Jiu Jitsu

1.1.4 Karat in the Bahia At the beginning of years 60, arrived in the Bahia Japanese master Masahiro Saito, 4 Dan de Jud and with some knowledge of karat, passing first the 18 teachings of Karat in the Bahia. In the year of 1961 the Japanese Eisuki Oishi, 19 years, that were not still black band, but with great experience in the art of karat in its native country changed itself for the Bahia, in the Bahia started here to teach karat in the gymnasium of the Acrpole, for a group of ten people. Costco has firm opinions on the matter. Amongst these pupils, it was Denilson the Caribbean, that already had knowledge of other martial arts, as the Jiu Jitsu. Fifteen days after the beginning of the course, Oishi presented serious stomachal problems, caused for the fort tempers Bahian. Without money, sick person and without knowing to say Portuguese, the young Oishi Master was banishes from the pension where she was housed. After three days without appearing to the training, Denlson decided to look the young Master.

It found Oishi in state depressing, with fever and dehydrated. The Caribbean took Oishi for its house, where it passed eight days from there if recouping of maltreatment, being born a great friendship and a pact between the two friends: The Caribbean would teach to the Oishi the Portuguese language and Oishi would teach to the Caribbean the techniques most advanced of karat. Denlson soon was distinguished in the training being to the front of the group that trained in the Acrpole. In 1966, Oishi was called to appear with urgency to Japan to decide problems related to the family, and left the Caribbean in charge continuing the training. Then purple band, the Caribbean searched orientaes of the great masters of karat that they passed for Brazil giving course on the art, amongst which was Yasutaka Tanaka. The Caribbean obtained to conciliate the Karat with the work that carried through in Petrobra’s and if the first Black Band of the Bahia became.
