One of the main causes of pasta from sticking together is that the water had not yet reached full boil. When you add the pasta to the water that has not yet reached the boiling point, it releases natural starches, which act like glue. Since the pasta is simply sitting in the water at the time, the threads are sticking. 6. Let the water return to a boil as quickly as possible after adding the pasta. In the case of strings of pasta like spaghetti or linguine, stir the pasta until it withers and immersed in boiling water, cover the pot until the water returns to boil. When the water has boiled, however, uncover the pot and finish cooking uncovered. 7. Toss the pasta two or three times during the cooking process. Pasta cooks in eight to ten minutes. The brief time you spend attending the same distance from the family or guests will get enormous benefits to the dinner table. 8. Never add olive oil to pasta cooking water. The olive oil coats the pasta, and prevents the sauce adhere to it when you put the entire dish together. 9. Cook the pasta ‘al dente’ state. The only way to judge is by tasting. The cooking times are mere guidelines of the manufacturer. Begin tasting the pasta about two minutes before the manufacturer says to do. In addition, there will be a small amount of kitchen extension between the time you remove the pasta from the stove, drain in the sink, and combine with sauce. 10. Never rinse pasta. When you rinse the pasta, which is taking most of the starches and nutrients that you were looking for on the first place. So be there. Be attentive. Taste, and learn when pasta has cooked to the consistency you like. Follow these ten little steps, and you develop a reputation as a miracle worker with pasta. And with the large number of sauces in the kitchen of Italian and Italian-have expanded their cooking repertoire beyond your dreams.