Moreira, S.J.M et al. , (2003 apud WOULD MAKE AND TO SOUND, 2006), point as the impacts most excellent the following points: the occupation in important band of hidrolgico domain; the verticalizao on the zone of crstica formation; the reduction of green area (open pasture) for construction of the constructions according to City department of Environment and Urban Sanitation? SMMAS/BH; urban expansion throughout the Stream of the Cercadinho; blockage of the visualization of the mountain range of the corral; aterros and terraplanagem depriving of characteristics the landscape of the region transport of sediments for the local system of draining; emission of effluent in the net of pluvial draining and reduction of the Dry, responsible Lagoon for receiving the pluvial water proceeding from the Belvedere quarter and the BH shopping. For being considered Zone of Ambient Protection, the Dry Lagoon never could have been considered parcelamento area as VI can be observed in article 16, CAP. III, of Law 7.166/96; the urbanization caused a great waterproofing of the ground hindering infiltration them waters them rains in compromising the recharge water-bearing them that they supply the hidrogrfica basin of the Stream of the Cercadinho. Between points boarded, valley to stand out questions associates to transit, contamination of ground and to climate, as points in evolution in studies available on region as well as measures that comes being taken for proper inhabitants of region (Belvedere and areas surrounding) that they present intervention in the negative ambient conditions that if reveal of increasing form, in consequence of the disordered occupation. 4,1 Cortizo transit (2002, apud AMORIM, 2007) points the transit as one of the main happened problems of the urbanization of the quarter Belvedere III, in the measure where it brought a significant addition in the sum of cars that circulate in the region. It must be considered as factor aggravation to the movement of vehicles in the region, the expansion of the land divisions of the city of New Rasp that, currently, motivates action on the part of the agencies of transit minimizing the situation of hanging of the transit evidenced in the region. .