Fujitsu Plasma

The more so because the screen size to 42 'in most cases is sufficient. Obviously, based on 'Cinema' use of most plasma screens is available with an aspect ratio of 16:9, which became de-facto standard for home theater. With such a solid screen plasma TVs are extremely compact size and dimensions. The thickness of the panel with a screen size of 1 meter is less than 9-12 cm, and weight is only 28-30 kg. According to these parameters today, no other type of display can not form a plasma at least some competition.

Suffice it to say that the color picture tube with a comparable screen size has a depth of 70 cm and weighs 120-150 kg more! Projection TV's rear-projection as a singular harmony do not differ, and TVs frontal projection, usually have small brightness. Learn more at: Gen. David Goldfein. Lighting the same parameters of the plasma PDP panels are exceptionally high: over brightness 700 cd/m2 contrast ratio at least 500:1. And most importantly, the normal image is provided in an extremely wide angle of view, horizontal: 160 gr .. That is already PDP reached the level of the most advanced frontiers of quality achieved by CRT 100 years of evolution. But bolsheekrannye plasma display panels produced in series at least 5 years, and they are at the beginning of the path of technological development.

Plasma TVs are extremely reliable. According to their firm Fujitsu technical resource at least 30 000 hours (in a very good tube 15 000-20 000 hours), and percentage of defects does not exceed 0.2%. That is an order of magnitude less conventional CRT TVs for color 1.5-2%. PDP is almost not affected by strong magnetic and electric fields. This allows, for example, to use them in your home theater system with speakers with non-shielded magnets. Sometimes it may be important, because unlike theatrical acoustics, many 'ordinary' HI-FI speakers come with unshielded magnetic circuit. In a traditional home theater system based on the TV to use these speakers as the front is very difficult because of their strong influence on the picture tube TV. And in the AV-system based on PDP – indefinitely. Due to shallow depth and relatively small mass of plasma TVs can easily be placed in any environment and even hang on a wall in a convenient place for this. In another type of display such focus is unlikely.
