Bireplast roofing (rolled roofing) Bireplast is a modern, high-quality roofing material. Obtained by continuous, two-way application to the foundation of molten bitumen, petroleum bitumen consisting of and plasticizers. When igotovlenii Bireplasta as bases used materials from negniyuschie stekloosnovy (fiberglass, fiberglass). It should be noted that the use of negniyuschey basis leads to an increase in the life of the roof to 15 years. Depending on the type of foundation, kind of spreading and application Bireplast released the following brands: Bireplast-HSS, Bireplast-TAP – used for devices of the upper layer roof membrane – with a coarse grit or scaly on the face side and surfaced with a polymer film of material; Bireplast-CCI, Bireplast-BRE – with a polymer film on both sides of cloth – used for decorating the top layer of roofing carpet with a protective layer and the lower layers of roof membrane in order to waterproofing of building structures. Aysiteks roofing (rolled roofing) modified bitumen-polymer roofing material of new generation, obtained by continuous, two-way application to the base of the molten asphalt supply. Whose surface is treated with a coarse grit. In the production Aysiteksa as the basis of non-woven materials used polyester fiber and stekloosnovy (fiberglass, fiberglass).
Importantly, the use of such materials as the basis increases the life of the roof to 20 years. Materialobladaet high frost resistance, heat resistance, ductility. Bitumen-polymer binder is made up of petroleum bitumen and SBS modifier. As a sprinkling used vermiculite (vermiculite (from Lat. Vermiculus – worm), a mineral of the group hydromicas have a layered structure, the product of secondary alteration of dark micas biotite and phlogopite). Rubemast roofing (rolled roofing) Modern high-quality roofing Rubemast receive by two-way application to glass-fiber base (fiberglass) asphalt binder consisting of bitumen, filler, processing aids. Roofing Rubemast issued the following brands: Rubemast-BRE – is applied to the device top layer roof membrane with a protective layer and lower layers of the roof membrane for waterproofing of building structures – on the basis of glass fiber with a polymer film with both sides of the canvas.