In this context, importance of measures is verified it that become less traumatic the transistion of the life in the active for Remunerated Reserve it guarantees a healthful life. One becomes necessary programs of preparation for the inactivity, the military man can have a space to reflect on the possibilities of its future life, to search greater self-knowledge to identify to its interests and aspirations better. These programs integrate an educative process, contributing to reduce the negative effect already mentioned that they are created around the figure of the military man in the Reserve. Component factors of a healthful life are distinguished, to be also searched in the Reserve, considering its continuous importance: social integration; discovery of satisfaction sources, leisure, espiritualidade, cultural production, communitarian enrollment; balance of the familiar budget; physical, mental well-being and spiritual; prevention of illnesses and existence of projects of life in all the phases of the human development. Some professionals of Social Service, Psychology and Right of the Nucleus of Service of Assistance Integrated to the Staff of Marinha (N-SAIPM), carry through action of support so that civil military and servers obtain to deal with the changes related to the end of the professional activity and with its social and familiar reinsero. These guided actions as it detaches Rey et al. (1996), it creates a space for reflection and attainment of information that of the chance to the military man to construct its proper project of life.
This effectiveness is a consequence, considering, as it points Almeida (1978: 24), that the transformations do not come of the ways or programs, but subject it in a relation dialectic. One sends regards that the military administration makes reflections concerning the way as its military transfer to the inactivity, military young, with sufficient physical disposal, insufficient recycling to correspond the requirements of the market of highly competitive work. Conclusion the intention of this work is to demonstrate to the necessity of magnifying and continuity of the existing projects as well as the creation of new projects aiming at to still enable the military, in the active, so that when being transferred to the reserve, they are felt capable to be used in other sectors of the society, thus preventing, innumerable upheavals caused for the idleness that the retirement them reserve, being evident the necessity to insert the familiar one as important factor for achievement of the considered objectives. When carrying through this work, the researcher longed for to make with that the military organizations that take care of of the transference for the reserve and those that they take care of of the social assistance of inactive and the pensioners, searches to improve some social projects who already exist, with focus in the social and familiar category, repaying this veteran who dedicated to 30 years of its life in the active, making possible qualifications in continuous way, providing and opportunity these the probability of continuing working in other sectors of the society, leaving the Service Asset of the Navy.