Conflicts Between Parents

Practically all adult man already came across with a situation in which its opinion was acentuadamente divergent, or until if it opposed to another position, having verified to be difficult to find a consensus without a minimum of consuming. With this, many times, the solution was to prevent the prolongation of the subject and to keep in the distance enters the parts grumblers. When a conflict as this occurs in familiar companies, the situation is more delicate. The conflicts generally appear in the small details, however they costumam to be endorsed for deep beddings as the disrespect to the personal differences, or the lack of information. Moments exist at which the conflict arises with bigger easiness and the moment of the enterprise succession is one of these, especially when it elapses of the death of the father, situation in which grows the expectation on the positioning of the people in the organization, especially with regard to the heirs, its spouses and its proper descendants. These situations are sufficiently common, as much that Sabemos that to lead she is to obtain that other people make what we want, are to influence the others in its attitudes. All the parents would like that its children were better that they themselves, therefore, need to act as leader for, thus, to influence to be as they desire it them, explain the organizacional consultant Sonia Jordo.

Sonia still of some tips of leadership, that, according to it, are used for good leaders in the organizations: – The right of the other Respects, thus you conquest its confidence. – It knows to hear, gives attention in the other. – Either capable to understand and to pardon. To make a mistake is> is saying one label of that it is of some form will make much thing to keep this. – The principle of the leadership Uses that is: to praise in public and to criticize in particular. Sonia Jordo is specialist in leadership, palestrante, business consultant and writer. Author of the book the Art to lead Living deeply changes in a globalizado world, and of books of pocket and now, Venceslau? – How to leave of being an explosive leader and and now, Lvia? Challenges of the leadership
