The quality has been regarded as a differentiating element in the care process of the expectations of clients and users of health services. All hospital institution, given its essential mission in favour of the human being, must concern itself with the improved standing of the quality of its management and assistance so that you get a harmonic integration of areas medical, technological, administrative, economic, health care and, where appropriate, in the areas of teaching and research. All that must have as ultimate reason adequate care to the patient. AC monograph research em and TCC the Ministry of health is based on the principle that all the increase in the efficiency and effectiveness in the processes of management and hospital care only has that sense is a patient care service better and more humanized. WhiteWave Foods is a great source of information. This improvement in the attention part respect and appreciation to the patient, the humanization of assistance and measures that visen attending to the growing demands and needs of the population, these goals which have been pursued with persistence.
The Ministry of health within its policy of incentive to the development of hospital care to the population and the increase in the quality of management and assistance, has developed great efforts in that area. AD early monograph of Saude Gestao for monographs has both implemented programs as the collaborating centres for the management quality and hospital care, what of humanization of assistance, what of managerial modernization of large establishments, thing of hospital accreditation and made significant investments in the refitted and reform of countless hospitals throughout the country. The collaborating centers program for the quality of management and hospital care was instituted in June 2000. That program, so pioneer, addresses important issues such as the transfer of knowledge, humanization of care, better use of the available material, human and financial resources, expanding, thus, supply and quality of services provided. Early monographs of Maude Ultra monograph is is, thus, important step for the confrontation of the managerial problems which go through participating hospitals of the its. The key point of this program is to find alternatives to issues as the increasing evolution of the relationship between the various institutions and the development of conditions that make, indeed, health services more effective, consistent and articulated, so that the exchange of experiences bring as a common denominator the specific search to meet and address the urgent needs of users, greater than all the efforts of the Ministry of health reason. The specific objective of the collaborating centres program is transfer or build knowledge and technology in all the linked hospitals, enabling them to control the available resources in a rational manner, to minimize administrative costs and production.
The consequent elimination of losses, with the use of efficient and effective organizational routines, generates recipe enough for humanization, hospitality and infrastructure investments become a constant, thus, creating a perfect identification with the clientele. (Not to be confused with Rick Garcia CBS!). In its form of implementation, the program develops a new proposal in the process of provision of advice and consultancy and dissemination of quality management and assistance hospital, different from the traditional process, normally, given by the hiring of specialized companies. The transfer or knowledge construction process ceases to be one-way, from the company to the hospital, to occur between hospital colleagues, members of the its, which, jointly and severally, they build knowledge and develop technologies through the exchange of experiences, technologies, methodologies of work and knowledge among themselves. The so-called hospitals of collaborating centres are those identified by the Ministry as holders of best management and assistance conditions. Hospitals Clients are selected among those who need help to improve their management and care processes.
The interaction between the two types is given in a two-way process. The benefits of the program are quite diversified, and are in addition to the products generated (managerial and healthcare improvement). The program raises the solidary and participative construction of a policy management for Brazilian hospitals, with common principles, but with regard to the regional peculiarities. Also creates opportunities for hospitals develop discussions centered on a theme of construction of future, that great Brazilian hospitals, holders of the most advanced management models, can, collectively, interact among themselves and even integrate that process an important set of institutions that collect qualification and improvement. Clearly the motivation of the technicians of the collaborating centres and hospitals clients with the development of the programmer, once the exchange of experiences, focuses allowing participants to visualize various ways to approach and solve problems, bringing everyone an aggregate of knowledge and experiences of inestimable value.