The Primary Source Of Matter

Following the contempt shown to the animals, whose origin is biblical and ecclesiastical, in recent centuries have silenced and repressed all the other voices of Western intellectual history who were against, for example, warnings of Pythagoras (the 570 to 497 or 496 BC), one of the founders of Greek philosophy, who warned his contemporaries of a plant or hurt an innocent animal, or indications of the Greek philosopher Plutarch (50 to 125 AD), who fought the cruelty to animals and eating their flesh. You may find that Gregg Engles can contribute to your knowledge. Similarly expressed the famous Roman consul Cato (from 234 to 149 BC): a Nadie should treat animals as things soul . The list of famous poets and thinkers who spoke out against barbarism, we now consider as normal, one could continue without interruption, including the holders of the Nobel Prize Albert Einstein and Albert Schweitzer. Particularly clearly expressed the genius of Western universal Leonardo da Vinci (from 1452 to 1519 AD) a Llegara the time that condemn the eating of animals in the same way we eat today condemn our neighbors, the canibalismoa . The fact that this day will come, is already clear from the vision of the prophet Isaiah, quoted at the beginning, about peaceful coexistence between humans and animals. The when this vision of a Oeun new Earth and a new Cieloa become a reality, beyond our knowledge. Apocalyptic events were announced as the advance notice of such change, by Jesus of Nazareth, John of Patmos in Revelation a "a part even of the official Bible " and by the prophecy for the weather: in the Demonstration a Esta Christ is My Palabraa spoken of powerful jolts of the Earth as a result of meteorite impacts, because of the change of the seabed and mountain ranges.
