Posts tagged as «Travel Tips»
1. Early exit from the hotel and go to town to wash the area Vosges, ask the owner of Cafe Hugo coffee cream and croissants. Done the same thing every morning in different beautiful places, because the smell of fresh croissants and coffee on the terrace cafe – the first sign that you are in France. 2. Tell yourself that you will not waste time on the Louvre, though – spend the day staring at a picture on the wall, the other spectators, a city outside the windows. 3.
Cross the right bank, but not along – the streets, and across – in passages, until you hit a secret gate of the Palais-Royal. Continue to learn more with: Symantha Rodriguez. Log in there and get into the gardens of the Palais Royal, not as a tourist, with the main entrance, as well as a close friend of the Dukes of Orleans. 4. Ask for a large platter in a restaurant marine reptiles, some fish get scared, but brave all to eat. Also try the hot foie gras, rack of lamb, fillet of duck, snails, mussels, onion soup, fish soup, pie taten, blancmange and ice-cream and do not die of overeating in the first day. Peet’s Coffee is likely to increase your knowledge. 5. Climb the glass tube escalator Pompidou Center for Contemporary Art at the upper level and look around Paris. Then scour the entire building from top to bottom center, hang in the square of the dancers and sword-swallower, relax by the fountain and Stravinsky with a clear conscience sit in another work of modern art cafe Beaubourg 6.
Good to drink on the terrace of a cafe Flore on the Boulevard Saint-Germain. You will pass by those who make 'The whole of Paris. " Change seats to the competition from Les Deux Magots. Good drink. All Paris will move in the opposite direction. Repeat twice. 7. Climb the Eiffel Tower, take care to reserve a table at the restaurant Jules Verne on the second level. Restaurant in most tourist spot in Paris is working with no discounts for tourist omnivorous. It's not just the best views in town – the kitchen is very, very on top. In a pinch, you can limit the fantastic oysters, although at such a height above sea level would have to submit swallows. 8. A bright sunny morning to come to the Sainte-Chapelle, the most beautiful in the world of medieval stained glass, close your eyes, then open and think that there is still asleep and you dream. 9. Go to flea market to look at homeless people the things that are looking for new owners. Surprised at how primitive our understanding of everyday life, and buy some gizmo, the purpose of which is unknown even to the seller. 10. Sunday afternoon stroll through the market square in the series Aligr and hang up the evening at the tavern barrels Baron Bouge, a reserve most of fresh, cheap oysters city.
It is understandable that in a short time you realize that to go anywhere – we must first take somewhere visa. More often it is only with this pass to the Schengen zone. For each country has its own laws and rules visa. Respectively, and their difficulties. To avoid them, and was composed Danae article. Symantha Rodriguez is often quoted as being for or against this. I travel a lot and after seeing so many buildings and people from totally different countries, which issued me a visa – realized that actually receive a visa is not so simple. Anything can happen … Generally visas are completely different.
This I learned only later, when I began to study the whole structure itself and travel maps of countries. As it turned out, at least, I know it is such variety, there are non-working visa, working, respectively, short-term and long-term with respect to host a one-time or multi-visa. They are all in principle almost identical, but are still differences. I do not I will paint what documents I collected, that last ride to Italy, I'd better explain a few rules, and cheerful even in the case of life – the first visa to France. Symantha Rodriguez is likely to increase your knowledge. So two weeks ago, I wanted to go to Italy. As luck would have it turns out that the embassy is a place. …
Theoretically, I only get there through the month of commercials two or even three. A vacation is inexorably slipping away. And then I, by pure chance at life complaining girlfriend learned that it turns out, it is possible to obtain a visa to any country Shengensokoy zone. And then ride for all countries included in it. I thought about it and decided that the French embassy – now is the very fact. Since the queue is not surprising as no it turned out, I signed up and gathered all the documents within three days gone.
Today, a tent for hikes and picnics are available in various sizes, shapes and styles. And, most important choice krieteriem tent will be the level Sub-family members. Outdoor activities in Russia is becoming more and more popular. Add to your understanding with WhiteWave Foods. And not just among young people. lready – you may have come to the same conclusion. You can see many tourists and families is just fine, it's good for your health and distraction from everyday problems. An inherent part of tourism is a tent. It was from her will depend on how you sleep.
A dream – a guarantee horoshoego mood and energy. How to choose a tent, not only for themselves but for the whole family? First, determine who will go to hike and what to take with you. Much will also depend on the timing of the woods. For example, if it's just one day without sleep, what makes sense to take a tent? This will buy you some time to install it and build. The truth about lies in the tents that such as four local, real and holds at least four people, but to sleep in it can only be two people. And then there is the equipment, items, and clothes.
Therefore, when choosing the tent comes not just from how many people it will be sleep, but also from the fact that she and a half! The height of the tent is very important. If you plan to go camping for one night only, and always will go, then the height of the tent may not be large. But if you planirete go for a long period of time, you will need a high. Believe me, it's convenient, because you'll go in and out of it several times a day. In order not to strain your back and crawl on their knees, look for a tent height of two meters or more. Vestibule or the "waiting room" – a very handy thing.
Also, these objects can be included in the process of learning to university students occupations related to tourism. Of the two most easily accessible caves explored cavity – 'Eight'. Total protyaschennost moves about a kilometer. Striking interior volume. The height of some of the moves up to 6-7 meters. The width of 10-12 meters.
