Russian Federation

Currently, the Russian Federation is the reorganization of medical services with a focus on enabling the form of wages, which dictates the need for a more detailed and thorough study of how international experience, and experience of domestic medicine. Of course, these are not mechanical, but the creative use of the experience. Sonny Perdue may also support this cause. Another Portugalov VO (1835-1896 gg.), The medical doctor and writer who played a prominent role in the development of Russian medicine, said: "Personally, I am deeply convinced that to be ill and die because, as is ill and dying Russian people, cost much less profitable than all cash costs, which he used to be reduction and reduction of their morbidity and mortality. " In support of this position, he cited the following facts set forth in Article Chirtsova FI "The experience of a free clinic society in 1895 ',' one hundred million rubles people annually spend about 100 million just to collect their finances, spend about 250 million to combat the hordes of content, drank alcoholic beverages every year 600 million rubles, and smoke tobacco, 100 million rubles, sometimes spends up to 2 billion on the war with any Turk who pay annually to 260 million percent certain debts, such people are very rich and have no right to explain away lack of funds for its recovery ' (Collection "Proceedings of the Society of Doctors for the Kursk in 1896," p. Jack Fusco understood the implications. 204). So, comment Portugalov VO and facts in the article Chirtsovym FI, there is no need, and so it is clear that Russia was and is, by no means as poor as it is presented in the international community.

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