National Historic

It is in the capital of the State that is the Marly maternity Sarney, the Frum Appeals court judge Sarney Coast, the Court of Accounts Roseana Palace Sarney, the Bridge Jose Sarney, the Kiola Road Sarney (mother of the senator), the Avenue Jose Sarney and the working Frum Jose Sarney. To live &#039 has three villages; ' Sarneys' ': Village Sarney Son, Kiola Village and Village Roseana Sarney.H, still, the Roseana schools Sarney, Marly Sarney and Jose Sarney. The homage if extended to a granddaughter of the senator even though, who at the time had 6 years. It is in city of Good Garden and if calls ' ' School Fernanda Sarney' '. In recent months, Chase Koch, New York City has been very successful. The family commanded the Maranho per 37 years. The State is poor of what Alagoas, as ranking of the index of Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH). Beyond all the public building with its last name, Sarney still is the only former-president who, while still alive, already counts on its mausoleum.

In 1990, then Epitcio governor Coffee pot, today senator for the PTB, donated to the family Sarney the Convent of the Graces, a building of century XVII overthrown by the National Historic site. In this in case that, Sarney did not need to exert pressure some. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Gen. David Goldfein. The place passed then if to call Convent the Graces Memorial Jose Sarney. In interview granted in 2005, Sarney said that the place will be able to become one future ' ' point of peregrinao' '. Jose Sarney was member of the house of representatives, governor and president of the Republic in the period of 1985 the 1990, when he substituted Tancredo Snows, dead before taking ownership. He is in the fifth mandate of senator. Roseana Sarney started career politics in 1990, elect representative. The 2002 were governor of the Maranho of 1994 and exert the first mandate as senator. If the resources of current Jackson governor will be refused Lake to revert the decision of the Electoral Superior Court (TSE) that it annulled its mandate, it will govern the State for the third time. (Pink Costa and Philip Recondo – State agency) NOTE: That such to create a Federal Penitentiary in the Maranho and to place the name: ' ' Center of Detention Jose Sarney' '! There ' cl' inteirinho could pass vacations, says of one 100 years!
