Buenos Aires

In fact, some factories have already laid off its staff before the decline in activity or have advance its employees vacation. It is said, that it is notable, as it has dropped the purchase of cars, appliances and buildings, that is why the Government launched plans to stimulate consumption through, for example, an exchange of refrigerators and ovens plans; and financing of cars of kilometer zero very significant, when he says, that the productive sector most affected is of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in case for example of Argentina, still in Venezuela, where the first generates almost 90% of total employment in the country. Although there are no specific figures, the Undersecretariat of small and medium-sized enterprises and Regional Development (Sepyme) estimates that there are 1.550.000 SMEs active, of which 71% are based in the province of Buenos Aires. The Agency classifies SMEs according to average annual sales of the past three exercises, being different cutting of According to the sector to which belongs the signature. Thus, a service company which billed less than $135,000 microenterprise; While a construction firm that generates sales of less than 7 million dollars it is classified as a medium-sized company. Therefore, the challenges for SMEs in 2009 formed a long list, which could be summarized in the opinions of specialists such as Enrique Dentice, researcher at the National University of San Martin (UNSAM): when all sectors see a contraction in demand, high domestic interest rates (of at least one 20%), prices that do not give margin and clear, lower profitability, the challenges are important. It can be inferred that uncertainty and mistrust will act differing investment projects, which profitability will feel even more battered, making sure the own funding has a very high weight for the development, he argues. For Jorge Colina, researcher at the school of Economics of Universidad Catolica Argentina (UBA), problems they will be presented in those who work for the local market as well as exporting SMEs: the cycle of the Argentine economy heavily dependent on international trade cycle.
