Harvard University

Regular sporting activities reduce risk of death is more and more often to read that coffee contrary to popular belief should be very healthy in the media. You may want to visit financial planner to increase your knowledge. Researchers at Harvard University in Boston have now found that the aromatic drink significantly reduces the risk of an outbreak of prostate cancer. So a 60 percent lower the cancer risk for passionate coffee drinker. In addition, the research team delivered a more important finding. As the private krankenversicherung.de insurance Portal reported prostate cancer patients can reduce the risk of death by weekly sports activities. Since 1986, the scientists record their results in the health professionals follow-up study.

To ask about 50,000 participants who exert a health care practitioner. Main focus is on the personal risk characteristics and habits of the intervieweten doctors, pharmacists, orthopedists or optician. The result can be surprised not only the professional world. So strong coffee consumption protects against Prostate cancer, while a regular sporting exercise reduces the risk of death of diseased people. The reduced risk of death could be expressed even accurately and proportionally according to the research team.

Nevertheless, the backgrounds are still not sufficiently explored. It is only assumed that coffee has a positive effect on the insulin and glucose metabolism. The journal published the information that coffee lovers of less often suffer from diabetes in its online edition. Who would like to calculate the percentage value of the reduced risk of death, measures the so-called metabolic equivalents. Three of them correspond to a reduction of risk by 35 percent.

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