Using the Interplanetary Transport Network (ITN) is theoretically possible to travel throughout the solar system with an extremely economical fuel consumption, if you have enough patience and do not mind the fact that on the way to your destination you repeatedly have to make circles. If you imagine the Solar system in a rubber cloth, deformed gravity well, the planet will be just a small canaliculate different depths, pressed into the wall of the gravitational well, overlapped Sun. In this story, it is important that the edges of the mentioned small almost flat relative to the other steep slopes created by the Sun and planets. If you navigate through this flat edge rather than trying to climb straight up the steep slopes of the gravity wells, this would require much less energy. Flat region, bordering the gravitational well of Earth – is a band, marked by the Lagrange point 1 (or L1), which lies on a straight line between the Sun and Earth – and the Lagrange point 2 (L2) on the opposite side of the earth, farthest from the Sun.
The spacecraft can move in an orbit near the Lagrange point and flow into the space around Sun with very low energy consumption. In addition, the Lagrange point is a “crossroads” that could allow low-energy transitions between orbits of different planets. Imagine that space-time bending the solar system is a giant playground for the skateboard, then you can “break away” at the L1 and in the perilous journey by moving along a trajectory leading directly to Venus – or You can Deegan of inertia of the flat edge of the gravity well of Earth about 3 million miles to the point of L2, and then go up the long winding ‘path’ to the L1 point of Mars. Here you could relax again before, may popletetes to the other side of Mars to the point of L2, and from thence to Jupiter. Mathematical analysis of the gravitational interactions between three or four bodies (such as your spaceship, Earth and Sun, and then also add and Mars) – is quite complicated and has some semblance to the theory of chaos. But such an analysis can determine the connection path through the solar system, which supporters itn called ‘pipes’.