Sociocultural Integration

Ahead of the displayed one, it is clearly that it has an important gap to be filled. The server of the necessary PJPR to feel that he is remembered by the administration, that if worries about it, that it is important for all, that, without it, certainly all would lose. 7 Available in 8 Available in He is perfectly possible that, inside of the structure of the PJPR, either bred and implanted a Center of Sociocultural Integration, whose function would be of being a irradiador main axle of activities in the health areas, education, citizenship, support, culture, benefits and incentives. This center would be the responsible one for managing a similar program to the Program TO BE (of the TJBA), congregating all the too much sectors that already, of some form, exert separately this paper (CAMS, ESEJE, Museum of Justice, etc).

Promoting action in all state, if not restricting to the capital. Lectures on health and personal life, professional qualification, courses of all the types, programs of stimulaton to the blood donation, labor gymnastics, programs of prevention to the illnesses of the work, social and ambient awareness, citizenship, cultural samples of talentos, expositions, events, musical concerts etc. The possibilities are innumerable. As well as in the Program BEING, the server could get a card, that, by means of accords established with schools, facultieses, academies, clinics, travel agencies, cinemas, restaurants, theaters, significant discountings in the values of the services would give. The punctuation in the use of the card could also be valid as part of the calculation for functional promotion. would be important that these accords are established with companies and institutions of all the state, also not alone of Curitiba, as it occurs today.
