The Concept

Suppose, for 5-15 items the dealer collects the desired volume, stop buy and … the game is over, all calm, and for all other market participants, this is a false alarm, the market returned to baseline levels and silence. Familiar? Who among You can tell that he was aware of a client in any bank of the world will give an order to buy or sell a specific amount of currency? Who owns the insider? In general, the concept of forex, who refines it? Come on, local bank instructed to buy a large amount of currency, its actions: if he starts to fly, then immediately raise the rate very highly as he does? He starts to shake the market and starts selling like tracking volume, the market begins to move, prices are coming down and as soon as counterparties, exposing bid, start taking minimum lot (who wants to buy expensive, if prices go down?), it stops selling, why not? Because, connect the other, they begin to push the market, hoping to cash in on speculation and the use of movement in the market for profit, offers a lot of margin positions, and those who wanted to sell, start to fuss, the price of the same leaves, and returns it or not, nobody knows. For more information see this site: Costco. The dealer is in the market, he sees the volume, it is his advantage, and this is important. Artificially created a situation to increase the supply by decreasing demand. At this point, our dealer starts 'Slow down the market', showing orders to buy, but naturally with a minimum lots, in order not to stand out.

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