It fits to pontuar that verbal history in Brazil as well as in the remain of Latin America, mainly in the countries that ditatoriais governments had lived, had its incorporation associated with the redemocratizao process, what it differentiates the paper of the Latin American verbal history of the European or North American. Another difference enters, Brazilian verbal history and ' ' first verbal history mundista' ' , it was the fact not to be able to use the same used analytical criteria for the foreign authors to study, for example, the kept out of society and excluded slavery, miscegenation, groups (MEIHY, 2000, p17). The predominant version on the origin of the counted city in the streets of the city says that, the catequizado indian Vitorino came in middle of century XVII to inhabit to the edges of the river Ribeira that finished giving to beginning to the Good town Jesus of the Green Sugar cane of Ribeira. The wars, the expeditions for capture of slaves and, mainly, the epidemics and the hunger had brutally decimated the aboriginal populations. It has occupation vestiges more than human being of 5,000 years, but the official registers recognize the beginning of the occupation of the city in 1721, tell to Monsignor Luiz Chestnut of Almeida: ' ' these monges benedictines in 1693, had gotten the first one would sesmaria beyond the river Sarapu, in the way of Curitiba, opened the leg of cattle, tipped for immense sesmarias that went being granted, until in 1721, the Listener Rafael Pardinho Saucers determined that the river Itarar for limit of the two villages Sorocaba and Curitiba (…) in the side occidental person of the Paranapiacaba, the gold mines of Apiahy, town for some whites, that in 1728 had received sesmarias and many managed by indians, caboclos and slaves africanos' '. We leave of the general hypothesis of that the city despite small devoid e, was palco of important moments of the Brazilian Republic.