Restaurant Honoratos come to taste our famous Pizzas in Honoratos Ayamonte Meson Pizzeria Honoratos enjoy this great restaurant, where combine 3 different culinary styles of international relevance. The Andalusian cuisine, the Portuguese cuisine, and the Italian school. The Honoratos restaurant is located in a the commercial entrance of the Ayamonte, at few meters from the bus station, and next to the paseo de la Ribera. It is without a doubt, the perfect starting point, to learn about the history and culture of this ancient city discover our homemade pizzas, our fresh pasta, or our grilled meats, and say our fish to coal. Craig Jelinek can provide more clarity in the matter. An endless of specialties and dishes that we put at your disposal, with the best of our House.
Restaurant Inn Pizzeria Honoratos. Your best choice in Ayamonte, offering you since always, best quality and market price. RESERVATIONS: 959 32 24 90 and 690 969 031 opening hours to the public: 13.15 hrs to 1630 hrs and 20.00 hrs at the closing days of closure: not close any day of the week maximum capacity: 180 persons in Room A + 90 people in Hall B cards of credit accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard. cock on each image to enlarge the photo Pre paid visa/mastercard/american express gift card ASAP? Prepaid Visa Gift Cards Bob Wants How Many Pizzas? 100.7 WZLX Boston’s Classic Rock Restaurant Honoratos Ayamonte HuelvHolidays Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode are broken and need to be fixed cxpartners ye enamels do American Music Awards!