
No secret is Internet and children – a mixture that does not always fit together that not only adults use the Internet. However, with the use of the Internet among children and young people, to do anything other than beautiful experiences with the network increases increasingly. We look around us just when seemingly normal and safe pages. One of the best examples that I can think of to do this, is the children’s and youth newspaper Bravo. There is hardly anyone this term says nothing and that Bravo is not exactly unknown for such little, is also nothing new. But that in the Internet images are represented by unique situations is my opinion then slightly too much. Of course, there are other pages for users in this age with these topics, but this is then illustrated with drawings.

This is perhaps not the best way also, but it is still a lot better than these unique photos. We go to a news site. The Bild-Zeitung. Also on the reputation of the Bild-Zeitung, as well as everyone knows Know and there are clearly better pages than all these, but it is sometimes then quite handy for quick overview. Well, mostly uninhibited exaggerated and also is there still the friendly image girl of page 1. And there are exactly these girls also in the Internet with videos, as these images are created. I think that is something that does not belong in children’s and yet anyone can access no matter how old, it. And finally, I still the shopping site, where I was recently looking for underwear as an example.

To my great surprise, I was there confronted with lingerie, presented not a fashion doll, it’s a correct model. This is a page that can be viewed each child again. Of course, now many readers will wonder why I know this, and above all, what I do on those pages. I understand that even well after, because it would otherwise get in your place, but it is necessary now to write an article look what I’ve done in this way. That’s why parents love, protect their children, so they must not be confronted with such things on the Internet. March 18, 2011, Desiree-Sophie Lepell
