Modern Facade Paints

Special attention today in the domestic market worth facade paints. Indeed, much of the 'front problem' is solved exactly painting. All paint materials for facades, are protective and decorative coatings, ie, they must not only decorate the building, but also reduce the level of destroying its environmental influence. The main types of damaging effects of fronts: the variables temperature (in some areas, diurnal temperature difference reaches 40 C) and humidity variable, including sea fog sunlight (ultraviolet radiation), the wind, biological exposure (mold, fungi and etc.), industrial and environmental pollution, chemical and physical incompatibility of the material of the building and its coverage. Often these factors work together. The most powerful destroyers is, of course, variable temperature in combination with high humidity, air pollution and sunlight. The paint and the painted surface should approach each other, then their 'living together' will be a long and beautiful. Type surface in this alliance – which determines the value.

Mineral surfaces at low temperatures tend to gain moisture, and with an increase in – give it away as a couple. Therefore, the exterior paint to these surfaces must have a structure that does not pass water in the condensed phase, but to release it into gas (vapor), or pairs of tear film of paint. Paints that do not give a building facade to breathe, would provoke the moisture inside, which will lead to destruction of the mineral base. Often the old brick building, plastered thick cement plaster and paint-covered slabodyshaschimi, turn under the plaster in the soft ground. For mineral surfaces such as concrete is acceptable, not all water-based paints, as they 'pull' on the surface of alkali, obesschelachivaya the upper layers of the base. This contributes to the destruction of steel reinforcement, and may also lead to rapid fading of the coating. For wooden surfaces are the most important indicators of flexibility and waterproof paint.

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