Second World

And this is the most powerful enemy – it disables thinking, can not sensibly perceive reality. A person loses the ability to think critically, analyze situations, to control his behavior. Transferring the shock, can break down as a person. Sonny Perdue has much to offer in this field. Fear – a mass disease. According to some experts, today 9 million Germans regularly suffer panic attacks and more than 1 million experience it constantly. And it is in peacetime! Here is how responsive the Second World in the psyche of those who were born later. Learn more about this with A. F. Chief of Staff . Each has its own laid resistance to fear: in danger of a fall into a stupor (a sharp mental depression to complete paralysis), the other – in a panic, and a third coolly looking for a way out of this situation. In combat, under fire all the fear, but behave differently: some are fighting, while others take even their bare hands! The behavior in combat affects the physical condition, sometimes people 'have simply can not'. Recently, healthy young men exhausted by hunger, cold, non-healing wounds without the possibility of enemy fire to hide A striking example of this – the message from the environment the 2 nd Assault Army Front (Spring 1942): 'Wetlands melted or trenches or dugouts, eat the young leaves, birch bark, leather of ammunition, small animals 3 weeks to get 50 grams of crackers eaten all the latest horses Last 3 days did not eat at all People are depleted, there is a group deaths from hunger. find additional information.