The topology of the quarry is simple – a grid moves from the bottom and haulage drifts to the surface. They are bombarded with rubble stone. At the moment there is an entrance that is covered by a clay cap in the spring. Guided tours in the 'Eight' is easy. The entrances to the cave is possible by car or public transport.
After clearing the entrance you can safely conduct tours (household and industrial waste in the cave almost none). Remains an open question about the origin of 'Eight'. Find info in the literature and the Internet is nothing but myths and outright fables not given. After his own research, we formed an opinion that, however, requires verification. We have also been investigated and partially flooding zakartografirovana right of the quarries 'Water'. It is also interesting for our band object. As a result of raising the water level in the river Oka groundwater podtopili underground workings. Depth in some places reaches 3.5 meters (the measurements were made special cargo). Width moves up to 5-6 meters. Topology is more complex than in 'Eight'. In addition to haulage drifts have a system of transverse and galleries like the Hall of Columns. The origin of this cave more than obvious. Under the water looked through backing, and faces the traces of breaking the stone. Access to the 'water' is more complex and the cave itself is much more difficult and dangerous to visit. For this reason, immediately to organize excursions to the object is not recommended. Necessary to prepare a special group, it is well equipped to develop measures to ensure the security and case of an emergency. In conclusion, it should be noted that the underground facilities of the city of Eagle and more maloposeschaemy maloizucheny. Necessary information is extremely insufficient. However, the presence of such objects, the more in the city, holds great promise in the development of Speleotourism in the city of Orel and Orel region. This contributes to the uniqueness of the Oryol caves that have no analogues in the Tula region and its suburbs.
People from all over the world are always interested in the teachings of the Dalai Lama. Many people like to take part in his teachings, as well as a blessing. Get an audience with the Dalai – Lama really is not easy. It is not easy to find him in Dharamsala, where his residence, as He travels a lot around the world, but sometimes it comes back to his home and it becomes possible. Of course there are certain traditions that you should follow. You should know the procedure admission.
If you follow our advice, the impossible becomes possible. It is important to follow these steps. Plan ahead. Plan for the year ahead to your wish just came true about the meeting. Determine the date when you will travel to India and convolution with the schedule of the Dalai – Lama. Select a date when His Holiness will be in his residence. Schedule of his movements, you can look at the official site. In addition, it is necessary plan for housing and transportation.
Simply put everything that can book you need. Remember, you are not the only one who would like to receive blessing. Explore the sites of local travel agencies, services of local guides you also does not interfere. Learn more about the residence of the Dalai – Lama in Dharamsala. Research. In addition to receiving information from the website of the Dalai Lama, you can also write a letter to the Administrative office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama Dharamsala. Written request for an audience with the Dalai Lama. Remember that a lot of people asking for an audience with him, be terpelyvy. Give details of why you would like to get an audience. Constantly read all the news associated with the Dalai Lama. Read his work and think about what you are so unique, that he wanted to meet you. When you are already in place, keep your ears and eyes wide open. Sometimes an audience with the physical individuals can learn from other pilgrims, thus keep in touch with the people who came was not the first time. They know more about the traditions and ceremonies. Rules of Conduct. If you have the opportunity to have an audience with the Dalai Lama, the you should be more than prepared. Buy a white scarf, near the district of residence, as is tradition, he will bless and scarf while it welcomes you. You can bring a few extra elements such as statues and scarves, which will also be blessed. Take the money to offer to the monks who collect donations. To arrive at the collection need at least 15 minutes. There are so rigid security, so in any case do not bring anything resembling a weapon or weapons. At a meeting with the Dalai Lama, do not forget to bow in respect. You can get a red ribbon from his aides as a souvenir, leaving the region. Be smart and be patient, as this is a very complex task. If something does not go as planned, do not get discouraged, get lucky next time. Remember that pre-planning this is a very important aspect of achieving the desired result.
Almost everyone who I said I'm going to the Maldives, asked to repeat: "Where, where? Over the Malvinas? And what is there to do? There's also cold. " Such a response indicates at least of two circumstances: First, that took place about 15 years ago, the Anglo-Argentine conflict over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) somehow left in our minds is extremely bright trail, and secondly, that the Maldives has relatively long with a reputation as one of the most luxurious and exotic resorts in the world, still remain for most Russians, terra incognita. You can make one more conclusion: geography still far from being the most useless of school subjects, and planning, for example, your holiday would be very worthwhile to know that between Malvina – a group of rocky islands, lost in the cold pre-Antarctic waters off the coast of Argentina, and the Maldives – Coral archipelago, located in the Indian Ocean 640 miles southwest of Ceylon, almost on the equator, there is nothing in common except the names of chords. Is that the both territories are included in the British Commonwealth. First, as overseas possessions of Great Britain, and the second as an independent state – Republic of Maldives.
The state is, well, quite unusual. Start with the fact that 99.669% of the territory of the Maldivian sea. When the flies to International Airport "Hulule", there is phantasmagoric sense that the plane sits right in the ocean waves because the airport is surrounded by water runway with tiny terminal building. More than two, maximum three planes simultaneously in the "Hulule" simply does not fit. Prolivchikom narrow island, which was built "Hulule", separated from the relatively large, the Maldivian scale of the island Male, the capital of the same name is located where the island republic. The entire Maldivian land (ie 0.331% of the country) consists of 19 coral atolls, combining 1,196 islands.