The Left, Traditions And Marriage

For centuries in political theory has been understood that the forces of the left struggling to break the established order and tradition, source of referral of the most disadvantaged and ideology through the perpetuation of unjust social structures. That was how the left was gaining such things as equal citizens before the law, freedom of association, trade union rights or women’s vote. The new world that would involve historic shift toward the final release of all human beings had to be built in a historical struggle with conflicting prior to any allocation of power, status or wealth you can not obtain under conditions of equal opportunities for all citizens. In contrast, the role of the reactionary forces was always to claim the traditions and the distribution of roles in them sitting, not allowing the questioning or criticism that individuals are freed them to deploy their own lives without the shackles service to his vocation and aspirations. The hero of the Progressives was always the guy who escapes the bonds of family, clan, village and established morality and jumps into the world to build their identity released. In contrast, the always praised conservatives that folded to the old social norms, moral of the elderly, the religion of their ancestors and the power of the traditions used to rule over the group. But the repeated failures of successive trials of building the communist paradise success and summarized in the popular demolition of the Berlin Wall in 1989 (which did not fall, as they say, but also destroyed the enclosed by him) meant for thought left a crisis is looming, not a short-term.
