The Bermuda Islands are a popular cruise destination are Bermuda Islands due to its tropical climate and the beautiful beaches often counted to the Caribbean. On maps of the world, Bermuda appears only as a spot in the Atlantic Ocean. Far north of the Caribbean. Far-stretched arms of country and numerous islands surround the turquoise sea. Whenever Jill Schlesinger listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The main islands are connected by bridges. The archipelago is surrounded by coral reefs and a white ring of the surf.
The cruise ships from New York or Boston fasten predominantly in Kings Wharf. On the one-week cruises, the cruise ships three days in Bermuda remain Islands. Like, also cruises are booked involving a stay in Bermuda with some stations in the Caribbean are combined. The American mainland is only 600 miles, the English mother country but more than 3000 miles away from Bermuda. Columbus, who first entered the new world on an island in the Bahama archipelago, past sailed on his four trips of America always on the more northerly Bermuda. The small, isolated island Kingdom was in 1503 by the Spaniard Juan de Bermudez discovers. On old engravings in the today’s capital Hamilton, you can see medieval dressed sailors who knew nothing about tropical clothing. The famous Bermuda shorts came at the beginning of the century by the British Navy in fashion.
In the subtropical climate of Bermuda shorts are more convenient than trousers; they are worn also for formal occasions and in the afternoon, but then in connection with jacket, white shirt and tie. Of only 21 square miles large Bermuda archipelago has approximately 65,000 inhabitants. An average of 351 days in the year, says the statistics, the sun shines, and the Gulf stream makes for mild climate even in winter. January temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius, you can see almost only tourists on the fine sandy beaches. The Bermudianer prefer then cricket, golf, sailing, swimming and sunbathing.