Test the resource, the engineers have successfully published Softline seminary library in the Internet. All scheduled work was completed on time and in a professional manner, so that the customer was completely satisfied with the outcome of the project. “Modern education is impossible without access to the global information space. Carried out by the company Softline upgrading IT infrastructure of our seminary allowed to ensure smooth operation of the local network, and, most importantly, opened the possibility to users Internet quickly obtain information contained in the electronic library catalog, a collection which is unique in its composition to the Urals Federal District. I have no doubt the quality of work, because specialists have long established themselves on the Russian market.
The proposed solution is fully satisfied with our problem. High professionalism, and most importantly, I would like to mention – it’s human qualities: courtesy, courtesy, responsiveness – at its best characterize the management departments and professionals involved in project implementation “, – said the monk Arcade, Pro-rector of the seminary AChRs. “This is one example successfully implemented our heterogeneous solutions, when used together the operating systems Windows and Linux, perfectly complementing each other. Each operating system has been used for those tasks with which it does a better job “, – noted Head of Solution Center Linux Softline company in the Urals Federal District, Dmitry Amirov. The project showed that the consolidation of Linux and Windows allows you to get a pronounced synergistic effect of combining the advantages of the two media is promising approach to solving the problem of constructing a modern, cost effective and efficient IT infrastructure. “The project allowed the client to reduce operating costs, the costs of support and management of IT infrastructure, improve its reliability. Extend the functionality of the services offered to users Seminary.