There is no hitting technique and work with the weapon. Boxing – contact sport, martial art, in which athletes deal with each other in a special punching gloves. Compared with other types of martial arts, boxing is a limited amount of percussion techniques (jab, cross, hook and uppercut), and only one type of step (so-called "shuttle"). In boxing improves hitting technique only with fists, blows to the exclusion of elbows, feet, body, head, grabs, throws and the use of weapons. Due to external constraints and limited equipment, the results achieved in the box very quickly – by the candidate or the master of sports can be just 2-3 years, then while in combat it will take 5-6 years, and martial arts – all 10. What develops? – A sense of distance, coordination, ease of movement, agility, reaction. Suitable for? Children who want to assert themselves. Disadvantages: raises the center of gravity to the level of the chest (which leads to instability).
Boundedness of technology. Trauma (systematic blows to the head result in unpredictable consequences – we all remember the jokes pro boxers:). Wushu – a general name for all martial arts that exist in China for several millennia. Composed of two characters – "y" – the military and "shu" – art, so this name must be understood all variety of Chinese martial arts. Many of today's martial arts (including from above) grew on the soil of its rich traditions. In China, Wushu has been cultivated for centuries along with other arts – such as painting, music, calligraphy and cooking, therefore, the purpose and content of the martial arts has always been a desire for harmony, rather than militancy. Wushu is exceptionally diverse styles, schools, techniques and weapons, and is a universal set of rights to improve in all areas: physical, psychological and spiritual. Characterized by a deep philosophical implications, and rich in technical content: this includes drums and equipment (arms, legs, body and head) and seizures, wrinkles, throwing, choking, locks, and work with the weapon. What develops? – Strength, flexibility, endurance, agility, concentration, coordination, reaction time, has a pronounced character of health – promotes good health and full development of personality. Suitable for? For those who do not restrict their development only the physical aspect and is set to some serious work on themselves. Disadvantages: durability of training and lack of skilled professionals (due to the fact that they need to prepare more than a decade, and Again, skilled artisans – the carriers of traditions).