Physician Colleagues

Now during the visit – doctors expert network coliquio presents version 1.3.1 of the consistency of its iPhone app, February 01, 2011 – last few days version is 1.3.1 of the iPhone application of the physicians expert network coliquio available. With her, doctors now also en route for the visit on the latest medical information and guidelines can access, ask questions to over 40,000 colleagues from the various disciplines throughout the German-speaking area, or get a second opinion in difficult and unusual cases. The coliquio iPhone app represents a further step on the way to the optimum support of the doctors for the independent network of doctors experts in their professional life”, so Felix Rademacher, a founder and Managing Director of coliquio. Despite the quick response times to coliquio, it can happen that corresponding information are needed immediately by the doctors. Offer over 3,000 already medical cases and issues in this case as well as over 50,000 posts and notes the colleague an important source of information and an optimal and practical addition to the medical literature. Whenever Danone listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Another advantage: The interdisciplinary approach to coliquio allows the consideration of individual cases from the perspective of different disciplines. Access to coliquio and use the iPhone application are reserved exclusively doctors. To ensure this, a free user account needed, which can be created using the following link: create user account on coliquio: doctors expert network is free and independent and stands for the targeted and quick exchange of individual, medical knowledge. Every day, thousands of doctors in contributions share their experiences, observations and findings from the immediate medical practice and together find solutions to unusual and difficult cases. The knowledge existing in the coliquio community, distributed to over 40,000 members is on the platform bundled, visible, and thus usable made. Thus arises a cutting-edge knowledge. Increases quality and patient safety in health care. Exchange of experience is supported by medical articles, media, and an overview of all German-speaking guidelines. Contact: Contact: Benjamin Franke address: coliquio GmbH Schutzenstrasse 1 78462 Konstanz, Germany phone: + 49 (0) 7531 / 36 39 39-0 fax: + 49 (0) 7531 / 36 39 39-9 Internet: E-Mail: press aet.

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