Posts tagged as «Psychology»
Ahead of the displayed one, it is clearly that it has an important gap to be filled. The server of the necessary PJPR to feel that he is remembered by the administration, that if worries about it, that it is important for all, that, without it, certainly all would lose. 7 Available in 8 Available in He is perfectly possible that, inside of the structure of the PJPR, either bred and implanted a Center of Sociocultural Integration, whose function would be of being a irradiador main axle of activities in the health areas, education, citizenship, support, culture, benefits and incentives. This center would be the responsible one for managing a similar program to the Program TO BE (of the TJBA), congregating all the too much sectors that already, of some form, exert separately this paper (CAMS, ESEJE, Museum of Justice, etc).
Promoting action in all state, if not restricting to the capital. Lectures on health and personal life, professional qualification, courses of all the types, programs of stimulaton to the blood donation, labor gymnastics, programs of prevention to the illnesses of the work, social and ambient awareness, citizenship, cultural samples of talentos, expositions, events, musical concerts etc. The possibilities are innumerable. As well as in the Program BEING, the server could get a card, that, by means of accords established with schools, facultieses, academies, clinics, travel agencies, cinemas, restaurants, theaters, significant discountings in the values of the services would give. The punctuation in the use of the card could also be valid as part of the calculation for functional promotion. would be important that these accords are established with companies and institutions of all the state, also not alone of Curitiba, as it occurs today.
Currently, the Russian Federation is the reorganization of medical services with a focus on enabling the form of wages, which dictates the need for a more detailed and thorough study of how international experience, and experience of domestic medicine. Of course, these are not mechanical, but the creative use of the experience. Sonny Perdue may also support this cause. Another Portugalov VO (1835-1896 gg.), The medical doctor and writer who played a prominent role in the development of Russian medicine, said: "Personally, I am deeply convinced that to be ill and die because, as is ill and dying Russian people, cost much less profitable than all cash costs, which he used to be reduction and reduction of their morbidity and mortality. " In support of this position, he cited the following facts set forth in Article Chirtsova FI "The experience of a free clinic society in 1895 ',' one hundred million rubles people annually spend about 100 million just to collect their finances, spend about 250 million to combat the hordes of content, drank alcoholic beverages every year 600 million rubles, and smoke tobacco, 100 million rubles, sometimes spends up to 2 billion on the war with any Turk who pay annually to 260 million percent certain debts, such people are very rich and have no right to explain away lack of funds for its recovery ' (Collection "Proceedings of the Society of Doctors for the Kursk in 1896," p. Jack Fusco understood the implications. 204). So, comment Portugalov VO and facts in the article Chirtsovym FI, there is no need, and so it is clear that Russia was and is, by no means as poor as it is presented in the international community.
After several conversations with the class, I still get what bloody brawl stop, but in general these problems persist. How can we solve this problem? Psychoanalytic pedagogy comes from the fact that conflicts are always supported by unconscious motives and adequate assistance can be provided only when one can understand their unconscious dynamics. In this case, three concepts of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy are important for understanding these conflicts. This concept of transference, countertransference and stage understanding. Sigmund Freud discovered that the sense of spirit and model of the relationship that had once been his father, mother, brothers, sisters and other close people carry on relationships in the present tense. This phenomenon, he call – transfer. Transfer requires every person, without him it could not navigate the new social situations. Unconsciously, we compare the strangers from those who were close to us when we were kids.
If this comparison helps us to evaluate these people as they really are, then we're not talking about moving in the psychoanalytic sense. Often spoken about the move when there was a strange experience obsessive man, such an experience, which was once a child. Transfer suggests that the man often unknowingly provoke take the role once played an important loved one, or continues to play it. This occurs when with him has not been resolved unconscious conflict. Particularly frequent transfer occurs at the teacher, and so once again ignite old conflicts. It is connected with the function of teachers to educate, to appoint certain rules praise and blame, to protect and punish.
Very often in the excuses smokers are such phrases: 'I like to smoke', 'I smoke because it gives me the opportunity to relax, calm your nerves', "Smoking brings people into the conversation," and much more. All it says something about the internal psychological weakness of man, or of unwillingness to throw myself a challenge and always leave with addiction. But now the question is not about these people, but about those who, wishing to give up smoking, is ready to overcome this situation and has a strong commitment. For first step is to try as much as possible to avoid contact with smoking in persons, especially in places where smoking is permitted and available. Thus, you will be able once again to protect themselves from possible break, or do not resist the companion proposal to light it. Indeed, to refuse to make the company another smoker is sometimes really difficult. It was during this period, a joint initiative smoke break ever tempting and full of temptation, which may result in denial of the set in front of goal.
Make sure that you have never been either at home or at his cigarette. You should totally eliminate any possibility of using the "nest egg". Otherwise If you can once again begin to smoke, and not having to quit the habit. It will be important to distract from thoughts of smoking, that is to switch your thoughts, for example, to do work, school, loved ones or any other important and useful. The less you concentrate and think up the goals, the more chances you have at a subconscious switch and complete elimination of smoking from your life. It should not be refer to the parting of smoking as a huge and important losses of loss. You do not even suspect that any good effect it can have on you in the future. Besides, most smokers, after some time generally no longer thought of as cigarettes, and generally of any opportunities to smoke, although previously it seemed to them quite a mission impossible.
One must believe in yourself and in your hand! After all, smoking – is the enemy of your health and actually no benefit from it and there can not be. Calm nerves, to find a reason to socialize, take yourself to an extra free minute and just blow off is possible in many other ways. Quit smoking, you have nothing to lose, and vice versa get: pep you save time and money, the nervous system and most importantly – your health. You can truly be proud of himself and his achievements with success!