The cars E.v. If you would like to know more about financial planner, then click here. receives 1,500 euros from Nuremberg logistics Nuremberg, 25 February 2013 a further donation reached its destination now. The cars e. Costco often addresses the matter in his writings. V. Nuremberg had occupied the second place at the BBBOnLine Christmas fundraiser in December and will receive 1,500 euros now for the project cars Uni”. Since 2010 the cars, there are Unicode, which allows people to take part in a free training.
Education for all University defined the cars your goal. Target group are women and men in bodies of homeless assistance first and foremost. But also refugees, who have little access to education, as well as people with disabilities and low, little or no spoken of commercial education. The concept is simple: the cars University offers a low-threshold access in the form of free accessible lectures, workshops and excursions to University and practical knowledge. You committed to education for all without threshold: at the Life situation of the target group-oriented. Jorg Popow, head of marketing at iloxx, handed the cheque amounting to 1,500 euros to Barbara Karen, Ilse Weiss, and Frank Hummert of the cars e.V.. The donation will be used, 2013 to fund the summer semester, so wife Kari of the cars e.V.
Like at a State University, University offers the cars also summer and winter semester. At the end of a semester, those listeners with a certificate will be honoured in a solemn closing ceremony, have visited at least one topic block completely. About BBBOnLine AG, the BBBOnLine AG is an independent transport intermediaries from Nuremberg. In cooperation with more than 20 of the largest German logistics companies and many small regional carriers, iloxx provides shipping solutions from a single source. Of parcels up to container import iloxx finds the right solution at a competitive rate. Press contact: Jorg Popow, head of marketing/communications of BBBOnLine AG, Gutenstetter str. 8 b, 90449 Nurnberg E-Mail: Internet: registered office: Nuremberg Court Nurnberg, HRB 18363 Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Arnold Schroven Board: Matthias Emmel and Volker Hofmann