The Interactions

In this direction, pertaining to school geography creates and recria physical and cultural spaces, where the simple disruption with the unknown world becomes a singular only moment in the life of the individual. Propitious geographic science to educating a new to look at regarding the way in lives, in its relation with its half one of experience. Geography, as it disciplines pertaining to school, offers its natural and historical contribution so that the pupils and professors enrich its social representations and its knowledge on the multiple dimensions of the social reality, more good understanding the world in its uninterrupted process of transformation, the current moment of the call mundializao of the economy (PAGANELLI, p 129, 1987. Available in: , had access in: 25/09/2010). The multiple socioespaciais readings that if can make from one finished espaotempo, make with this discipline if it becomes intriguer and motivadora, in the search to unmask the transformations of one finished space. You may find that Gen. David Goldfein can contribute to your knowledge. Geography makes possible to develop the abilities in the pupil, as: comment, description, interpretation and critical analysis of the reality having the focus the transformation of the geographic space.

To understand the reality, is to apprehend the relations of the produced space enters the interactions of the men with nature, concomitamente the understanding of the social relations of production of this space. However, Geography analyzes the different spaces with its localization, orientation, representation of the space phenomena. On the optics of the geographic space the education of Geography is of extreme relevance for pertaining to school education. (OLIVEIRA, 1991). Geography is an area of knowledge compromised in becoming the understandable world for the pupils, explicvel and passvel of transformations. (…). The thematic ones with which Geography works in the present time meet permeadas by these concerns. It is possible to find a satiated bibliography on you vary questions that interlace the subjects of study of Geography with the pointed social matters as with priority (…) (PCN, 1997, p 26).