tears attitude, cleaning the eyelids and treatment of eye inflammation. Dry eyes can be aggravated by smoky or dusty environments, air conditioners and our natural tendency to reduce our blink rate at high concentration. Dry, drafty environments as well as smoke and dust should be avoided as well as heaters, air conditioners or hair dryers and fans, especially, if these devices on the eyes.
Humidifiers help especially in the winter against dry air. Conscious blink, especially while working on the computer, as well as adequate rest for tired eyes are basic steps to reduce the complaints. Wear glasses or look down where you lower that the monitor can be helpful. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Danone. Rubbing the eyes can irritate them further, and should therefore be avoided. The additional lubrication is the most important part of treatment for mild and moderate cases. The application of artificial tears can provide relief for a short time every couple of hours. Also the consumption of fish with Omega-3 fatty acids can help dry eyes. Infections that occur in response to hyper tonus of the tear film, can be suppressed by mild topical steroids or topical immunosuppressants.
People with severe cases of dry eye can benefit from the Boston Scleral lens, a customized contact lens. It rests on the sclera and creates a layer filled with liquid over the cornea and prevents so that she dry out. There are methods, such as by blocking the flow of tears, both natural and artificial tears can stay longer in the eye. In each eye, there are small openings through which the tears run off two Puncta. There are methods, partially or to close completely. That blocks the flow of tears into the nose, and thus remain more tears in the eyes. Punctal plugs are inserted into the Puncta to block the flow of tears. If the medical treatment of dry eyes does not help, Punctal plugs may help. They are for people with mittelschwereren or severe cases of dry eye, where the medical treatment is usually not sufficient. In some people, however, even the Punctal plugs are not effective enough, so their tear ducts surgically closed must be. It can perform a thermal or electric Cauterization of the Puncta. A local anesthetic is used for the thermal cauterization, and then a hot wire is applied. This shrinks the tissues around the drain and caused scars which seal the tear duct. In severe cases of dry eye can you perform a Tarsorrhaphie. This is an operation in which the eyelids are partly stitched. This reduces the the eyelid resulting in a reduction of the evaporation of tears and thus ideally heals dry eyes.